
Arrow God of Douluo

A lone survivor of a village was picked up by Title Douluo Tang Hao and raised as Tang San's brother. Lets watch this child as he embarks his journey to be one of the strongest Title Douluo in the entire continent.

Lindorm · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

The Sky Guards Battalion

After meeting with his brother and obtaining the fourth spirit ring, Tang Feng went back to Heaven Dou Imperial Academy and reported teacher Lu Yu about his gains.

Lu Yu was very happy to know this. He looked at Tang Feng seriously and declared "Xiao Feng, you obtained a very strong foundation. But still, there is a problem. You are still a flower of the greenhouse. You need to have a killing intent of an assassin which you still lack.

So, after a long discussion with the Board of Education, we have decided to send you and the entire Emperor Team to Sky Guard's Battalion. This is a battalion created by our Heavenly Dou Empire to fight against evil spirit masters.

Dark Spirit Masters are Spirit Masters with a Evil or Dark element type Spirit, but they use a dark method to increase their strength. These dark methods are for example: use the remains of an infant to cultivate, drain a Spirit Master's body of their soul energy, sacrifice the blood of humans, or etc. These methods of training allow the Dark Spirit Masters to develop their Spirit Power much faster than the normal Spirits Masters, even spirit beast turned human are not as fast. But it becomes harder for them to cultivate the higher rank they reach. Also they are stronger than normal spirit masters at the same cultivation rank.

Our empire has always dealt with Evil Spirit masters in the harshest ways possible. Your Emperor team will also join the Sky Guards Battalion in hunting down evil spirit masters. As for you, you will not fight with the Emperor team, but will be instructed by Master Hu personally.

Master Hu is a Spirit Saint and an old friend of mine. He is an accomplished assassin with Martial Spirit Dark Leopard. He will teach you how to kill enemies efficiently from dark. I hope you will learn well from him."


Next morning, Tang Feng took a carriage to Gengxin City to report to the Sky Guards Battalion. It took three days to reach Gengxin City. At the eastern corner of the city was the camp of Sky Guard Battalion.

Tang Feng took the letter of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy and gave it to the guards infront of the camp. The guard captain took the letter and read it. He then ordered the soldier to bring Tang Feng to Master Hu.

Following the soldier, Tang Feng went to a tent. From the tent came a middle aged man with dull eyes. He was handsome and his hair has grown longer over his shoulders. His long black gown helped him easily blend in the surrounding.

He scrutinized Tang Feng carefully and finally said "So, you are Lu Yu's disciple. From today on, you will start working with me. I won't give you any more lectures on Martial Spirits, but your task would be simple. You need to learn how to kill. Today, at evening we will go on a raid at evil spirit master's layer. You will come with me, start your training then."

"Sir, what about my teammates?" asked Tang Feng curiously!

"They will be divided with other veterans of the Battalion and will do their own missions. As for you, you will call me lieutenant and will complete the missions along with me. Now disperse, meet me as soon as the sun sets. You will be punished if you are late. Go to the next tent and don't roam around until called. Someone will bring you food when it's time!" replied Master Hu.

Tang Feng followed the commands and went to the tent to meditate. The tent was simple, with a single meditation cushion along with a table and a chair, there was dark gloominess surrounding the tent.

Tang Feng started cultivating Mysterious Heaven Skills in his tent. He waited patiently for the sun to set. After that he immediately went to Master Hu's tent to report.

Master Hu was standing in front of his tent, draped in a black gown. He handed over a black gown to Tang Feng and instructed him to wear it quickly.

After wearing it, he was to follow Master Hu to the Evil Spirit Master's lair. Master Hu skillfully moved through the forest. But it took Tang Feng a lot of effort to follow him.

Even after using shadow steps, it was too hard for him to catch up with Master Hu. Rather, Master Hu had to deliberately slow down to let Tang Feng catch up with him!

Finally, Master Hu ordered Tang Feng to stop. They hid on the top of a tree and Master Hu pointed at six people at six different sides of the cave. His task was simple, Tang Feng had to snipe all of these six people without raising an alarm.