
arrange married wangxian

This is my first wangxian FF . The idea and story is all mine . If you are like me who loves yizhan and wangxian then this fiction is for you guys. This is an arranged marriage wangxian ff if you like it add it in your reading list. The story starts when yungmeng jiang clan and Gusu lan clan engaged a arranged marriage between their sons , Wei wuxian and lan wangji. Two person like stranger live under the same roof and continued to live together but Wei , who is unaware of lan zhan's true feelings has already decided to break free from this marriage but end up falling in love with him. will they able to confess their feelings ? or Wei will continue to find ways of getting rid of this marriage and his husband ? but like every other story there is always an evil person who comes in between the main character's love story and in their life there are many. The story contain love , hatred, revenge, drama, romance .. यह मेरा पहला वैंग्ज़ियान एफएफ है विचार और कहानी सब मेरी है यदि आप मेरे जैसे हैं जो यिज़ान और वांग्ज़ियान से प्यार करते हैं तो यह कल्पना आप लोगों के लिए है यह एक व्यवस्थित विवाह वैंग्ज़ियान एफएफ है यदि आप इसे पसंद करते हैं तो इसे अपनी पठन सूची में जोड़ें कहानी तब शुरू होता है जब युंगमेंग जियांग कबीले और गुसु लैन कबीले ने अपने बेटों वेई वूक्सियन और लैन वांगजी के बीच एक अरेंज मैरिज की। अजनबी जैसे दो व्यक्ति एक ही छत के नीचे रहते हैं और साथ रहना जारी रखते हैं लेकिन वेई जो लैन ज़ान की सच्ची भावनाओं से अनजान हैं, उन्होंने पहले ही टूटने का फैसला कर लिया इस शादी से मुक्त लेकिन अंत में उससे प्यार हो जाता है, क्या वे अपनी भावनाओं को कबूल कर पाएंगे? या वेई इस शादी और अपने पति से छुटकारा पाने के तरीके ढूंढते रहेंगे? लेकिन हर दूसरी कहानी की तरह हमेशा एक दुष्ट व्यक्ति होता है जो मुख्य पात्र की प्रेम कहानी के बीच में आता है और उनके जीवन में कई कहानी होती है जिसमें प्रेम घृणा प्रतिशोध नाटक रोमांस होता है।

kimsimin555 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

chapter 16 noise is prohibited

The distance between them became shorter when lan Zhan looked at his side only to find wei Ying so close to him that he can even feel the warm and heavy breaths of Wei Ying on his face.

Wei Ying was immersed in those beautiful eyes infront of his own. he can see his own reflection in that crystal clear eyes if lan Zhan. He know that lan Zhan is handsome but watching the beauty infront of your eyes only few centimetres away from his face he now understand what does the word 'perfection' actually mean.

He unknowingly is smiling looking at lan Zhan who although had no expression or an emotion on his face not even a smile but then getting a closer look of his face, Wei Ying can clearly see those red ears of lan Zhan.

Wei Ying smiled proudly thinking of how he can embarrass even the stone faced Hanguang jun.

All these time he was standing infront of lan zhan body bend and was leaning toward lan zhan's left side. His hands crossed and at the back of his body.

"what do you think of your new name ? lan~ er~ gege " wei Ying whispered those words leaning to the side of lan zhan.

Lan Zhan can feel his heart clenching inside his ribcage.

Wei Ying smirked looking at lan zhan's Adam apple which wobbles after breaking their eye contact.

"Boring " lan Zhan. Composing his inner self lan zhan asked, trying hard no to sound differently while stabilising his fast breathings and racing heart. His ears has long turned red from the moment he heard wei Ying. The way he is gripping on his sword if it were a human it would have died from choking. (cough) (cough)

Lan er gege now tell me was you purposely ignoring me ? " Wei Ying asked getting more closer .He was smiling but a little very little bit sadness can be seen on his face. He don't like being ignored and especially when lan zhan ignored him just now.Maybe because he is now used to the way lan Zhan treat him. So getting ignored he didn't like it.


lan Zhan can feel his heart hitting his ribcage again and again listening to how wei Ying is addressing him but everything drained when he heard wei Ying's words. He felt guilty that his fault that he wasn't paying attention and was busy in checking the reports that he didn't noticed wei Ying's calls. He can see there's a glimpse of sadness in his tone.

"I wasn't attentive " he said with an apologetic look he felt like he offended wei Ying.

"It's okay. I forgive you lan ~er gege' wei Ying again called his bame again. this time putting more weight on each word.

"stop" lan Zhan said already getting embarrassed but didn't showed it in his words.

Wei Ying grin became wider hearing lan zhan's protest.

er gege,why don't you like it ?or are you embarrass huh?'

11 ." lan Zhan wasn't able to say anything for his defence.

"extremely boring " Lan Zhan said after a moment. He can't admit it.


"really er gege? " This time Wei Ying leaned more closer to him and whispered those words in lan Zhan's left ear.



If you will ask him,wei Ying seriously don't know why he did this .He wanted to tease lan Zhan a little more and he thinks lan zhan deserves to get embarrass after ignoring him .

oh god wei Ying didn't have an idea how his words are effecting lan Zhan .he is getting fluster everytime he is addressing him like that

"really er gege?"

