
Arriving in Middle-earth with a system.(LORT, THE HOBBIT - FANFICTION)

In an unexpected twist of fate, our protagonist is transported to the world of Middle-earth, long before the pivotal events that will unfold in the movies "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings." Awakening in an unfamiliar time and place, the protagonist faces a blank memory of their past identity but possesses a profound knowledge of books and memories from their previous life. Struggling to grasp their situation, the protagonist is taken aback by the arrival of a mysterious login system. With this new element in their life, the journey of the greatest hero ever seen in Middle-earth begins. ------------------------------------------------------------------ This story will be uploaded at a slow pace, as it's just a pastime. The translations are done with ChatGPT. Furthermore, this is my first time writing, so I sincerely hope you enjoy the story. If you don't like it, simply stop reading. Lastly, this story isn't perfect, and you might come across many things that could be unnecessary, but it's written to my liking. In the story, everything present doesn't belong to me; I only take care of my character. Also, the images are taken from Pinterest.

Louriem_9876 · Movies
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8 Chs

Killing Orcs and meeting people

--------- Third Person POV-------


One of the women cried out as she fell while running.

"Mother, be careful," the young woman accompanying her quickly approached, helping her get back on her feet.

"Are you alright, ma'am?" one of the guards asked, concerned.

"It seems I twisted my ankle," the woman commented, furrowing her brow and leaning on her daughter to stand.

"We're surrounded!"

Upon hearing the shout, everyone grew nervous, and the guards who had been readying their weapons for a fight to the death.

"Don't worry; a message has been sent to Lord Elrond, so reinforcements should be on their way soon. We just need to hold out for a while," Nimrodel exclaimed, encouraging her companions not to lose faith and to fight valiantly.

Apparently, her words had an effect, as the other guards accompanying them became more spirited, as if they had found a glimmer of hope.

But soon, this hope shattered due to the large number of orcs that had surrounded them. The elves protecting the two women numbered less than 10, while the orcs amounted to about 60.


One of the ogres roared loudly, causing all the others to attack the elves desperately, making them miserable.



Sounds of arrows and swords could be heard all around, creating total chaos, as the elves struggled to defend themselves.


As the first guard fell, more pressure mounted on the remaining nine, to the point where almost all of them were injured.

But without anyone noticing, an orc had hidden among the ranks of the elves, eluding them and approaching one of the young women who were surrounded by their guards, ready to leap and attack at any moment.

This process happened so quickly that no one could react in time.

"Miss Arwen!" Nimrodel cried out desperately, as she had promised to safely bring both individuals to Rivendell.

The entire atmosphere froze, as if in slow motion. Arwen could feel the approach of death as she saw the orc's sword closing in on her. But suddenly, a voice was heard from the sky.

"In the silence of the night, my sword shall be the light."

"Sword Dance, First Form."

When the voice fell, a rain of swords illuminated the night, piercing the bodies of all the orcs around, moving like shooting stars from side to side, a beautiful yet deadly spectacle.


A deep voice rang out, causing the remaining ogres to attempt to flee, but their efforts were in vain, as no orc could survive.

Seeing such a scene, everyone present fell into a stunned silence, numbed by what they had just witnessed.

All eyes turned toward the source of the voice, and everyone's first thought was the same: a Maiar.

The young man wore a golden robe with brown and white designs, his hands behind his back as he stood atop a floating sword in the air.

His calm gaze took in everything that had happened around him, but his attention gracefully focused on one person in particular. What stood out the most was the small golden crown delicately resting on his hair, reflecting light in subtle gleams.

------ POV Anaraviel-------

A few hours ago, I was practicing in the courtyard of my cave when I heard shouts in the distance. I decided to use my spiritual awareness to find out what was happening outside the mountains.

To my surprise, I noticed a large group of orcs chasing a small group of elves, so I decided to go take a look and see if I could use my new abilities to help them. I've been wanting to test them for a while, but I haven't dared to venture too far from the cave until now.

So, without hesitation, I summoned the flying sword from the system space and quickly headed in the direction of the group.

When I arrived, I didn't act hastily, as I needed to find the perfect opportunity to intervene. I won't deny that secretly I also wanted to act when they were in a desperate moment to impress the two beautiful ladies, especially the younger one who seemed to be the other woman's daughter.

But just as the orc was about to attack the young woman, I knew it was my time to act. However, I momentarily went into a trance when I heard the guard shout a name.

"Miss Arwen."

I quickly snapped out of my trance and sprang into action.

"In the silence of the night, my sword shall be the light."

"Sword Dance, First Form."

Although the situation was dire, I realized that I could still save her, even if it took me a bit longer. So, I improvised the first phrase to sound cooler.

