
Art magic

Art magic Only I will…. Use it and master it

ActuallyGood · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 A new type of happiness

Mavious Darkwood was born

Although a cute baby he always had an angry look on his face

Never was he happy

And always cried he ALWAYS CRIED

But Jesse darkwood and Vivian darkwood pushed through

All those restless night with Little malice

that's what they nick named him because of his always angry

look and the restless nights he gave them

Jesse Darkwood :

Dark brown hair Type:Curly,length:short 2 inches below shoulder

Gender: Female

Looks:Gorgeous , curvy😳🫣

Hight:5 feet 4 inches

Mage type: earth magic:vines

Personality:loving,caring,not so shy 🙈

Vivian Darkwood:

Black hair Type: Curly,length: short almost past the ear

Gender: Male

Looks: average (very lucky for Jesse) toned

Hight:6 feet 4 inches

Mage type: not a mage a warrior

Warrior type: samurai

Personally: strict when Needs to be other than that very jovial person

It has been 5 years since I was born

I've always been angry since then by then I mean since I was born

From this I was nick named malice

Little malice to be exact

But still even though i hate towards everything

It I had no hate towards?...



ART it was glorious it's the only time I felt happy or near to happy

I don't know why it made me feel this way

Hell I don't even know why I am so angry all the time either



Oh god my retched parents

Although I feel hat towards them they always loved me I don't know why



Why can't they leave me alone

I broke my paint brush in the heat of the moment

My silent furry been painted up on my face

My anger being exhausted through my unknowing magic usage

Malice: what the fuck is that?

There before his eyes his halve painted art got off the paper becoming real

It stood there in all its glory

Well halve it's glory

There stood halve of a massive 6 foot Wolf the lower part of his body nonexistent


What is a F class wolf doing here

Jesse was supposed to be surprised but it was as she said an F class wolf

Even more surprise for both participants it howled then it turned into liquid

Paint fluid to be exact

Oh I see my little Malice can use magic now😭

Malice : fuck offfff