(sound of approaching Footsteps )

Wei Ying moved his face to his right side to look at door but he forgot that he was leaning towards lan Zhan. Unintentionally he kissed lan zhan on his cheek.



lan zhan's eyes widen to the sudden kiss and wei Ying was same.

Lan zhan felt his heart stopped after the light touch of Wei ying's lips on his cheeks .Wei Ying felt someone squeezed his heart inside his chest.Even though it was just a light kiss on the cheek but the way lan zhan's cheeks turned red in a seconds, it was looking as if Wei Ying had bite him on the cheek. The redness on his ear turned more red and his lips were shut as if it's sealed.

Wei Ying immediately moved back but fumbled on his step .he immediately closed his eyes expecting to fall down but what he didn't expected was he will end up falling on lan Zhan's lap with his hand on lan zhan's chest. If only lan zhan hadn't nulled him on

time he must have fallen on the floor.

Wei Ying can feel his chest moving up and down because of his heavy breathing it was like an invisible string is attached to his chest and he was being pulled by it. For a moment he was blanked. He blinked looking at lan Zhan and then touching his lip by his fingers and then thinking about what he had actually happened, a moment ago .How he kissed lan Zhan then now he is sitting on his lap. It all because of those stupid rules that his legs are numbed .so it's all old master lan's fault who punished him,made him copy those rules which became the only reason behind his numb legs which is why he fall on lan Zhan's lap .so if he had to blame anyone he would blame lan qiren it's all because of him that now wei ying is in this embarrass situation. This can be taken as the most embarassed situation he has ever been.


The scene is really unbearable even the thickest face,wei wuxian got embarassed which is completely showing on his red face. out of embarrassment he started shuttering while apologizing,

Sorry lan Zhan I didn't mean to..


So while the time they were taken back from the sudden kiss, all the juniors were looking at them. The time when they opened the door of library pavilion they witness their senior kissing.

Both of them look at the direction of the door from where the sound came .only to see the juniors looking at them with wide eyes and lan jinyi was the one who dropped his book.All the juniors face were red looking at sight, wei Ying was sitting on lan Zhan's lap his right hand on lan Zhan's chest,they eyes locked to eachother. one would think they were making out or was the things were just started to get heat and they got interrupted.

"sorry seniors we will come later " lan sizhui was the one to spoke and they all of them turned around in unison and was about to leave when Wei Ying stop them,

Hey hey stop it's not what it's looking like "Wei Ying said,he wants to just run away from here rightnow.

'How can I do this?! all because of my stupidity now I embarassed lan zhan all infront of the juniors who consider him as their Hanguang jun what wilk people think now? what will his lover think after she found out about this?!! ahhhh wei Ying you are a fucking mess' He thought.


A/N really you are a mess (face palm)


The juniors had their head hung low. They couldn't able to utter another word their res faces were enough to describe how flustered they are.

"lan Zhan tell them. It's not what they think "


All the juniors vowed in unison to apologize. If their hanguang jun is saying it's not what they think it is then it must be not what they think right? There's now way hanguang jun will lie. He is with few words but whenever he sneake he will either

speak the truth or will chose to remain silent lying wasnt in lan sector rules. so there's no otherwise juniors will not believe.

lan Zhan gesture them to speak for what they have arrived for.

Senior wei, will you mind joining us for the night hunt?" lan sizhui asked excitedly others had look at Wei Ying with curious eyes They really are looking forward for his answer. As for Wei Ying he didn't even know them well expect for lan sizhui (when he was a little 5 years old A yuan) and lan jinyi(A yuan's best friend) whom he met at yunmeng but looking at the juniors they were like they know him very well but then wei Ying is born with the character of getting along very well so getting along with them is not a big deal for him he is used to it and if it's something that will make hi foot way out of this cave then he will surely accept it. I mean it's good for him afterall he came here for vacations and it will fun exploring Gusu.

"what about old master lan ? " Wei Ying asked as to make him safe from

te next punishment

lan sizhui smiled a little looking at the side of Wei Ying where lan Zhan was standing.

11 Hanguang jun asked for Sector leader's permission and they agreed. "

11 Then I m in "wei Ying immediately accepted the request. Only he knows how he is happy from inside.

I mean who would not? If he for night hunting then it means he will able to taste the famous Emperor smile like he always wanted and what a waste of his hardwork if he didn't taste it. Going to night hunt also means he can skip the torturing meal of cloud Recesses and who knows when lan qiren will throw him out of Gusu. it's better to explore Gusu before being thrown away.


11 Okay then tonight I m coming with you ... For now lan Zhan I m hungry 11 wei Ying said rubbing his hands on his stomach. lan Zhan nodded and the juniors excused themselves. But before going back to his room wei Ying look back at the reports and smirked

victoriously as if talking to those reports. As if the reports were a living person and he defeated those silly reports which were getting lan zhan's attention.It because of them lan Zhan didn't gave him a glance and for the first time he was ignored.

