326 Different Modes for Different People

Kane's reaction didn't come as a surprise to Alonso. Even if they'd not been close in years, that didn't mean he forgot the mercenary's behavior pattern. Different modes for different the other would always say.

Out of most of them, the current mode was the one Alonso disliked the most. The pity appeal. Pity for what exactly? The mercenary never gave anyone pity so why should he be granted any? The right-hand many only shook his head, turning away from the used-to-be friend and facing Jovani. The troublesome boss whom he hoped would make the right decision.

"Come now? Can't we all just decide to be friends and go back to how things were before? Share a few drinks and talk about what the next best plans would be. I have come all this way after all." Glossing over Alonso, Kane's gaze stuck to Jovani. A potentially squishy target who might take his pitiful expression to heart seeing as the Vedova Nera boss brought him over.


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