
Art of the flame

Derek_McElhenney · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 Part 2

Chapter 1 Part 2: The storm

Hikaru's gaze remained fixed on the enigmatic figure, his mind racing with anticipation. It wasn't long before the man's voice cut through the stillness once more.

"Well, since I'm dealing with a bunch of mutes... follow me."

With that directive, the man led them out of the concealed passageway. Hikaru couldn't help but wonder how the man had managed to find them. The library was typically devoid of many people, making their discovery all the more perplexing. Yet, his musings were quickly interrupted by the sight of Yuma, who appeared visibly jittery. A reassuring pat on the shoulder seemed to provide some solace.

"We're gonna be fine... maybe," Hikaru offered with a lighthearted smile.

Yuma managed a tentative smile in return. The man came to a sudden halt, causing Ezra to stop just in time to avoid a collision. As the door swung open, Hikaru stepped into the room, taking in his surroundings. It resembled an office, but the walls were adorned with a dizzying array of awards, trophies, medals, and diplomas.

Hikaru attempted to find a spot on the wall not covered in accolades when a voice broke through the stillness.

"Amazing, isn't it."

Turning towards the voice, Hikaru beheld an elderly man, his robe flowing, and his long white hair framing his face, a pointed beard accentuating his features. His insignia bore the number 0.

"I am the one they call Headmaster," he introduced himself, "you bunch can call me Osamu."

The mysterious man appeared taken aback by this familiarity. Osamu gestured towards the mysterious man.

"And this is Alexander, rank 2."

When Alexander's name was called, he flinched and then stared ahead, his demeanor tense. A beat of silence hung in the air before Osamu continued.

"So you kids want to learn about Chakra, huh?"

Hikaru was taken aback, wondering how Osamu knew of their interests. Nevertheless, he responded, perhaps a tad too loudly, "YES, HEADMASTER."

A soft chuckle escaped Osamu's lips, his eyes crinkling with amusement. He turned his attention to Yuma and Ezra.

"And what about you two?"

Yuma, though still visibly nervous, managed to summon his resolve. "I do," he affirmed.

Ezra nodded in agreement.


A wave of excitement swept over the group, even Yuma, who seemed to have shed his earlier apprehension. All except Alexander, who looked as of he saw a ghost.

Osamu's laughter echoed through the office, a warm and hearty sound that filled the space as the others fell into a momentary hush. "Well off you go then!" he declared, his voice carrying an air of anticipation. Hikaru's mind raced with the whirlwind of events, the suddenness of their departure still sinking in. "Wait, what? We're going tonight?" he blurted out, his eyes wide with surprise.

"Better now than never," Osamu replied with another chuckle, his confidence unwavering. It was a sentiment that hung in the air, urging the boys to seize this moment of opportunity.

With a newfound sense of urgency, the three friends rushed to their rooms. Hikaru's fingers moved with a practiced efficiency, packing essentials and supplies for the journey ahead. As he closed the last clasp of his bag, he found himself drifting into a contemplative trance.

A knock at the door jolted him from his reverie. Yuma and Ezra stood on the threshold, their own bags in tow. Yuma's luggage, seemed almost comical in its enormity, hinting at the trove of knowledge he was bringing along. "Are you planning to read the entire library?" Hikaru teased, awe and amusement dancing in his eyes.

Ezra, on the other hand, carried the same sack he had on the day they first arrived at the school. Hikaru couldn't help but marvel at the transformation of the room that had become his temporary home. It had quickly become a sanctuary of sorts.

Together, the trio made their way back to the office, where they found Alexander standing in the same spot, a pink bag adorned with red hearts slung over his shoulder. Osamu's laughter rang out once more as they entered. "Do you like the present I gave Alexander for his birthday?" he inquired, his eyes twinkling with mirth. "For some reason, it was stuffed in the back of his closet, but luckily I found it before he left for your journey."

Osamu's playful demeanor shifted as he transitioned to a more serious tone. "So..." he began, his gaze fixed on the three young adventurers. "Do you guys have any questions about your journey?" The response was unanimous; all three boys nodded, their curiosity palpable.

With a knowing smile, Osamu acknowledged their eagerness. "Well then, I guess you three and Alexander will have a lot to talk about," he remarked, an air of expectation lingering.

"And now," he continued, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes, "there is a horse-drawn carriage waiting for you all outside. The owner was adamant that he wouldn't be joining you on your journey to the forever raining rainforest..."

