
Arrogant billionaire's enigmatic wife

I am not the man of her dreams yet she keeps falling for me slowly every day! ************* With a sweet, normal life and a bright career, I couldn't ask for anything else than crossing paths with a stranger from the past. Little did I know that when he would arrive, he wouldn't come alone but with his dark secrets that would tear through my soul and a life of whirlwind that would turn my world upside down. And with the serial killer on the loose, I would need to protect not only him, but also my biggest enemy- his father! I am Elena Bell, and this is my story of friendship, betrayals, revenge and LOVE! ************* EXCERPT:- I sucked a long breath as my eyes widened. The fake pretentious smile broke as I stared at him as if he had grown two heads over his shoulders. Devon turned to face me again, catching my eyes. With a smile playing on his lips, he continued, "And now that I think about it, I certainly am whipped by your charms, Elena! I am not great with words, and no matter how much I prepared, no words can contain my feelings as they should. So here I am asking you directly without beating around the bush." I watched horrified, as he went down on one knee. People gasped audibly in shock, must be mirroring my expressions. He finally pulled out his hand from his pants pocket to reveal a red velvet box. 'This is not happening! This is not happening!', my chants didn't change anything at all. He pressed the small button with his thumb and its lid opened to show a diamond-studded ring inside. My head turned heavy, and I thought I would collapse right then and there if he continued with that drama for another minute. Clearly, he was not done yet. *********** Instagram: author_rutujap Discord: https://discord.gg/wpyvsh42 ****** The cover is mine.

rutujaP · Urban
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340 Chs

Liked What You See?

"Erm, boss... I think we should at least hear them out." The other woman with specs whispered in her ear.

But she was shut down instantly by Elena's one glare.

"Please, Miss Bell! I just want your twenty minutes. That is all I am asking for! I am sure you can have that time for your town's betterment, right?" Christine persisted.

Elena's lips thinned in a straight unimpressive line, and it was clear from her face that she was not very optimistic about this meeting.

"Boss, please!"

My eyes left her face for the first time as I noticed the man sitting beside her touching her hand.

My fists clenched tightly when she nodded her head in agreement.

What the hell was that?

She was not ready to listen to anybody, but when he said, she agreed so quickly.

I just wanted to wipe out that smile from his face.

Christine already had a whiteboard ready with the changes we were ready to make in the factory structure drawn on it.

Encouraged by Elena's agreement, she began explaining everything in detail. When everyone had their attention focused on what Christine was saying, I found my mind running to the woman in front of me.

She was right there, only at a small distance from me. I only had to stand up and lean forward to touch her, ask her if she was the same woman who had me wrapped around her little finger for the past six months.

And if yes, then I wanted to possess her, make her mine and keep her by my side for the rest of my life to try to decipher what was so special about her that had me so curious and attracted toward her.

My eyes travelled from her face to her long neck. She was wearing a pastel pink blazer on a white top. The plunge neckline of the top left most of her chest exposed and yet it was nowhere near indecent.

She sat cross-legged in the chair. Her left hand rested on the table as she scratched her thumb with the nail of her first finger. Her complete attention was on Christine. And mine was on how her chest moved up and down with every breath she took.

My throat went dry as the memories flooded my mind.

Who would have thought that she would be the famous Elena Bell?

Now my task was easy. I know I could handle her, and get this project done in record time.

I tuned out the discussion that followed after Christine's presentation. I wanted to listen, and focus, but Elena's very presence kept me distracted all the time.

What kind of game destiny was playing with me?

"I appreciate your efforts, Miss Mill! I am glad to see that the Sanders have at least one sensible person who is dedicated to their work. Because others seem to only enjoy their privileges without taking any effort!"

Her sharp, condemning words and the disgusted glare she threw at me, snapped me back to reality as if someone had poured a bucket of cold water on my head.

Was that a jab she took at me? But what I had done?

"But I don't see any conviction in the authority of your company to find the middle grounds." She said air-quoting the last words. "And these measures are not enough to fulfil our demands."

"Elena that is enough! You-"

"It's Miss Bell, Mr Smith!" She threw a warning glare his way that made the man shut his mouth.

She stood up from the chair, and her two assistants followed suit.

"I am giving you a ten days ultimatum to wrap this nonsense project, Mr Sanders." The target of her sharp gaze shifted to me as I remained sitting in my chair.

"If you don't do that... the Sanders Group of Companies will see a never seen before protest along with the world. I am sure your daddy dear would not like to lose the thousands of shares of his companies in just a day!"