Afterward, I used the fifty swords I could summon at the moment to kill all the orcs around, especially the one about to attack Arwen. I can't deny that at first, seeing the blood of the dead orcs and the severed heads made me feel queasy and want to vomit. But I forced myself to get used to it because this wouldn't be the only time, and the sooner I accepted it, the better.

Later on, seeing how easily all the orcs had been killed, I felt quite surprised. I didn't expect it to be like this; in my imagination, the orcs would be scarier, and it would be harder to kill them.

There was silence all around, but I didn't care at all. My attention was on the girl I had saved. She was incredibly beautiful, with dark braided hair, pale arms, and a clear face that was smooth and flawless. The starlight shone in her eyes, gray as a cloudless night, and in her, there was true majesty. Her gaze revealed knowledge and wisdom, as if she had seen all the things that the years bring.

We both looked at each other for a while; I didn't know how long because I didn't care. I just wanted to keep looking at her. Eventually, a cough brought me back to reality.

"Cough, cough. I would like to thank you for your help," Nimrodel said, not even realizing she had ruined the atmosphere.

"An old man who lacks awareness; he doesn't even realize the atmosphere," I complained silently while giving him a glance. "But let's not pay attention to him. In my list of actions, I can say that my heroic entrance was a success, so I'll check it off as completed."

"You don't have to thank me; I just heard what was happening and decided to come help," I said, using the swords I had created as steps to descend to the ground again. Although I could have descended directly, it wouldn't have been as impressive.

As soon as I touched the ground, the grass and flowers nearby started to grow and dance, creating a dazzling scene. Seeing the reactions of the others, I knew my efforts had paid off, and there was a hint of childish pride in my heart.

One of the elf guards quickly approached and bowed, asking for my assistance.

"Sir, please, I ask you to help my comrades who are also fighting some orcs nearby."

I thought for a moment and glanced at Arwen, who was also looking at me. I decided to accept to avoid leaving a bad impression.

"All right, but you must follow me at a safe distance so that I can help you if another accident occurs."

Everyone nodded, so I leaped back onto my flying sword and used my spiritual awareness to pinpoint the exact direction of the other group before heading in their direction.

As the elf had mentioned, this group was larger but much more miserable, as there were even more orcs pursuing them. Without further ado, I began to attack.

"Sword Dance - First Form."

Just like before, fifty swords emerged to attack the nearby orcs. This sudden move shocked everyone, but I continued with my own attacks.

"Swift Shadow."

After whispering those words, I quickly moved toward some orcs who were nearby and killed them. With my speed and silent movements, I ended up killing a large number of them by surprise. Some orcs only attacked on instinct, and only a few had any fighting awareness, which made things much easier.

When the elves saw that the situation had changed, many of them were pleasantly surprised, as they had thought they were going to die in that place.

"Counterattack and kill these damn orcs!" one of the elves shouted.

This spurred everyone on, and they attacked with more enthusiasm, resulting in the deaths of more and more orcs.


A rough voice sounded in the night's darkness, causing all the orcs to start pulling back as quickly as possible. However, this move ended up sealing their fate, as separating made it much easier to hunt them down and kill them.

After some time, the group of elves decided to stop pursuing them and began to regroup.

"Sir, thank you very much for your help," the captain of the large group said.

He then quickly called his people and headed in the direction of the group where his lady was, to help them with the orcs that were pursuing them.

But a moment later, everyone stopped as they saw the other group approaching them.

"Captain Miriel, it's good to see you again," Celebrían said, with her daughter closely following.

"Milady, I'm glad to know you are safe and sound," Miriel replied.

"Sir Miriel, do you know where the young man who came to help you is?" Arwen asked, trying to hide her curiosity.

Upon hearing her question, there was an imperceptible smile on Celebrian's face, as she had noticed her daughter's interest in the young man.

"I wouldn't know how to answer that, young lady, as after thanking him for his help, we rushed as quickly as possible to assist you with the orcs," Miriel explained.

"Oh," Arwen murmured, somewhat disappointed.

"I see that everyone has gathered."

When they heard my voice, they all turned to look at me as I approached on my flying sword. Obviously, I had been watching everything since the moment both groups had encountered each other, and I won't deny that I was glad Arwen had asked about me. Like most fans of The Lord of the Rings, or rather, most fans of Middle-earth, I have a great affection and sympathy for her.

Whether it's because of her beauty or tragic fate, many people have been moved by her, and my case is not much different.

But I can only say that she is much more beautiful than one can read or see in the movies.


Note: I will try to upload chapters once a week. Thank you very much to those who have left good comments and support, it encourages me a lot to continue with the story.