
Arrogant Young Master's Chat Group

In a Cultivation Bug World where cultivators can form a symbiotic relationship with bug beasts to access the natural energy auras. Lived life as an arrogant cultivation young master, Lin Baal swore and made it his resolution to not show any weaknesses as long as he could stay as a young master forever. But one day, he stumbled upon a device that allows him to communicate and chat with his Alternate universe selves and these other versions of himself in alternate universes have amazing titles, powers, and knowledge of things he didn't know. Lin Baal became horrified and angered when he found out that he will just become a stepping stone as it is written on every young master's fate like him. Fortunately, he discovered that he could download things and skills of his impressive other-selves in Chat Group. With those skills and things he would/could download, he will use it against fate and murder other high-level young masters to keep his position while going against the main character of this world! "I, LIN BAAL! AM THE MOST COMPLETE YOUNG MASTER IN ALL EXISTENCE!!!" Warning:  Arrogant/Prideful young master MC.  Not so much of a comedy unless I make my MC an idiot to make it more fun but I don't like it. I also appreciate the comments.  Chapters: 1.5 - 2K words, 1 - 3 chap/a day

Bad_Totodile · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Young masters face off!

Bold and lofty, unrestrained, all kinds of 'aspirations' would be washed away by the waves. Even life itself will perish. But what is the big deal?

A nobleman is not a slave to external matters, aloof from the world, forgetting gains and losses.

Destiny is fickle, so why uphold your disposition, throw away your mask, and find your true self?

The true self is unyielding, the true self is lonely. Even if my life is the setting sun, I will live my splendor.


Young master Lin looked down at the mangled corpse of the bug beast he just killed.

'This tyrannosaurus Earwig is extremely fast despite its large size. It would have been a perfect ride or a nice mount for me. However, if I don't kill this bug beast, my Clansmen would've died because of its ability.

'Lin Shao said that the only way to dispel the effect is to kill this beast within an hour or they will be forever in their slumber.

'Damn this fate! How am I supposed to face alone a group of people? With my echo slam!? I don't even know if that sh*t will work on flying or jumping creatures or not. After all, in-game.

'In the game video that the fatty sent me, only the heroes with magic resistance can evade the impact.

'However, this is my world. The rule here is that symbiotic cultivator earth (ground) aura attacks won't be able to hurt sky or flying creatures.

'What if the Teng family have flying users? What if my skill echo slam didn't work on jumping or flying clansmen sh*ts of the Teng Family?

'That's why I need people to back me up. But this creature nearly killed them all! This is the only way I have no other choice. As a tribute to your life, I will eat you once my Clansman woke from their sleep.


'I will devour you right here! Right now! Even if you are a filthy bug beast!'

Young master Lin thought so while smoking his two King-size cigarettes calmly.

"Whoo! This thing is a little relaxing. That fatty said that it might destroy my liver, but since I'm a cultivator, I can just clean it anytime.

"I can't wait for the next product he will send me. He said it's called wine, different kinds of wines and it is used to drink with women. There is also wine here, but I wonder what their universe wine tastes like.

"It's making me tremble with excitement."

The young master's voice was soothing. Just by hearing him, one could imagine that he was so relaxed.

Suddenly, out of nowhere.

"Who are you!?"

The young master heard a voice. When he glanced in the voice's direction, he saw something familiar.

'He is wearing something similar to that person I killed earlier. Another clansman of the Teng Family?'

"Your clothing, you are from the Teng Family. Tell me, do you know Teng Feng?"

Teng Feng was a little surprised, confused, he asks with a proud voice.

"Why are you looking for this, you master? Did my father send you, or are you an assassin?"

Young master Lin couldn't believe it.

"You are Teng Feng?"

Teng Feng proudly thumps his chest.

"I am Teng Feng, son of Teng Zuffa! The patriarch of Teng Family!"

The eyes of young master Lin became watery with little tears falling from them when he noticed that the person in front of him answered like a typical young master!

'He is Teng Fang!

'He is Teng Fang!


'He is Teng Fang!'

Young master Lin is delightful. He even ignored the three girls on the side. Focusing all his attention on the young master in front of him.

'Finally, I've been searching, looking, and trying to locate, but it's like I defied fate once again! Finally, I will know if fate would stop me from doing something.'

Young master grew a wicked smile. Remembering the things that all happened to him.

