
Arthur Godfrey: A GOT Fanfic (DROPPED)

I DON'T OWN GAME OF THRONES COVER NOT MINE *DROPPED* * I have decided to write another book with the same concept i thought of for this fic * Arthur Godfrey formerly Snow. Some say He is Evil, some say he is a Good Man. But nevertheless he was a Bastard, a Bastard who will do anything As long as it is in his Morals. He became a Lord at the age of 16, he became one when he defeated an Army of 100 Wildlings. He was the youngest Lord Ever. In the time of his Lordship he was a Great Lord, inventing ways for more efficient farming, made his people rich with food, and last but not least he was great Military Man. He made the Night's Watch better with limited Gold, Trained the Soldiers better, and many more. He was a Great Man. But all Great Men have Enemies. Arthur Godfrey, Exiled and Forgotten, Shall Return to the Spotlight With the Might of his Own Empire Behind Him. The Time for the World to have It's Ruler Starts Now. Roma Victor. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Hello i am LuffyTaro and this is my second Story Ever. My last story is short and i mean REALLY short so i don't think this is gonna be that long either. At most 25 chaps May or may not add relationships I am hoping to make this story as successful as the last so wish me good luck. I hope you enjoy the story!

LuffyTaro15 · TV
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33 Chs


"Great Fight, My Lord. Congratulations on your Victory."

"Thank you, Matias. Did you worry about me?"

"Not one bit, My Lord."

"Your a Good Liar! Cheers! To Braavos!"

""To Braavos!!""

Arthur and the Rest of them were in a Party organized for Him. On His side were Ariana, also enjoying the Party.

"Did you really have to Show Off like that?"

"C'mon, Ariana. Don't you want to see your Beloved's Prowess in Combat?"

"Fair Enough. But you won't stand a Chance against me though."

"Of Course. Just for my Beloved Ariana."

"What do you mean by that!?"

"Nothing, Nothing. Don't worry yourself about this Humble Servants thoughts."


A Sennight Later

Arthur and Ariana looked at the Majestic Ship, Arthur decided to name the Capital Ship Megin, Sigr, and Stormr (AN: In Old Norse Megin stands for Power, Sigr stands for Victory, and Stormr stands for Storm)

The One they were looking at were Megin, and it would be the one to Sail Him to Valyria.

"Are you sure about this, My Love?"

"Yes, can you imagine what will they say to me when i come back? They will say 'Arthur the Impaler, The Fearless, Conqueror of Braavos, And The First Man to ever go to Valyria and come back Alive.'"

"But what if you Fail?"

"What's Failure?"


Arthur was at the Deck of the Ship. Enjoying the Fresh Breeze of the Open Sea, sometimes he wished it was always like this. Enjoying the World with no problems and an Adventure in sight. Sadly this world is Cruel.

They had set sail from Braavos early in the Morning, he didn't bother waking up Ariana and saying goodbye. He knows She would try to stop him.

Raganvad was with him along with 100 Praetorian Guards. Calisto stayed in Braavos due to his job in the Council.

They were in the Lands of Pentos, nearing Tyrosh. They will sail for Five Days, Three if the Wind is in their favor, and right now, it seems like the Wind is in their favor.

Three Days Later

*Knock Knock*

"My Lord! We have just passed Lys! In about an Hour we shall see Old Valyria, My Lord."

"Okay, you can go now. Thank You."

Arthur went outside his Cabin and went in front of the Deck, waiting and waiting to see the Lands of Old Valyria, he couldn't wait and go there, and if they succeed, he wished to Acquire the Knowledge and Riches the Valyrians had in the past. A new Sword or Spear would be nice, Perhaps both if he's Lucky. But if they find more, he would surely give the Rest to Raganvad, Calisto, and Azaire, if there are more he shall give to his Praetorian Guards. And a nice Jewelry for Ariana, of course.

After about and an Hour he saw it. The Smoking Sea, it really was Smoking. He couldn't help but wonder if the Ship will withstand the Heat. He quickly banished the thought and thought 'It's the Hardest Wood in the World'

"Drop Anchor!"

""Drop Anchor!!""

Once they have Dropped Anchor he quickly summoned everyone on the Deck and form a Circle.

"As all of you know we are near the Smoking Sea, you have heard stories of how ships sink and all the messy things around it. Now, if what i read on a Book is Correct then the Smoking Sea has been filled with Volcanoes, causing the Heat, we will experience Extreme Heat and we will see Bubbles in the water. So, my method of going to the Peninsula is to, avoid this bubbles as Much as Possible. That is why even if anyone of you feel tired, you will continue to do your work until we reach the Peninsula. Got it?"

"Yes, My Lord."

