
CHAPTER 5 Adjusting to Mr. Arrogance

  She was sitting in his room since morning, servant left food few of them look at her with curiosity making her feeling unknowingly embarrassed. “I am bored Sparkles let go down” she said to her cat and went out of the room. Few servants were doing their routine work. She silently sits over the sofa observing things. The mansion was too much huge. She was sitting in the launch where a lot of paintings and expensive decorations pieces were glittering. She felt even more bored. She looked around towards the servants they were secretly looking at her with curiosity. She got up.

  “What? What happened why you guys are looking at me like this?” she asked softly. A woman in her 60s walks ahead.

  “You are the first woman after My lady who came here” she said,

  “My Lady?” she repeats.

  “Yeah Master’s mother” she said.

  “I am first one he brought home, how can it be he has dozen of girlfriends” she thought.

  Then the door opened and she turned. He came home, he looked tired and drunk.

  “Tsk Tsk young master is drunk again” said the maid. He walked slowly up stairs. The maid looked at him with pity which she was unable to understand. The maid left with sad expressions.

  “Why she was feeling so much pitiful?” she thought.

  “Meoww” Sparkles was walking around her. “I know little one you are hungry” she said and asked for a milk from one servant.

  She still was looking at the stairs. After giving milk to Sparkles, she went towards his bed.

  She opened the door the room was dark. He was sleeping over the bed with his shoes on. She went ahead. He was sleeping like a baby. His devil face showing too much innocence. His light hairs were shelved over his forehead. He was so much handsome. She wanted to touch his hairs badly unconditionally she moved her hand towards his forehead but at same moment he turned taking her hand with him. She was trying to free her hand his grip was too much strong.

  “Even in sleep he is too strong” she thought annoyed. “My bad wishes to touch his forehead” she scold herself.

  “Please don’t leave me! Please I promise I won’t let him hurt you, Julieta please don’t go, I I love you please I won’t let anything happened to you” he was begging in his dreams.

  She never saw him this much week. A man who has 6.5ft height and was strong like an iron wall was too much week in his dreams. She sits beside him after a while he fell asleep. She carefully moved her hand from him and unties his shoes and put them off. She went towards the sofa and gets laid, after few minutes she fell asleep.


  She was getting ready to go with him as they did not go last night. After fifteen minutes they left in his luxurious car. He took her to the top store of the Canada which happened to be Fannagean’s top brand. She liked a dress, a light blue with cross back. She checked the tag it was thrice more than her three months salary. She took it back.

  “Did you like anything?” he asked in a deep voice. She nodded in no. He gives her deep looks. “We want that whole rack she was standing at” he said to salesgirl. She opened her eyes wide open.

  “Mr. Easton what I will do of this much clothes?” she asked in a whisper.

  “You are fiancée so you have to look one” he said in a whisper and turned.

  “Fake fiancée” she said under breath.

  He took her to the places where only rich people could go. This world was totally new to her. He was teaching her everything.

  It was huge party everyone from Upper class was there. They were elite some were from politician some were showbiz some were bureaucrat. She was feeling too much nervous. She was holding his arm and walking confidently as he said but from inside she was feeling so much nervous.

  “Hello Mr. Finnagean!” said a woman who was wearing heavy makeover. She looked at Matilda.

  “Hello Miss Tame! She is my Fiancée, Matilda Huston” he said smiling.

  “Oh such a gorgeous young lady! You have not introduced or announced it at Media” she said sugarcoated.

  “Media? No No No I can’t be a national headline….National? no with Easton it would be international” she thought afraid.

  “Relax Media is not here, they can’t be here” he whispered.

  “Matilda this is Miss Maria Tame, she is owner of Tame’s industry” he introduced.

  “Hello Miss Tames it really nice to meet you” she said smiling.

  “Miss Huston aren’t you the Assistant at Fannagean’s” A woman in the late 20s appeared into a thin air. Now she was confused.

  “Miss Huston is my Fiancée she wanted to know Company’s reputation that’s why she did that job undercover” he said covering her identity. She looked up at him. He holds her waist a bit stronger to let her know to play along.

  “Yeah I wanted to know, how company works so that’s why I was undercover” she said confidently. She smirked.

  “Which class you belong Miss Huston? I mean what is your family business?” asked the woman. This she saw anger over Easton’s face.

  “Martha! Did fannageans ever cared about the wealth and status?” he asked in a tone that made her quiet.

  “The old Easton is back” she thought.

  “Excuse me I need to go washroom” she said. “Yeah sure honey” she said softly.

  “Why he has to be so sugarcoated” she thought and then she thought a mischievous.

  “I will be back sugar don’t get lost with the bees” she said while looking at the woman who was still looking at her nastily. He looked at her deeply.

