
chapter 1 page 6

Big Red has been hiding inside a cave for most of the time that the alien invasion has taken place.

A system text appears in his vision saying, "Self is an energy absorbing android type and will run out of power in seventy-two hours. You can do it by robbing the planet of its natural elements. Power planets and heavy machinery are easy examples of power sources."

The boy spoke, "Can I do that by attacking other bots as before?"

The system spoke, "Yes, you can do it, but..."

Red spoke, "I have got it. Where is the nearest robot?"

The system spoke, "You don't have the ability to do that yet, but you can grow stronger in the future. You are always improving android type. You must find an energy source soon or you remain dormant until you receive help from other droids."

The boy droid spoke, "Fat chance of that and will have to fend for me!"


Two and half days comes and goes by and Big Red has been no better off than he was before.

Big Red spoke, "I have only twelve hours left!"

The system spoke, "Actually, you..."

Big spoke, "Shut up!

He nears a cliff and sees a series of robots destroying the small town.

Big Red spoke, "I've got to stop the bad guys, even if I don't know how!