'A lot of misfortune happened to me! My clansman, Lin Hal! My servant, Bo Zu! My woman, Li Ren! Now, it almost took away my group of clansmen!

'Because of that damned fate! After I revived them, your Teng Family killed them! Once I murder you, I will! I will know if things about fate are true!'

Young master Lin's muscles tightened. His finger grips his Coffin tightly as his aura exploded like a volcano!

He looked at Teng Feng with killing intent. His bloodlust was full of malicious intent that even the girls on the side couldn't open their mouths. Much more moving.

'I'm so glad that you're still a normal cultivator. Murdering you would be easy.' he said as he noticed that Teng Feng is still a weakling normal cultivator.

Teng Feng was overwhelmed by the sudden event. He is feeling suffocated by the vastness of the malicious aura of the stranger in front of him.

"What is this!? Who are you!? You're going to kill me!? Do you know who I am!? What did I ever do to you!?"

Teng Feng was panicking. To the girls, he is not the slightest bit afraid, because he can sense that they all lost their cultivation and natural energy aura. But this stranger is different.


Young master laughed in madness.

"You did a lot of things against me! Do you know!?

"You killed my clansman, Lin Pang!

"You killed my loyal servant Bo Zu!"

The ears of Li Ren on the side perked up when she heard the familiar names. Her eyes widened and in surprise, her body couldn't help but tremble. Her eyes bulged...

Nie Zili however was trembling.

'This is the young master? What have I done? I thought taking away his treasure would make him a cripple or a weakling.

'Why does it seem he became even stronger and more powerful than he was in my past life!?'

Young master Lin is not done. The ground he is standing on cracked.


"DO YOUUUUU!!!???"

Young master lifted his coffin. He was ready to attack, but before that; he opened his mouth with a roar of a raging beast!




Li Ren's bulging tear finally fell! She couldn't take it anymore and cry.

Young master Lin moved faster than sound. The wind didn't even whistle even if he had a destructive aura. Instantly, Teng Feng saw the enemy in front of him. He didn't know what to do, what to react, or didn't have the time to know what was happening.

'Even if you can move into this position, whatever resistance you do is inevitable. This young master will replace you now, the weakling young master of Teng Family!'

Young master Lin said. His last thought before killing the young master he will replace.




His coffin blasted the body from the chest. Its flesh and blood splash wildly in the grasses.

Still, young master Lin's expression was grim. He looked up and saw a hundred figures wearing Teng Family clothing up in the trees. He then focused his eyes on a certain individual and thought.

'This guy is not dead yet? Didn't I already murder him earlier before coming here? Mysterious. I couldn't erase the young master of Teng Family that easily. There are a lot of things going on here.'

On the tree branch.

*Pant* *Pant* *Pant*

"I nearly died.

"I nearly died.

"I nearly died.

"How did he become so strong like that!? Is that the young master of the Lin Family?"

Teng Feng couldn't believe it. His brother saved him at the right moment, but he still wondered how the hell did the young master of the Lin Family get so strong.



Teng Cheng's voice was loud and clear. Although he's not close with his family, he still treats them right and will forever be a brother to Teng Feng, no matter what he thinks about him.

This is what he learned after the incident with his ex-lover and mother. Trust no one, especially if it's not a member of the family. He can be cruel to others, but not to the family.

It's also the reason his Father, Teng Fuzza never wanted to abandon him.

'The young master of the Lin Family, Lin Baal's body strength is peculiar. It was so powerful it did not hinder his strength. He can jump high in the sky and land with a powerful impact.

'He can also freeze anyone for a short moment in the impact's area. Like what happened to my clone that died earlier?'




Young master Teng Cheng knelt. His aura still not recovered to its peak, his two clones died and took a heavy toll. Now, he saved his younger brother from a near-death situation.

'I need to recover. I'll distract him while I'm recovering. I already instructed my people to not be rash and only observe. The enemy is mysterious and dangerous. He is so powerful despite having only the 7th stage of Qi Pollination stage of cultivation.

'His aura is also a pure (normal) type of aura while his attacks were earth (ground) type of aura, which makes it even more ridiculous. What the hell is he!? His attacks were not supposed to be that powerful since he's using an attack different from his main aura!'

I'm tired, let me sleep for a while. Don't forget GT and PS, if you only have spare.

Bad_Totodilecreators' thoughts