A/N This kiss wasn't planned but your comments haunted me last night. So I had to add the kiss but it's okay I was going to add it anyway but wasn't sure but later I did. I know this isn't a kiss it's a peck. please Don't scream at me for this now they can't kiss eachother now don't make me feel guilty be nice to me in the comment section

At the lunch time wei Ying literally cursed himself watching those silly dishes again on the table. why the hell he decided to have lunch ? it's true that he was hungry so what he should have wait till the dinner time. He unwillingly ate those dishes knowing well he may get punish if he throw the food. It's not that he is afraid it something he didn't want to take more weight of punishment. His hands are already paining him a little because of copying those rules and he hadn't finish copying it yet.

It was already evening when wang lingjiao came to wei Ying's room again to clean the mess he had created and to check if he need anything. Wei Ying was reading an interesting comic he borrowed from jiang cheng without his knowledge and he laughed opening the book thinking how angry jiang cheng must be getting when he didn't find this comic as it has became a habit of jiang cheng to read this comic at night before sleeping. He even keep this comic under his pillow before sleeping. He didn't allowed anyone ti touch his belongings especially wei Ying .

Just by imagining jiang cheng's angry face Wei Ying giggled but he will give it back to him once Jiang cheng came to cloud Recesses as he didn't want early death. Wei Ying hadn't met his soulmate yet how can he die so early.

Wei Ying was going through the book while eating a banana . He giggled and flipped his pages one by one and took bites of banana when he felt hungry. wang lingjiao on the other was

cleaning the mess when suddenly wei Ying asked her,

"lady wang did you came to call me in the morning after you left? " he ask but was still busy reading his comics. Not so interested knowing the answer what is the use now he already got punished.

wang lingjiao stopped what she was doing and slightly frowned but continued what she was doing earlier.

"I did "

Wei Ying gave her a glance. He bite his lips thinking of somwthing but didn't said anything.

"really? how I didn't heard you or felt your presence? "

'It must be because you were in deep 11 slumber. I knocked so many times but you didn't answered then I was called by madam lan so I went there "

"knock? why did you knock? I don't remember locking the door before sleeping "wei Ying peeling the banana to get more bites.

" But when I came the door was closed... I thought it was locked from inside so I didn't tried to open it " she said looking at him

sorry Wei gongzi it must be my fault that you got punished " she apologized lowering her head.

"There's no need to apologise it's not your fault anyway anyway Maybe I myself had locked it . Actually im bad in remembering things so I forgot 11 wei Ying said and shrugged it. He didn't like female apologizing to him and beside he is having fun reading this comic so why waste time. He get back to read the comic again and she continued her work.

"Senior Wei " The juniors knocks and calls him.

"Coming "wei Ying responded throwing that banana peel somewhere on the floor.

He took his suibian with him and then checked whether he kept the cheng qing ling, his flute with him. The forest will be a good place to play his flute as the evening weather is perfect for some music. He out the boom under his pillow and ran to the juniors. He is so excited to finally go out of cloud Recesses the only thing in his mind is his spicy dishes and emperor smile is waiting for him outside.

In their way he met Madam lan and sector leader lan who were siping their evening tea while talking like how married couples do enjoying the beautiful evening Wei Ying wished them good evening also thanked sector leader lan for letting him go with the juniors .They were pleased to see the latter smiling so happily.

lan wangji and lan xichen who were on the petrolling duty saw him humming a song while walking in excitement.

"Wangji, you are smiling? May I know the reason " lan xichen asked even though he knew the reason .he hide his own smile looking at his brother who was unknowingly smiling looking at Wei wuxian from afar .

Wangji looked at his brother then continue looking at Wei Ying. He didn't need to express his feelings to his brother .His brother know him well.

'So about the night hunt you talked with father. " lan xichen asked if wasn't the question he knew it must be his brother behind this.


" looks like master wei is really very happy. He is finally smiling like his old self."

lan zhan nodded and this time his lips curved more without his knowledge. Lan xichen too was surprise but knowing well about his brother he just smile looking how good his little brother is looking when he is smiling.

Wangji about library pavilion .." lan xichen was about to say something but lan Zhan cut him.

Brother Shifu called me " lan Zhan said and left.

Lan xichen was confuse why his brother left all of sudden and that too with red ears.

"I was about to ask him to help me find a book in library pavilion.why did he left ? did something happened without my knowledge ? " lan xichen mumbles confusingly.

Wei Ying was extremely happy which one can see from his face .He was playing his cheng qing ling on his way. all the juniors are glad and a little amaze to see him happy .His smile is really breathtaking. In his mind wei ying has already prepared a long list of all the dishes he will eat. just thinking of the dishes his mouth is getting watery. He can't wait to take a bite of those spicy meat dishes he was craving for.

In wei Ying's temporary room,wang lingjiao was cleaning the mess inside the room when she accidentally step on the banana peel and the next thing she knew was she is on the floor whimpering in pain holding her back. She feel with a loud bang sound. She shouted in pain but then lowered her voice remembering about the lan sector's rule.

'Causing noise is prohibited 11

To be stories by mei me 1 continued..

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