
Artifact creator

Archaes is a young boy of 9 year's old,who is nothing but a street rat that eats after others leftovers. But fate always comes with changes and surprises,so did his fate. The story of a how a mere street rat became the one of the greatest figures in history.

ShreShan · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Ch9:The city of jewels.

As the caravan settled in for the night, the travelers gathered around the campfire, its flickering flames casting a warm glow on their faces. The air was filled with the aroma of cooking food and the soft murmur of conversation.

Archeas found himself a spot near the fire, grateful for the warmth after a long day on the road. He tore into a piece of bread, listening to the stories and laughter around him. Eventually, one of the older travelers, a grizzled man with a kindly face, turned to Archeas.

"So, lad, where are you headed?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.

Archeas swallowed his mouthful of bread and replied, "I'm going to Lumeria. I've heard it's famous for its jewelry crafting and the mines of precious jewels."

A hush fell over the group, and several people exchanged worried glances. The old man's smile faded, replaced by a look of concern.

"Lumeria, you say?" he muttered, stroking his beard. "That's a dangerous place for a young lad like yourself."

Archeas frowned, puzzled by their reactions. "Why do you say that? I thought Lumeria was a prosperous city."

Another traveler, a woman with sharp eyes and a stern demeanor, spoke up. "It is prosperous, alright. But it's also full of treachery and deceit. The wealth there attracts all sorts of unsavory characters. Thieves, swindlers, even corrupt officials."

Archeas's heart sank a little, but he tried to maintain his composure. "I appreciate the warning, but I've made up my mind. I want to see what I can learn from the craftsmen there. Maybe even find some work."

The old man sighed, shaking his head. "Just be careful, lad. Keep your wits about you and don't trust anyone too easily. Lumeria can chew up and spit out the unwary."

"I will," Archeas promised, feeling a mix of apprehension and determination. "Thank you for the advice."

The conversation around the fire turned to other topics, but Archeas couldn't shake the sense of foreboding that had settled over him. He stared into the flames, lost in thought.

"Is this really a good idea?" he wondered, doubt creeping into his mind. But then he remembered Harlan's words and the hammer in his bag. "I have to try. I have to see for myself."

As the night wore on and the campfire burned down to embers, Archeas lay down to sleep, his mind swirling with thoughts of the journey ahead. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to face whatever challenges Lumeria had in store for him.

With a final glance at the stars above, Archeas closed his eyes, the warmth of the fire and the soft murmur of the camp easing him into a restless sleep. Tomorrow would bring new challenges, but he was ready to meet them head-on.

The journey to Lumeria stretched on for two long weeks. Each day, the caravan rolled through new landscapes, from rolling hills to dense forests, and Archeas found himself learning more about the world beyond Inca.

Around the campfires at night, Archeas listened intently to the stories and conversations of his fellow travelers. It didn't take long for him to gather a wealth of information about Lumeria.

"Lumeria's a place like no other," one merchant said, poking at the fire with a stick. "The rich folks there live in luxury you can't even imagine. Gilded mansions, fine silks, the best food and drink. But for those without coin, it's a hard, unforgiving city."

Archeas frowned, leaning forward. "So, if you're not wealthy, what happens to you?"

An older woman, her face lined with years of travel, shook her head sadly. "Life there is cruel for the poor. The upper society looks down on anyone without money. Low-rank merchants, like us, we just pass through for a bit of rest. We don't trade there. The city's elite have their own sources, and they don't welcome competition."

Another traveler chimed in, his voice low and serious. "You'll be treated like dirt if you don't have wealth or connections. It's no place for a young lad with empty pockets."

Despite the warnings, Archeas's resolve didn't waver. "I've faced tough situations before," he thought, clenching his fist. "I'll find a way to make it work."

One evening, as they were nearing the end of their journey, a more optimistic piece of information came to light. A middle-aged miner, with soot-stained hands and a tired smile, spoke up. "There's one good thing about Lumeria. The mines. They'll employ anyone willing to work hard. If you can handle the labor, it's a way to earn a living."

Archeas's eyes lit up. "Tell me more about the mines."

The miner nodded. "It's grueling work, no doubt about it. Long hours, dangerous conditions. But they pay decently, and if you're lucky, you might even find a gem or two. It's not much, but it's a start."

Archeas felt a flicker of hope. "Maybe this is my way in," he thought. "A way to survive and learn while I figure out my next move."

As the caravan finally approached the glittering gates of Lumeria, Archeas's mind was a whirl of thoughts and plans. He knew the road ahead would be challenging, but he felt ready. He had his skills, his determination, and now, a potential opportunity in the mines.

When they arrived, Archeas bid farewell to his fellow travelers, thanking them for their advice and stories. With his bag slung over his shoulder and Harlan's hammer tucked safely inside, he stepped into the bustling, opulent city of Lumeria.

"Here we go," he murmured to himself, taking in the grandeur around him. "Time to see what I'm really made of."

And with that, Archeas began his new journey, ready to face the trials and opportunities that awaited him in the city of jewels.

At night, Archeas lay down on the hard, narrow bed in his small room. The inn was the cheapest he could find in Lumeria, yet it still cost him a hefty 20 brass coins per day. He stared up at the ceiling, his mind churning with the events of the day.

"The people in this city are worse than trash," he muttered to himself, clenching his fists in frustration.

Since arriving in Lumeria, he had been forced to apologize to ten different people for the most ridiculous reasons. One woman, draped in luxurious silks and jewels, had made him apologize for breathing too loudly in her presence. The memory made his blood boil.

"How can anyone be so arrogant?" Archeas thought, shaking his head. But despite his anger, he couldn't deny the thrill he felt from his pickpocketing success. In just one day, he had managed to steal 2,500 brass coins, bringing his total savings to 3,400.

He let out a bitter laugh. "Even with all this money, it feels like nothing in this city. The inn alone costs a fortune. At this rate, I'll be broke in no time."

Archeas turned on his side, trying to find a more comfortable position on the lumpy mattress. The weight of the ring on his finger felt oddly reassuring, a reminder of his journey and the skills he had honed.

"I need to find a better way to make a living," he mused, staring at the flickering candle on the bedside table. "Stealing can only get me so far. Maybe the mines will be a good start. Hard work, but at least it's honest."

He sighed, feeling the exhaustion of the day settle over him. "I'll figure it out," he promised himself. "I've come this far. I won't let this city beat me."

With that resolve, Archeas closed his eyes, letting the sounds of the bustling city outside lull him to sleep. Tomorrow would be another day, another chance to prove himself and carve out a place in Lumeria.