"Good, All of you have Volunteered to go with me despite the Danger, so i hope you don't lose hope and not abandon this Adventure. Now go rest and fill your stomachs. We have a long Day ahead of us."




The Sea exploded on their right side but the Ship didn't even budge. Thank God, for the Builders. Heat Bubbles could be seen all around them, they have thrown out the unnecessary things and the moment it touched the Sea, it Evaporated.


He waited for them to reach the clear area, His every command could determine their Fate, and he would make sure that they succeed.


Every man Rowing on the Port side Immediately Rowed backwards and the ones on the Starboard Rowed forward.


They immediately Rowed in a Straight Line but suddenly an explosion happened in front of them and the Ship was flung Backwards.




(My Mother Told Me)

""My mother told me

Someday I will buy

Galleys with good oars

Sail to distant shores

My mother told me

Someday I will buy (buy)

Galleys with good oars

Sail to distant shores

Stand up on the prow

Noble baroque I steer

(Steady) steady course to the haven

Hew many foe-men

Hew many foe-men""


He waited again until they reached the designated spot.


The Ship turned with utmost Precision.


They followed his commands Like the Unsullied-No, Better than the Unsullied.


""My mother told me

Someday I will buy

Galleys with good oars

Sail to distant shores

My mother told me

Someday I will buy (buy)

Galleys with good oars

Sail to distant shores

Stand up on the prow

Noble baroque I steer

(Steady) steady course to the haven

Hew many foe-men


They sung and sung until they no longer saw the bubbles. In the Corner of Arthur's eyes, He saw a Dull Red Glint in the Distance, he looked Carefully into it and in a few moments he saw it. Valyria. Tall Buildings, Palaces, And Towers with Dragon Sculptures on top of it. They had Achieved it.

"Look Men!! We have Become Adventurers!!"

All of the them looked where Arthur were Pointing at, and once they saw what it is, they jumped in Excitement and Joy.



They Beached the Ship and Prepared for an Adventure the First to Touch the Ground was Arthur, he was Excited. he had wanted to go to Valyria since the Moment he Learned of it, and now, He was in Valyria itself.

The Rest of the Men followed suit, Clad in Armor and Holding Weapons just in case.

"We are the First Men to ever set foot on Valyria since the Doom!"


"We are Adventurers!"


"Hahaha! Raganvad! Your much more Excited than I am!"

"Im just riling up the Men, Arthur. Hahaha!"

They walked and walked until they Reached they Went up close the Wrecked Building they saw. They didn't go inside as it was too Dangerous. All over the Place was Riches.

Swords, Spears, Jewelries, and Many others. What he valued the most though were books, Even though most of them were Burned, the Remaining pieces he could find, he took it.

The Men were also Finding things, There weren't many arguments on who can keep it. Finders Keepers. Besides, there were more than enough for them. Raganvad also found the Jewelry that could appease his Wife's Anger.


"What is your Dream?"

Ariana asked as she woke Arthur up, She was curious on what Arthur's Dream was. When she live under Magister Idris she always Dreamt of Running Away. But now, she don't know what to do anymore.


"What is your Dream, Arthur?"

Silence fell as Arthur thought about it, he never thought about his Dream, when he was a Child he wanted to be a Knight, or a Lord. But when he faced the Harsh Reality of Life he never really thought about his Dream.

"And why do you ask?"




"Fight! Fight!"

Arthur yelled as he killed Five more of.... The Things they were Fighting. They were in Circle Formation, Surrounded and Fighting like Wild Animals. One moment they were just Exploring Old Valyria on foot, and another they were Attacked by this... Things.




"Is your Dream going to Valyria?"


"Then what is? And if it's not your Dream then what is? And why are you set on to going to Valyria when it's not your Dream?"




"Don't Lose Hope!"

He was tired. They had been Fighting like they were going to Die, and in some ways it was True. Of the 100 Men who came with him, roughly 60-70 of them has been Killed.




Silence Fell on both of them, Arthur Hesitating. He never shared his Dream to Anyone, because when He shared it to someone they Laughed at Him. Saying it was Impossible for someone like Him. But now, he was reaching his Dream, so Far yet so Close.





"Fuck You!"

He was surrounded, all around him were The Things they were Fighting. They were Desperately trying to Kill him without care for their own Safety.

"Die! Die! Die!"

He swung his Spear and killed everyone of them, but everytime he kills one another takes it's place. It was a Never Ending Cycle.

"Fight! Fight to the Last Drop of Blood!"

He killed another and another and another until he saw 𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵 Thing. It's Body was Red as Blood and it's Eyes Red as Fire. When it looked at him, it looked straight into his Soul. It just stood there, Staring at him. Something then turned him around and Stabbed him in the Stomach, he looked up and saw those Fiery Eyes staring into his Soul. It was the Last thing He saw.




"I want to be Remembered."