
Arrogant Young Master's Chat Group

In a Cultivation Bug World where cultivators can form a symbiotic relationship with bug beasts to access the natural energy auras. Lived life as an arrogant cultivation young master, Lin Baal swore and made it his resolution to not show any weaknesses as long as he could stay as a young master forever. But one day, he stumbled upon a device that allows him to communicate and chat with his Alternate universe selves and these other versions of himself in alternate universes have amazing titles, powers, and knowledge of things he didn't know. Lin Baal became horrified and angered when he found out that he will just become a stepping stone as it is written on every young master's fate like him. Fortunately, he discovered that he could download things and skills of his impressive other-selves in Chat Group. With those skills and things he would/could download, he will use it against fate and murder other high-level young masters to keep his position while going against the main character of this world! "I, LIN BAAL! AM THE MOST COMPLETE YOUNG MASTER IN ALL EXISTENCE!!!" Warning:  Arrogant/Prideful young master MC.  Not so much of a comedy unless I make my MC an idiot to make it more fun but I don't like it. I also appreciate the comments.  Chapters: 1.5 - 2K words, 1 - 3 chap/a day

Bad_Totodile · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Young master is feeling ironic

"Yes, young master. We will do what you asked as our last rite."

The undead trio shouted at a top of their lungs. The young master only looked at them with pride.

'Well, I just wanna test what kind of the main character is he. Once my hypothesis is correct, I can prepare against him in the future, and won't be useless.

'Do they think I will let them go? Well, I would throw them if they're useless and if not, I would use them. However, Bo Zu, I never thought that you would die easily.'

Closing his eyes, young master Lin opens his mouth says slowly,

"Do it,"

The trio looked at him for the last time as the young master turned around facing them. After that, they let out a little breath, and finally; they left slowly…

Young master looked back and stared seriously at Bo Zu as something happened to it. When he turned away, he went back to his room.

He conjured his phone and opened the chat:

Vengeful fatty: Ah... I got nothing to do.

[Young master went online]

Vengeful fatty: How are you, young master? Did you find the main character of your universe already?

Young master: How do I Identify them, blackmailers?

Vengeful fatty: Oh, come on, I know the arrogant young master is more than that.

Young master: Just shut up and tell me, mortal!

Vengeful fatty: That's more like it! As expected of the young master. Hmmm... If it's generic isekai/ reincarnation LN main character... You must remember this young master.

Young master: ... ??? ...

Vengeful fatty: First, is that the main character is extremely bland and has no character or an edge lord.

Young master: ...

Vengeful fatty: Second is the Main character extremely adopt a little girl with extreme talent.

Young master: ...

Vengeful fatty: Third is unlikely because the third is the world comprises three nations. The human nation, elf nation, and dwarf nation. There's also a demon lord and the main character is close to any of their race.

Young master: That's a little impossible.

Vengeful fatty: *cough* Haha! Fourth is the Main character enters a magic academy in the capital or he joined an adventure guild that ranks adventurers from Frank to S rank.

[Doctor quack went online]

Young master: That's even more impossible. We have sects.

Vengeful fatty: Haha! I'm enjoying this. Third, to the last is that the main character has a huge harem of either ten or more and is too scared to get any of them.

Young master: What's the point of a harem if you're too scared to touch any of them!?

Doctor quack: That's why I like them NTR'd.

Young master: Huh!?

Doctor quack: Nothing. What is this fatty? Teaching young master how to identify the main character?

Vengeful fatty: Yes, quack! Quack!

Doctor quack: Hehe, I'll join.

Vengeful fatty: Second to the last, the world runs like a video game system with levels and skills. Always literal video games. The currency too, it's always one hundred bronze equal to one silver, one hundred silver is equal to one gold.

Young master: Huh? Video games?

Vengeful fatty: Yes!

Doctor quack: Is the last one, that there's a fifty percent chance the demons aren't the bad guys, but the chance is that it's the church who summoned him are?

Vengeful fatty: Oh... I forgot about that. I should add that one, I should add that one. But my last is that the main character will make a huge load of money by selling ramen and their other nation's food. Everyone will agree that everything about their culture was so great especially hot springs. Haha!

Young master: I don't understand a single thing about you two are saying! Give me the cultivation main character's characteristics!

Vengeful fatty: HAHAHAHAHA!

Doctor quack: HAHAHHAHA!

Young master: ...

