
Arrogant Young Master's Chat Group

In a Cultivation Bug World where cultivators can form a symbiotic relationship with bug beasts to access the natural energy auras. Lived life as an arrogant cultivation young master, Lin Baal swore and made it his resolution to not show any weaknesses as long as he could stay as a young master forever. But one day, he stumbled upon a device that allows him to communicate and chat with his Alternate universe selves and these other versions of himself in alternate universes have amazing titles, powers, and knowledge of things he didn't know. Lin Baal became horrified and angered when he found out that he will just become a stepping stone as it is written on every young master's fate like him. Fortunately, he discovered that he could download things and skills of his impressive other-selves in Chat Group. With those skills and things he would/could download, he will use it against fate and murder other high-level young masters to keep his position while going against the main character of this world! "I, LIN BAAL! AM THE MOST COMPLETE YOUNG MASTER IN ALL EXISTENCE!!!" Warning:  Arrogant/Prideful young master MC.  Not so much of a comedy unless I make my MC an idiot to make it more fun but I don't like it. I also appreciate the comments.  Chapters: 1.5 - 2K words, 1 - 3 chap/a day

Bad_Totodile · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Young master cannot rest

Some care about money, others care about religion, while others want to take over, or just look out for themselves, or to kill for vengeance, sometimes just out of betrayal. 

You'll even have those out there betraying everyone else for just one loved one. 

While some would even kill for peace, possibly the beauty they see within their art. Unfortunately, some do it just for the pleasure and evil that's within them. 

A piece of reality that we all face within this world, and that's something that will never go away.


In the abyss of darkness...

"Where am I?"

A soft voice echoes silently.

"Why is it so dark?

"Am I dead?


"I guess I am. 

"The young master of the Lin Family. No wonder he's so confident. He can deal massive damage to us despite having an advantage in numbers. But his skill, the more people around, the stronger it is.

"It's so strong, he's so strong.

"I admit my defeat.

"I can remember my memories, my life. All of them were beautiful memories that I will sacrifice everything for. 

"To experience it again.

"Especially my mother. She is the best thing that ever happened to me.

"I feel like I'm a child. I am tired...

"But mother is not here.

"I am so tired. Mother, will I ever see you again?

"I hope to meet you, mother.

"But all I see is darkness. I can never meet my mother in this all-black place.



"My memories were fading.

"Who am I again?"

All of the sudden, an unknown echo was interrupting the male voice.

"What is that? A voice?"

The voice asked in curiosity. He didn't speak, as he wanted to hear what was being said by an unknown voice.




"Teng Cheng."

"Teng Cheng."

"Teng Cheng."

The male voice wanted to interrupt.

"Why are you calling me?" 

He asked innocently. Then suddenly, a hand of a mature woman appeared out of nowhere. Then her clothing and her beautiful kind face.


The voice froze as this woman was so familiar to him. Memories came back to his head. This made the voice quiver with sadness and joy.

"Teng Cheng, my son."

All of the sudden, Teng Cheng materializes in the darkness. Tears were falling from his eyes while his body trembled in excitement.


He shouted while crying, then he swiftly came to her embrace, lovingly hugging her mother.

"I miss you, my son. You've grown well. I am happy that you survived. Forgive mother for leaving you so early. If only I had a choice, I would never want to leave you, my little Teng Cheng, my son."

She lovingly caresses his hair, as she said those words with sadness. Looking glad that her son was alright.

Teng Cheng looked at her mother with anguish and happiness.

"I miss you too, mother. I am happy we could finally reunite with each other. This death of mine is the best thing that ever happened to me. I finally see you!

"I'm glad!

"I'm glad!

"I can finally be with you forever, and no one will take you away from me!

"We won't be separated anymore."

His mother smiled at him.

"How are you these years my son? Did my son do what I always remind him? To be a good person?"

Looking at the innocent smile of his mother, Teng Cheng couldn't help but cry. He is hesitating to tell her mother, afraid that she would hate him.

"I avenged your death, mother! I killed them all! Ever since that day. I always kill and kill to avenge you! Please don't hate me mother, please..."

Contrary to his expectation, his mother didn't get angry and instead smiled.

"Your mother is sorry. I always love whatever kind of thing you turned to."

Teng Cheng froze. His mind went blank when she said that. 

'Did she just say that?

'My mother?

'Is this my mother!? 


His breathing became erratic as his face turned red from anger. Swiftly, he pits his arms and chokes the woman in front of her.


The woman was surprised, but it was too late for her to react as she slowly faded into the darkness. Seeing the lady disappear completely, Teng Cheng's aura became even more erratic and violent.