Hikaru watched as Osamu's smile grew, his enthusiasm infectious. "Enough talk though," he declared, turning to the trio. "Good luck on your journey, Voyagers."

Alexander, ever stoic, took his leave, his pink bag in tow. Hikaru trailed behind Yuma, his heart pounding with anticipation. Just before they left the courtyard, he caught a glimpse of Ezra leaning in, whispering something to Osamu. As always, Osamu's laughter followed, a comforting and familiar sound. Osamu leaving Ezra with a response"Godspeed".

They joined Alexander at the carriage, the grand school now a distant silhouette. The sky darkened, and the carriage forged onward, leaving behind the light of the academy. The stars emerged, pinpricks of light against the canvas of the night. Hikaru's gaze wandered, settling on his slumbering friends. Yuma and Ezra had succumbed to the embrace of sleep, their breathing steady and serene.

As the rhythmic sounds of the carriage filled the night, Hikaru, too, felt the pull of sleep. Just as his eyelids grew heavy, a melodic voice broke the silence, its soothing monotone lulling him into a peaceful trance. The mysteries of the forest would have to wait; for now, they were enshrouded in the quiet magic of the night.

In shadows deep, where secrets hide,

Through mystic arts and ancient lore,

With flames flickering, we'll learn to stride,

We'll rise above, we'll seek for more.

Flames flickering, in the night,

Guiding us to newfound light,

In every heart, the fire burns,

For knowledge gained, our spirits yearn.

With every step, we'll forge our way,

In chakra's dance, we'll find our grace,

Unravel mystery, night and day,

Igniting souls in this sacred space.

Through trials faced, and challenges met,

We'll rise above, no regrets,

With flames that dance, we'll find our fate,

In Ginshinro's halls, we'll celebrate.

As Hikaru roused from his slumber, he was met with an abrupt jolt, sending him upright. The morning sun bore down, casting a warm golden hue across the scene. Confusion clouded his vision as he tried to discern the cause of their sudden halt. Three imposing carriages stood as an unwavering blockade, flanked by four masked figures clad in grey.

Turning his gaze to Alexander, Hikaru noted an uncharacteristic air of displeasure etched across his features. The masked men advanced, their every step an ominous echo against the silence. It was then that Hikaru's eyes fell upon the glint of steel cradled in their hands.

Without warning, Alexander leaped from the carriage, his voice thundering in anger, "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS BLOCKING THE ROAD?" It was a rare display of fury, one that sent a shiver down Hikaru's spine. The masked men, undeterred, drew their swords, their intentions made clear.

One of them, a voice gruff and stern, spoke of taxes for passage across the bridge. Hikaru's gaze followed the path, revealing a cobblestone bridge spanning a desiccated riverbed. He exchanged a glance with his friends, their faces mirrored bewilderment.

Alexander's voice, now laced with incredulity, echoed through the confrontation. "I've crossed this bridge dozens of times and never once have been charged to do so." Laughter rippled among the masked men, the same speaker clarifying, "It's not that type of tax." Their swords ignited, a display of elemental mastery: three flames blue, one green.

In a heartbeat, Alexander surged forward, his arms ablaze with a vibrant teal fire. The scene erupted into a whirlwind of motion, a dance of fiery fists and calculated strikes. Hikaru's breath caught in his throat, awe coursing through him as he witnessed this spectacle of power.

With precision and a fierce determination, Alexander swiftly dispatched the green-flamed assailant, leaving no room for reprisal. The battle shifted, the final three thieves attempting to outmaneuver their formidable opponent. It was a symphony of skilled combat, every move calculated, every strike met with expert defense.

As the clash unfolded, Hikaru stood transfixed, his heart pounding in rhythm with the chaos before him. Yuma's voice, tinged with reverence, pierced the tension, "I think that is chakra." Ezra, his tone seasoned with knowledge, affirmed, "It is." The realization settled upon them like a revelation, a confirmation of the extraordinary world they had entered.

In the heart of the struggle, Alexander's flames blazed brighter, a testament to his unwavering resolve. Each strike resounded with purpose, the clash of steel and fire echoing through the air. With a final, resounding blow, the last thief fell, leaving nothing but a stillness in their wake.

The aftermath hung heavy, the adrenaline-fueled battle leaving an indelible mark on their journey. They stood amidst the lingering embers, a newfound understanding of the power that dwelled within them. The path ahead, once uncertain, now seemed to pulse with potential, beckoning them further into the realm of chakra.