
Chapter 1

"BEEP BEEP BEEP!" went off the noises of the alarm clock.

Grunting, I fold my pillow over my head, covering my ears, try to ignore the oblivious siren trying to force me out of sleep and comfort. But the noise only started getting louder and louder, until an even more annoying alarm came bursting into my room.

"Wake you ass up Art!" Says a feminine voice from my bedroom doorframe. The door swinging open, hitting the plastered wall making a baseball size hole in it.

I turn to her, giving her a hard glare.

"Why are you bothering me Jasmine." I groan at her.

I look at my sister's clothing. She is wearing her usual Maurices light blue ripped jeans, because that is todays style, though I don't understand how ruining your clothing makes them more stylish. Besides her hellish jean choice, she decided to add a COOKI crop hoodie..

"Have you seriously forgotten what today is!" She shrills at me. My ears throbbing from her hellish roar.

"Its the first day of school you moron!" She ridicules me.

I tilt my head towards the alarm clock, it still making the obnoxious blare. A neon green projection of the time and date appears from the circular object that the horrendous noise is coming from.

8:07 A.M. 8/17/2123 - First day of Highschool

I squint my eyes to ready it more clearly, and after the sudden realization dawned on me, I sprung out of bed.

"That's today?!" I yell in shock.

I scramble to my feet, dashing to my closet, my blanket almost causing me to trip. The hormonal asshole that caused the hole in my wall rolls her eyes and mutters something under her breath, probably an insult about me being clumsy.

I open my closet door, revealing an assortment of clothing color and styles. I look through the array of clothes, soon grabbing a simple red and grey striped shirt.

"Mom said she is making pancakes today." She says.

I look at her in confusion.

"Mom had time to make breakfast today?" I ask, putting on the striped shirt.

She nods her head.

"hurry up and get dress now, I still have to drive you to school." She says, walking away from my room, slamming the door behind her.

I continue to stare at the door for a bit, expecting someone to barge through again, but snapped back into reality realizing I don't have time to space out.

I go back to the closet and go to the left side on the walk in closet where a pile of neatly folded jeans lay. Grabbing a pair of Denim jeans, I swiftly put it on jumping around like a rabbit trying to force my feet through the legs of the jeans.

After that tussle, I grab a pair of Black New Balance tennis shoes and quickly put them on.

I rush to a door next to the closet revealing a bathroom behind it, I sprint to the sink looking at myself. my rose gold hair was a complete mess, hair strands sticking out every which way. i grab a brush and brush down most of the hair, then grab a comb to neaten things up. looking at the mirror, I can see a pair of silver eyes peering back at me.

I was born with a rare deformity that made my eyes...unique compared to others, or that's what my mother says.

grabbing my toothbrush, I do a full 2 minutes of teeth brushing, rinsing out my mouth with water, and leave the bathroom. I rush to the bedroom door, whipping it open and dashing down the spiral stairwell.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, I sprint down the hallway that hung many pictures on the wall, mostly expensive paintings. There is a few family portraits, but most of them are me and my sis Jasmin.

I hurry to the kitchen where a woman stands over the conventional oven. She turns and sees me, smiling.

"Morning Arthur, glad to see you are up this early." she says is a sweet tone.

Her hair is a black with silver streaks in it, wrapped tightly in a bun. She wears her stylish Dolce & Gabbana suit jacket with a pair of black J brand's. The sound of click-clacking comes as she walks around in her black Balenciaga square-backs, grabbing butter and syrup.

"Morning mom." I yawn to her.

I rub my eyes, trying to get the sleep out of them. To no avail, I looked around and saw jasmine sitting in the dining room that was connected to the kitchen. She is doing her usual think of looking through her phone, scrolling through social media most likely.

I walk over to her and sit down at the table. I look at her again, a small smile appears on her face. Curious, I glance at her phone to see what it was. It seems She was texting with someone. Trying to see who she was texting, Jasmine happens to look up and noticing what I'm scheming. Snapping her phone towards herself, she gives me a hard glare.

"The hell you looking at art." She sneers.

"Who are you texting?" I ask curiously.