He tried to punch as he felt something. 

"What is this? I'm alive?"

Knowing that he's alive, Young master Teng Cheng kicked forcefully!


Currently, young master Lin was oblivious and only Li Ren felt something was coming while looking at the coffin he was carrying.


As the coffin opened up, she saw Teng Feng! And when it opened its eyes. His facial expression without a jaw contorted with rage!

Like a whip, young master Teng Feng sped up straight to the girl, Li Ren. Young master Lin noticed it too late. He instantly threw the other coffin away for other unknown circumstances.

'What's happening!?

'They are supposed to be my slave.'

Looking at his hand is an egg.

'I have no use for this, too.' 

Young master Lin threw it away too. Preparing for something he is not sure of.


He saw Li Ren, and the now awakened Teng Feng clashed mid-air!


Teng Feng and Li Ren were blasted on opposite Trees as young master Lin expected.

'Li Ren had higher cultivation in the ninth realm with one evolution completed while Teng Feng is half of mine. In a stage of third Qi Pollination with two and a half evolution completed.

'Their power right now, matched'

All of the sudden.


The coffin that he threw containing Teng Chen was blasted into the air.


Teng Cheng screamed out loud while crying.


Then his eyes met Lin's family's young master. His contorted face became even more contorted.


Teng Cheng's breathing was heavy and slow. 

Young master Lin couldn't help but think of the group chat and the young King.

'I knew it! Things from the group chat are sometimes unreliable. This evolution of mine, I will see what will happen in the future once I reach the stage of Pollination Establishment.

'Next, is the ability of the so-called earthshaker. I need to train it and know where I would use it.

'And now this coffin that the young king gave me. I don't know what happened. 

'A lot of things may happen, different Universes, different rules. I need to be careful of things that I would take from the Chat Group while keeping it a secret.

'Could it be that those who are angry at the user of the coffin would break free? 

'Is it? 

'I need to experiment.'

Young master Lin can't help but feel like he needs to be careful in the group chat. It can be against fate, but some things may harm him.


Young master Lin was snapped back to what's happening right now by that shout coming from undead Teng Cheng.

He sneered.

"Do you think that both of you could do anything against me? Are you seeing how ugly your appearances are and how low your cultivations are?

"Don't make me laugh, just one slap. I can kill you both easily."

The brothers froze when they heard that. Checking their hands and feet full of stitches from roots with natural energy aura.

Teng Cheng, however, gave a hearty smile.

"Do you think that I'm planning on attacking you? This ability of mine is a poison that is hard to cure. After all, this is also a curse." 

His hands suddenly trembled. Burning acidic liquid plumped off his hands. His attention was on Li Ren.

"This young master can still slap both of your asses easily even with those poisonous hands. Do you think it can reach me or her at your lower cultivation stage?

"Adding the fact that in mere seconds, I can just flick my finger and all the roots supporting and connecting all your body parts would fall off.

"Whenever I wanted. 

"Anywhere I wanted."

Teng Cheng knew they were on the losing end. 

'I need an opening, but in a split second, we would die. What to do!?'

Out of nowhere.

"You won't kill me unless you want to sacrifice Li Ren. I have a fate bond ability. She's the person I touched first, so her fate would be the same as mine. Of I die, she dies." Said Teng Feng on the side.

Young master Lin's eyes widened.



'The wound in his face and the wound in Li Ren's face. He attacked her stomach while Li Ren only attacked in his face.

'He can share the damage he took to the enemy? Isn't that too much?

'If I snapped my fingers now, Li Ren might die too.'

Young master Lin realized he was in a pinch too. Trying to decide on what to do, what's going to be his decision.

Looking at Li Ren and the two Teng brothers.


'No one can tie me down anymore!

'Not even my family! What more of my women!'

His smile is cruel and full of bloodlust, his aura swirls like a whirlwind in his surroundings.

"Young master, the wound is weaker than I sent to his body. Even if you kill him, I would only be wounded." 

Shouted on the side by Li Ren. She didn't want his young master to worry about him. That's why she lied. The damage had the same power as the one she sent.

Young master Lin looked at her and thought.


'It's impossible for that ability to appear. Although the coffin is powerful, it doesn't mean it can grant powerful skills with ridiculous power without a limit.'

On the side.

Teng Cheng was like a wolf watching them.

'Not even a woman could control him. He will not save her and would willingly murder her. I need to do something.


'My brother, Teng Feng could share his pain on his target. That means...'

If you have spare Golden Tickets and Power stones.

Bad_Totodilecreators' thoughts