Vengeful fatty: Alright.

Doctor quack: We will.

Vengeful fatty: Should I start first?

Young master:?

Doctor quack: Let me!

Vengeful fatty: Okay.

Doctor quack: If you have someone or you think is the main character based on the novel we sent you, young master. You should investigate if... Go fatty!

Vengeful fatty: I thought you want to start?

Doctor quack: I changed my mind.


Vengeful fatty: Let's not join with the young master, he's just butter.

Doctor quack: Haha! It was hilarious.


Vengeful fatty: Young master, those main characters in cultivation novels are in the smallest family, in the smallest clan, in the smallest city, in the smallest country, in the smallest planet, and the smallest universe.

Doctor quack: Yeah, and if you're in the smallest town. You are the first young master to die, Haha!

Young master: SEE?

Vengeful fatty: *Cough* Let's proceed. Let's help the young master version of ourselves to beat the main character!

Doctor quack: I want to make him fall to death but since it's rare to see a story of an arrogant being as himself winning against the child's destiny. Let's go!


Vengeful fatty: Remember young master, the child's destiny would always have a female with a rare ice powerful body condition and would leave because some master in the higher realm would take her as a disciple.

Doctor quack: Of course, the old grandpa or the old monster inside them, helping them. Or a rare legendary treasure. I know you know that too, right? Young master.

(The two continued talking about cultivation novels, rape is a battle tactic, etc. and this made young master tired)

Young master: This is nonsense.

[Young master went offline]


Young master Lin turned off the chat and hid it in his sea of consciousness. He sat in his bed and lie down.

Looking at the ceiling,

"It's so ironic.

"I  am a young master and I don't even have women to lie with for a few days. If only Li Ren didn't leave on her own. I've stayed here for a few days. Once they come back, I will leave.

"Bo Zu, you died because of me and as a human being, after reading so many novels. I should have learned a lot and have at least sympathy or anything, but...

"I felt nothing.

"Despite the cruelness of this world. I know I am safe and almost can live the way I want. I'm born and destined to be a villain by fate. Maybe that's why I don't feel sympathy for the death of my people.

"Someday, once all things are done, I will sever it all."

The time of darkness between one day and the next part of the day when no light from the sun can be seen and most people and animals sleep and the darkness that occurs during the nighttime.

Young master closes his eyes to rest for the night.


'The expanse of trees ahead of me was never-ending. Or probably I thought so. The canopies provided a slight glimpse into the overcast weather, which turned the shades of greenery even darker.

'It's such scenery.

'Unnecessary crisscrossed pathways with crickets chirping in broad daylight to this night - it was a sight to behold. Also, sightings of pest insects and the occasional fear of vicious bug beasts.'

A beautiful woman was looking melancholy at the beautiful forest in front of her.

''Finally, I stopped the bug beast's tide. My people and a lot of innocent lives were saved. I couldn't have done this without you, Lady Snow.''

She muttered, then she touches the jade pendant on his chest.

"You should thank the villagers too, or else you could have died in those four Pollination Establishment cultivators." Another voice of a lady replied from it.

"Yes, you are right. Without them, I wouldn't make it."

"By the way, what if those young masters took revenge on you?"

"It's already planned. For now, they will surely go against each other. After all, I killed their people and make it like they handle each side's death. After all, they are probably aware that each other is in this place.

Nie Zili wore a confident smile and asks,

"To you? Who would like to win?"

The voice of a lady answers,

"This is just the lowest realm, those in the upper realm, once they came down. All the humans would suffer and would surely decline. These humans are so low aptitude.

"They can't even evolve three times in a Pollination. What could they do against those monsters?"

All of the sudden,




Nie Ran, Nie Ku, and Nie Fan come to him with the three of them having a smile on their face. They also don't know that she's a girl and they've been staying with her for all their life.

"Thank you for making us step into the path of symbiotic cultivators. This is our family's glory."

Nie Zili acquainted her eyes when she noticed that one of them was missing and asks nervously,

"Where is Nie Ren?"

The three cousins look in the direction and Now Zu understood. She walks fast in the direction and a little minute later she saw the girls back sitting in the corner.

'The future symbiotic bloodline cultivator of Spider underwater seal race, an agile, spirited six-legged and loyal race. Her body is in a growth period that she can't become a symbiotic cultivator. Once she awakens that bloodline, she will realize how strong and capable she is.'