
Arrogant Young Master's Chat Group

In a Cultivation Bug World where cultivators can form a symbiotic relationship with bug beasts to access the natural energy auras. Lived life as an arrogant cultivation young master, Lin Baal swore and made it his resolution to not show any weaknesses as long as he could stay as a young master forever. But one day, he stumbled upon a device that allows him to communicate and chat with his Alternate universe selves and these other versions of himself in alternate universes have amazing titles, powers, and knowledge of things he didn't know. Lin Baal became horrified and angered when he found out that he will just become a stepping stone as it is written on every young master's fate like him. Fortunately, he discovered that he could download things and skills of his impressive other-selves in Chat Group. With those skills and things he would/could download, he will use it against fate and murder other high-level young masters to keep his position while going against the main character of this world! "I, LIN BAAL! AM THE MOST COMPLETE YOUNG MASTER IN ALL EXISTENCE!!!" Warning:  Arrogant/Prideful young master MC.  Not so much of a comedy unless I make my MC an idiot to make it more fun but I don't like it. I also appreciate the comments.  Chapters: 1.5 - 2K words, 1 - 3 chap/a day

Bad_Totodile · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Not enough!

Power, real power, doesn't come to those who were born strongest, fastest, or smartest. No. It comes to those who will do anything to achieve it. There's a monster inside all of us.



As the rain of corpses was happening in front of him. Young master couldn't help but felt like his conscience is getting him.

"But it won't get you anywhere."

He said to Teng Cheng a d Teng Feng.

Up in the air, Teng Cheng and Teng Feng's bodies blew up into smithereens.

'I don't know what treasure these got, even I, am scared that if these two were immune, as the air aura were immune to ground attacks!

'Fortunately, it worked like it was in the video. Because there's a chance that it would be me dying in their hands!'

Young master tried to convince himself. He is feeling uncomfortable as he didn't wear a smile anymore. He puffs on a smoke to calm himself, but it feels like it's not enough. A little while later, he kneeled, exhausted. 

Not physical exhaustion, but mental exhaustion. 

'Damn it! I feel so tired despite having a lot of auras remaining left! My head and this rain of blood and corpse are making me sick! It's making me, it's making me...


'But I killed a lot of beast-man people, whether it is old, adult or child, but they are not humans. However, I still felt regret and I want to undo it! But I have no choice because if I didn't, I know what my father will think of me.'

'My brothers, my sisters, and clansman. I cannot show any weakness to them or my life would end there! 

'This time is not different If I didn't kill them. I am sure that they won't spare me! If I didn't kill them, I am sure that they would do what they said!

'They may have families waiting for them in their homes, but they have gone against me and I have to kill Teng Feng because if I died, only my mother would truly care for my deceased body!

'Only her!'

'Many people died in my hands and to fate because they are around me. I feel so disheartened. But I finally killed Teng Feng. I hope that fate would stop and won't target me anymore. Even if it's for the time being, I would accept.'

Seeing the corpses scattered on the ground, his countenance improved a little and he's not feeling guilty. He stood up, recovered, and thought of something.

'Teng Feng and Teng Cheng. I still don't feel what I did to both of them is enough.

'What will happen if they are the ones who were alive? 

'Humiliate me!? Throw my corpse to my Lin Family? Those won't work but Si Roru.'

Remembering his first love Si Roru being violated by these two. Being hanged naked or had her head beheaded on top of the spear since those two brothers are known for their cruelty. He couldn't imagine!

He is sure that it would be a disaster in his head, his mental health!

Although he gave up on her. It doesn't mean he wanted something bad to happen to him. Using the tree beside him as a support to stand so he could walk, the Young master kneeled again.

'No way!

'I will make them suffer just by daring to say those things to me! I will make them my slave as long as I am still alive!'

Anger made his energy back to his usual self. He suddenly sprinted as he wanted to do something to the remains of the Teng Family brothers.


With a sharp movement, like a whip. Young master flashes toward the dead brothers. He saw a lot of heads, hearts, arms, feet, etc. separated from their original bodies as they burst forth earlier.

'I know they are somewhere around here since they use some flying treasure earlier.'

Scanning the area, remembering the faces of those assholes. He then threaded different paths one by one.

'I will find the two of you!

'I will find see you two soon!

'I will find you both!

'Death is not the end of both of you!

'It's not the end of your suffering!'

Fortunately, after a few minutes of trying to find the two Teng Brother's corpses, he found them. Young master Lin sneered.

"Just look at you! That is the only thing that remained."

He saw Teng Cheng's head with one of its right eyes gouged. It had no more body, which makes it more gruesome. However, to the young master Lin's it's not gruesome, it's one of the most hateful things he ever saw.