That was enough!

I smashed my palm on the table as anger filled inside me. Who did she think she was?

"Enough of this, Miss Bell! I have listened to enough of your nonsense. But now enough!" My voice boomed in the confined space.

"Boss please-"

I stopped Christine before she interfered. "I would like to have a conversation with you in private, Miss Bell."

Her eyes narrowed, and I could see the wheels turning in her head.

"Or are you afraid to do that?"

As I expected, anger flared in her honey-coloured eyes. "Everyone, leave!"

"But Boss..."

"I said leave Steve, you too Joanna." she left no room for arguments.

Christine made an excuse of putting down the files on the table so she could whisper in my ear. "Just remember that she is a woman and gentlemans should follow decency with a woman!"

Oh, if only she knew what kind of a woman she was worrying for!

In the next minute, every person stepped out of the office, leaving only two of us inside.

Her eyes had not left my face. And to be honest, I had never seen anyone bearing my presence so confidently before, even when I was...

Before I lose my focus again, I went to the window and pulled down the window blinds to obstruct the view of that PRIVATE conversation for the outside crowd.

She remained unfazed by my action, and that spoke volumes about her confidence. She was not only confident but also believed that she could handle any situation on her own.

"It might be entertaining for you, Mr Sanders but you are wasting my time by gawking at me." She crossed her hands under her chest and all the focus that I had managed to muster up was now hung by a thin thread.

Indecent or not, my eyes took in the sight of her full breasts that were pushed up alluringly by her action.

"Liked what you see?"

Her words came as a slap in my face. How could you be obvious, Devon?

I instantly looked away before clearing my throat. Father's picture reminded me of who I was and why I was here for.

Meeting her gaze again coldly, I said, slipping my hands into my pockets. "There is nothing to like, Miss Bell. If anything I think you should take some lessons on how to wear decent clothes for a formal meeting."

She opened her mouth to retort, but I didn't give her a chance and continued, "Anyways, I don't like to comment on peoples' personal choices. Let's not waste MY time in the same old discussions.

Let me clear one thing, Miss Bell, this project is very important for my father and more important for me. I am ready to go further with the plan my PA has just shown you.

And if you are still not satisfied..."


"Then just tell me the amount and it will be in your bank account in less than an hour." I slid the pen and paper in her way before slipping my hand again into my pocket.

I was not sure what they would do if I let them have their way.

Elena stared at the paper for a long minute. I didn't know about her, but I was in a dilemma. A part of me wanted her to storm out of the office, offended. But a larger part of me wanted her to write the amount that would buy her acceptance, and I could move on with my plan.

When she took the paper and the pen in her hands and began scribbling the number, that little hopeful part of me died.

I should have known that women like her mess with the people like me only to squeeze out benefits for themselves. How could I get fooled by the past like that?

My fists clenched inside the pockets, and I was proud of my decision of hiding them in there.

"Are you sure you can give the amount I am asking for?" She asked, pouting her pink lips and batting her long eyelashes in my way.

I would have been elated to admire them before, but that one moment changed my whole perspective about that woman.

She couldn't be the woman I was looking for! She couldn't be her!

I nodded my head as a pang of pain erupted in my chest.

She smiled sweetly before turning the page to show me the number. But what she wrote left me baffled.

"Are you serious?" I was outraged.

I understood that she was a greedy woman, but I had never expected her greed to be so unsatiable.

She shrugged her shoulders before placing down the paper. "I haven't underdone myself, have I?"

My jaw ticked as I took a threatening step in her way.

"That amount is the total worth of Sanders Group of Companies!" I hissed, trying to hold back myself from crossing that line of decency.

"I know, Mr Sanders. That is why I have written that number. So shall I expect that much amount to be at my feet in less than an hour?" She placed her left hand on her hips.

And then it clicked in my mind. All those moments, that dress, the way she ignored me initially and those secret glances, it all was a trick.

She was trying to... seduce me? Or maybe distract me!

"Shut up, you ungrateful woman! I am so tempted to call you colourful names, but I don't want to stoop so low. Or else what difference will be there between you and me?

You are an opportunist woman, Miss Bell. You are not only fooling your organisation but the whole of Swindon. They think you are some kind of a hero, but you have just shown that you are more disgusting than a villain.

You want that much money to pull back this protest?!"

I scoffed, trying hard to not lash out at her more than I already was.

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