  “Kitten playing with lion?” he thought and smirked. He went ahead to meet few other elites. Martha smiled evil. She walked towards the bathroom.

  She went inside when someone had closed the main door. When she came out and washed her hands. She walked to towards the exit and pushed the door but it was stuck. She tried to push it even harder but the door was completely stuck.

  “Why on the earth this is fucking not opening” she said annoyed and then the lights went off and this time she felt a real fear.

  “Hello anyone outside open the door” she said aloud. The air was getting so much low inside she felt herself breath less. She has no more air to speak.


  He was talking to his business partner, it has been twenty minutes, she has not returned. He looked around to check. But she was nowhere.

  “Where she has gone?” he thought. He went towards the bathrooms, but it has been written closed over it. He turned towards the other side in order to check on other side when heard his name with almost faint voice.

  “Easton! Help me” he turned towards the closed door of bathroom. The under work sticker on it was freshly pasted. She grabbed it and throws it away. He opened the door. She fell when he held her in his arms.

  “Matilda? open your eyes” he said worried. He lifts her up and took her outside. He went outside the party. The media was arrived someone has informed them that Easton has arrived with his fiancée. He gives them an angry look. They all step back with hesitation, He adjust her inside the car and got inside the car he starts it.


  She got up early in the morning, she opened her eyes, he was sitting with her over the bed. He has been guarding her the whole night.

  She got out of the bed and turn up the curtains. The whole room was shining with sun light. He opened his eyes. His eyes were red due to sleeplessness. He looked at her.

  “Thanks Mr. Easton if you have not save me I would have long dead” she said smiling. He did not answer.

  “Why don’t he answer about my thanks” she thought annoyed.

  “Be ready tomorrow you are going with me to my parents” he said in a deep voice.

  “Your what?” she asked shocked.

  “My parents” he said. “And dress well” he added.

  “But Mr. Fannagean I am nervous what if I” she was about to complete her sentence when he cut her off in the middle.

  “You are good at it” he said and got up. He looked so much tired.

  “Mr. Fannagaen you need sleep, go to sleep, I will tell Natalie to handle it” she said worried.

  He raised his hand in the air. “I don’t your care” he said harshly. She felt that. He got up and went out of the room.

  “Especially when care about someone it gives nothing but takes all, when I start care it brings a curse, I don’t want to care about you” he thought while leaving the room. She was watching him sadly.

  She was sleeping in the room, when he came out of the bathroom. She forbade her to go home, because it could make people suspicious of their relationship. He was wearing just towel.

  “Here we go again get lost bad thoughts” she thought annoyed. She was pretending to sleep. He walked towards the bed side table and opened it. She felt her heart beat so much fast as he was too much closer. She read something written over his chest.

  “Julieta” she read that in her mind and then she closed her eyes.

  “Who is julieta” she thought. “He has many exes maybe one of them” she thought annoyed.

  She was angry over him because he has been harsh to her.

  “I am helping him and he is scolding me” she thought annoyed.

  “An important girl? He has her name tattooed over his chest” she thought.

  He got up and went towards the balcony, she straight up looked at him over her shoulder. He was smoking while grabbing balcony’s grill.

  “Why he is so mysterious?” she thought. “At the same time I can see a caring man who has good side and then I can a demon side which loves to punish” she was staring over his strong back when she heard vibration near her toe. She looked it was his phone.

  “Boss it’s done” it was Natalie. “Why Natalie is texting him this much late? Did he ask her to do my work?” she thought annoyed.

  “Natalie took my job” she thought sadly.

  “Though this pretending will give me a lot of money but I will still need job” she thought. She put her head over pillow exhausted. She was unable to sleep and he did not came inside the room, she noticed until she was awake and after an hour she fell asleep.


  They were going to his Parents; he stopped the car near some shop. She looked at him with questionable expressions. “You are introducing yourself as my fiancée so you have to pretend properly. Lets buy some gifts” he said expressionlessly.

  “Why this whole thing is so important to him?” she thought annoyed.

  “Why escaping from marriage and relation important to you? Will not you do anything to escape from it?” a voice came inside her.

  She got out of the car, led by him towards the shop. She choose a beautiful antique vase and so many other gift just as he said. They were walking towards exit after payment when a tan man in his late 40s came towards them started pleading. First she thought he is a beggar but by his get up he looked an elite. She looked at Easton who was expressionless.

  “Mr. Fanaggaen please don’t cancel the contract we will be doom” he was pleading.

  “You daughter did something she should not have, she almost killed my fiancée” he said with stone expressions.

  “I I am sorry Mr. Fanaggaen….it won’t” he was about to complete his sentence when he raised his hand shutting him out. He grabbed her hand and took her with him towards their car.