'I can work on this.'

Young master Lin picked up Teng Chengs' head and left.

'Your little brother is just around here, right?'

After a few minutes of searching again, young master Lin found ahead without a jaw. Its spinal cord is still connected to its head like a tail.

'This is not enough.' 

Looking at his surrounding, the young master thought of something.

'I guess I'll just do that. Maybe It would work.'

Young master sprinted fast! He would go back and forth from time to time with something in his hands. Sometimes, it's a deceased body, an ear, an arm, feet, chest, bones, etc.

After a few hours.

"Huh, these young masters of Teng Family look ugly like their soul. Once I made them come home in their Teng Family, I bet they would be surprised to see them with this new look."

The young master said as killing is not enough to quench his thirst for vengeance.

With a flicked of his finger, he conjured the two of his three golden coffins. Since one of the three was connected to Lin Pang, it's perfect that he needed the two of the two brothers.

Young master carefully put the two zombified bodies inside the coffins. Once he was done, he waited. 


On the other side.

"Li Ren we will be leaving."

Nie Zili said. She already took everything she can, and Nie Zili will wake up soon. She didn't want her to meet the young master of the Lin Family. So what if he's slightly changed?

'That guy is still a murderer. An arrogant young master that I, Nie Zili hated. Plus, even though I considered Li Ren as a friend, I knew this girl was obsessed and a slave to that young master. She will not hesitate to use force to make us subservient to that young master, too.

'I didn't want want to come in contact with him anymore or anyone related to him. Today, I will spare him for saving us today. But next time, I will destroy him. I already know the tricks to his style of battling and was a little surprised seeing an earth attack ignore the rules of this world. However, next time, I'm sure that I can deal with it.'

Nie Zili left along with Nie Ren without hesitation. She got a smile on her face as she hold an egg in her arms.

"I still need rest, but I need to get far away from here and observe. I finally got what I came for, the Egg of the supreme bug beast called...

"Hansel and Gretel."

A baby dragon head emerges from the egg crack. It's so beautiful with its soft white fur and its sparkling blue eyes.

"A beautiful supreme bug beast race called blue eyes moth dragons. A pity, Gretel had a crack on her egg, and she'll die no matter what happens so I gotta leave her there."

Nie Zili daydreamed. 

"Next time, I will hunt Cinderella!

"But before I do that, I will have to..."


A minute, two, three, four, ten, twenty, forty, and an hour had passed, but the slave undead creation was still not done.

"Maybe because it's not their original body. Well, I'll just come back to Li Ren. She probably recovered a little of her aura. We can leave to reach the sect now."

Young master carried the two coffins containing the two coffins on his back. Reaching the place Li Ren and the other two weird girls, young master receive a call.


Li Ren had a sigh of relief.

"I'm glad you're alright young master."

The young master dropped the coffin and proudly thump his chest.

"Of course, I already dealt with them. Come with me."

Li Ren opened her mouth as she remembered something.

"Young master, about the two earlier." 

She is still hesitating, but she found those two useful and in the future, they could probably help the young master in his future endeavors.

"Young master, we could use them. The Teng Family is adamant about taking them." 

"Where are they?" Young master Lin asked.

"They left." 

Li Ren shook her head, unsure of what to do.

Contrary to her expression, the young master didn't react to it and just said. He was just thinking about himself.

'I am too tired. I wanted to go to the sect and rest there, things that are happening with me are too troublesome. I feel like I can't take it anymore.

'However, one of them piques my curiosity.'

"Tell me Li Ren, is the girl who looked dazed earlier a beast people or had a connection to them?"

Young master Lin remembers Nie Ren because she looked like a white squishy underwater werewolf but with the face of a girl, and an exoskeleton of that of a bug in her arms and feet.

"Young master, she can turn into a human."

"She can? Then what is she?"

"She is called a Symbiotic bloodline cultivator?"

"Symbiotic bloodline cultivator?"

"I don't know the details, young master, but she is a human. I saw it in my own eyes."

"I see."

In this cultivation bug world, there are enemies of humanity, the beast people. They are humanoid monsters that can turn into giant bug beasts. Knowing that the girl he remembers can transform into a human made him realize there's no point in focusing on the girl.

Young master Lin walk towards the deceased tyrannosaurus earwig. He cut a piece of meat as promised. He saw the egg with huge crack on it.

"Only one left? Did someone pick up the other one? or a wandering beast? if it's a beast it should've took this one instead, since it has a huge crack in it, but well, whatever, I gotta go."

All of the sudden, the two coffins carrying the Teng brothers made a loud thud.

This young master asks for Golden Tickeets and Power stones if u have spare

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