
Arms Dealers From Hogwarts

"In battle or war, any ability or tool, be it magic, ninjutsu, or even the devil fruit, is considered munitions. If it's munitions, you can purchase it from me," proclaimed Jemini. "Ron! These things are way more straightforward than a magic wand!" exclaimed Harry, wielding two guns. "Jemini, where's that alchemy cannon of yours? Bring it out for me!" demanded Hermione, known as the steel maiden. "Captain Seamus is ready for action!" shouted the explosive enthusiast, Seamus. In 1991, Jemini arrived at Hogwarts with his armory store. He wasn't just a businessman; he was a diligent one.

LeafPanda · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Jemini Fox

In the suburbs of London, at the Holy Cross Welfare Institute.

"6 inches long, ash wood, and extremely durable... Shoots up to a distance of 20 meters! Presenting my latest slingshot, starting at only a pound!"

In the yard, a black-haired boy with blue eyes sat next to the flowerbed, brandishing a slingshot and pitching it to the kids around him.

The boy was strikingly handsome, capturing the attention of the little girls present. However, the boys were more interested in the slingshot he held.

"Jemini, I'll take it for a pound!" declared a boy, puffing out his chest in pride.

Owning that slingshot would make him the star among his peers, and maybe even win him Jenny's admiration. A pound was a lot for him, half a month's allowance, but to be the center of attention? He was willing to pay the price.

"Starting at a pound!" Jemini grinned. "Lyle offers a pound, any advance on that?"

"I'll give an extra ten pence!" shouted a larger boy.

"Gryce offers one pound and ten pence! Can anyone top that?"

"One pound and twenty!" Lyle countered, hoping to outbid Gryce.

Gryce wasn't backing down. "One pound and thirty!"

The bids escalated, driven by youthful bravado and the need for social approval. It all ceased at one pound and forty pence, which Jemini gladly accepted, leaving both Lyle elated with his new possession and Gryce begrudgingly empty-handed.

The young businessman leaned against the garden fence, twirling a coin between his fingers. A smug smile played on his lips, reminiscent of a sly fox. Selling to children was proving to be quite profitable.

A virtual panel appeared before him, showcasing various items that could be useful in battles or wars. This was Jemini's unique arms shop, accessible only to him. The shop operated on a simple premise: he had to have the money to buy anything from it.

Over his few years at the primary school, Jemini had amassed over £15,000 using this system. In the present-day UK, that amount was comparable to an average person's two-year salary. But the pool of potential customers was drying up; he'd almost bled his peers dry. Perhaps, he pondered, he should venture to the wealthier Surrey County nearby.

Suddenly, a familiar voice called out, "Jemini!"

It was Sister Linda, a caregiver at the institute. She approached him with an envelope in hand, teasingly asking if it was a letter from a secret admirer.

But Jemini knew better. As he examined the envelope with its parchment quality and distinctive wax seal, he wasn't too surprised. After all, given the unusual nature of his life, what's a mysterious letter?

Upon opening it, he found it was an acceptance letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, signed by none other than Albus Dumbledore. It seems a new adventure was about to begin.