
Artifact creator

Archaes is a young boy of 9 year's old,who is nothing but a street rat that eats after others leftovers. But fate always comes with changes and surprises,so did his fate. The story of a how a mere street rat became the one of the greatest figures in history.

ShreShan · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Ch23: Expect the unexpected.

After a year and a half of relentless hard work, Archaes was now sixteen years old and had a strong mastery over his core set of skills. His abilities in blacksmithing, alchemy, and magic had grown considerably, and he finally succeeded in creating a successful enchanted item: a cloak that allowed him to glide through the air. It was a testament to his perseverance and growing prowess in the arcane arts.

One evening, as the sun cast long shadows across the mage district, Cyril called Archaes into his study. The room was filled with ancient tomes and mystical artifacts, their soft glow casting an ethereal light on Cyril's stern face.

"Archaes," Cyril began, his voice steady and authoritative, "in one week, the mission will be announced to the public. In a month, all the candidates and staff will be departing. You should start preparing all the things you will need."

Archaes nodded, his heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. "I understand, Master Cyril. I'll start making my preparations immediately."

That night, Archaes meticulously drafted a list of ingredients, tools, and other necessities he would require. The list was extensive, including rare herbs, enchanted metals, alchemical equipment, and personal items. The next morning, he presented the list to Cyril, who reviewed it with a critical eye before approving it.

"Everything you need will be provided," Cyril said, handing the list back to Archaes. "Make sure you are well-prepared. This journey will be perilous."

Archaes spent the next few days gathering his supplies and creating new weapons and potions. He worked tirelessly in the forge, the heat and the rhythmic clanging of metal on metal a familiar and comforting backdrop. In the alchemical lab, he brewed potent potions, each concoction a blend of precise ingredients and careful timing.

However, unbeknownst to Archaes, a sinister plan was unfolding behind the scenes. Marla, who had always been a stern and demanding mentor, had been plotting against him. The night before the public announcement, she approached him with a relic in hand, her eyes gleaming with a malevolent intent.

"Archaes," she said, her voice unnaturally sweet, "you have done well. But there is one more thing you must do before the mission."

Archaes looked up from his work, suspicion flickering in his eyes. "What is it, Marla?"

With a swift movement, Marla revealed the relic, a dark, pulsing object that radiated a malevolent energy. Before Archaes could react, she began to chant an incantation, the words wrapping around him like invisible chains. He felt his mind fogging, his will slipping away as the relic's power took hold.

"Marla!" he shouted, struggling against the encroaching darkness. "What are you doing?"

Marla's face twisted into a cruel smile. "This was the plan all along, Archaes. You are merely a tool, and now you will obey."

But Archaes was not so easily subdued. With a fierce determination, he reached for a dagger he had kept nearby, his fingers closing around the hilt. Summoning every ounce of his strength, he lunged at Marla, the blade flashing in the dim light.

"Rule number one of a street rat," he snarled, slashing at her, "never trust anyone."

Marla recoiled, her spell broken. She stumbled back, clutching her arm where the dagger had cut her. Archaes wasted no time. He grabbed his belongings, his mind racing with the need to escape. Corax, sensing the danger, flew to his side, ready to aid his master.

As Marla regained her composure and lunged at him again, Archaes hurled one of his explosive concoctions at the wall, creating a deafening explosion. The wall crumbled, leaving a gaping hole.

"Rule number two of a street rat," he shouted over the chaos, "expect the unexpected."

With that, he and Corax bolted through the hole, escaping into the night. Behind them, Marla screamed in frustration, her plans in ruins.

Cyril appeared beside her, a look of calm consolidation on his face. "Do not worry, Marla. We still have the backup candidate. The ancient secrets will be ours."

Marla, still clutching her bleeding arm, looked puzzled. "But what about the parchment? He took it."

Cyril smirked, pulling out the parchment that Archaes had stolen and setting it alight. "The parchment was nothing but an item that gave hypnotic suggestions. It was never truly valuable."

The next morning, Archaes found himself in a dim alleyway, his heart pounding from the night's events. He took a moment to inspect what he had managed to bring with him: his apothecary briefcase with all the vials still intact, a dagger, the whip, a spear, the metal ingot, his book, and his remaining seventy silver coins. It wasn't much, but it was enough to start over.

Later that day, he made his way to the palace gates, blending in with the crowd that had gathered for the public announcement. The rulers of all the kingdoms of the three races stood on a grand platform, their voices carrying over the assembled masses.

The speech was filled with lots of glorified words but it could best be described as

"We have discovered a new land and we are calling for the mass recruitment of people aged sixteen to eighteen to become pioneers in this new territory."

Archaes listened intently, his mind racing. There was no mention of ancient civilizations, no hint of the true nature of the mission. The realization struck him like a bolt of lightning. The people in power were planning to recruit masses of young people as foot soldiers and cannon fodder, while their chosen candidates would monopolize any valuable discoveries.

He clenched his fists, anger and determination coursing through him. "They're using the recruits as pawns," he muttered to himself. "But I won't be a pawn. I'll be the one to turn the tables."

With a renewed sense of purpose, Archaes made his way to the recruitment office. He filled out the necessary forms, blending in with the other hopefuls who dreamed of adventure and glory. But his goal was different. He would infiltrate this mission, not as a pawn, but as a thief in the shadows, stealing from the ones richer and more powerful than him.

As he handed in his application, he couldn't help but smile. The game was afoot, and he was ready to play. The powerfull had no idea what was coming. Archaes was determined to uncover the secrets of the Ancients, not for them, but for himself. And if anyone tried to stop him, they would soon learn the true meaning of a street rat's cunning.