She grips her phone tightly, almost like it was a baby. Though, with how attached she is to it, I wouldn't be surprised if it is to her.

"My friends from school, now stop bothering me."

Mom comes walking from the kitchen, holding two plates of food. She glances at Jasmines phone, shaking her head.

"You know the rules." She says, Jasmine looking up at her.

"I know but-" before Jasmine could finish, mom abruptly stops her.

"No electronics at the table, or else I take it away for the day." Mom states, setting down the food in front of us.

Jasmine slouches in her seat, slowly stuffing her phone into her pocket. Mom ruffles her head, and lets out a small chuckle.

"Not having your phone while we are sitting together won't bother, it didn't bother you before you hit this hormonal phase you are in." She says, sitting down next to her.

Jasmine rolls her eyes with a defiant manor.

"For the last time mom, this isn't a phase, this is how I see myself." Jasmine replies.

Mom only rolls her eyes and sighs.

"Did one of your 'Friends' tell you to do this." Mom says to Jasmine, Making air-quotes over the word "Friends". Mom and Jasmine continue to talk back and forth, but i just block them out and focus on the food.

It is Pancakes with butter layered onto it and syrup drizzled onto it, the center of the cake seems to be a little burnt though. As a side for the pancakes, is three pieces of slightly burnt bacon. Mom would always say that her cooking isn't the greatest, but in my opinion, I'm happy she made time to try.

I look up from the food and see Jasmine and mom still having their heated debate.

"The food looks good mom." I tell her, trying to change the subject so the stop bickering.

She turns to me and smiles.

"Thank you Arthur, it makes me happy that you say that." She says warmly, reaching over the table and ruffling my head like she did with Jasmine.

Jasmine glares at mom for a second, but goes to eat her plate of food. After mom stops scuffing my hair, I begin to eat too. As I thought, the pancakes are a little burnt along with the bacon, but still eatable.

After we finish eating, an alarm sound emits from moms jeans. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out her phone. Jasmine peers at her.

"So I can't my phone out, but you can?" She says in a sassy remark. Mom ignores her and looks at the screen of her phone.

"Damn, I need to get going guys." She says, quickly standing up, racing around the table. She give Jasmine a kiss on the head.

"Love you." She says to her. She then dashes to me, hugging me.

"Have a good first day of school ok." She says to me before making a quick run to the kitchen island, grabbing her black Valentio Garavani rockstud Shoulder bag, and bolting out the door.

"Surprised she can run like that in high-heals." I say aloud. Jasmine looks out the window to the front of the house, slowly pulling out her phone.

"That's mom for ya." She says, turning on her phone.

I take my finished plate to the kitchen and start to wash it. after putting the plate in the sink, I look up towards Jasmine, who is walking towards me with her plate.

"We better start heading out, school will start in a bit." She says, setting the plate on the counter next to the sink and starts walking towards the front door.

I clean off her plate and quickly place it into the dishwasher next to mine. After shutting it, I go to the front door, where my backpack with all my school supplies in it, Hanging on a hook on the wall. Grabbing it, I sling it onto my back, Jasmine waiting by the front door as I do.

"You got everything you need?" She asks me.

I nod me head to her and we both walk out the door, making sure to shut the door behind us.

Looking out at the front yard, I could see the massive grass field we had, neatly cut and trimmed. a Giant metal fencing surrounds the property, with grass hedges covering it.

Jasmine and I walk to the gate of the fence, she pushing in a code to the fence gate. Slowly, the fence gate slide open, and we both walk out. Looking around, I could see the other neighbors yard bots trimming the hedges and mowing the lawn.

"Lets get going." She says, pulling out a set of keys.

We both walk down the sidewalk a few feet down, where Jasmine walks around silver Lexus. Pressing a button on the car, the doors open and we both hop in, closing the door.

We set our backpacks in the backseat and Jasmine puts in one of the keys on her keychain into the ignition. Slowly, the car rises off the ground a few feet, a low purring noise coming from the engine.

"Alright, let get going." Jasmine states. Pushing down on the petal, we start to drive away from the house, towards an exciting first day of school.