

All-Round Mid Laner 78

This was Chi Shuo's second time marking Ye Shaoyang.

Because he was tense and nervous, the process of forming the mark was slower and longer this time.

The glands at the nape were the most delicate part of an omega's body. A bite that was too fierce would be prone to leaving behind a wound that wouldn't heal easily. It would cause a lot of pain for the omega as well. But biting too gently would leave a mark that lost its effectiveness too easily.

So, it was actually very difficult to get a handle on how to leave an appropriate temporary mark.

Chi Shuo followed what he remembered learning in physiology classes and first used his teeth to lightly pierce the edges of the omega's glands. When he saw that Ye Shaoyang didn't cry out in pain, he finally bit down on the soft, tender heart of the glands and started to slowly pump his own pheromones inside.


A familiar sensation rose, like an electric current shooting through Ye Shaoyang's whole body. A strange aching numbness climbed from his tailbone to the very top of his head. Ye Shaoyang's whole frame shuddered lightly. He grabbed onto the couch tightly with both hands.

Chi Shuo's pheromones filled him up, like a clear flowing stream of spring water running through his veins and gradually suppressing the scorching heat in his body. This feeling was even more refreshing than eating ice cream on a blazingly hot summer day.

Ye Shaoyang closed his eyes in comfort and hung his head a little lower, making it more convenient for Chi Shuo to bite.

Chi Shuo's ears were burning fiercely. Their pheromones intertwined slowly. His lips were pressed to Ye Shaoyang's pale nape, where he could distinctly feel the warmth of the omega's skin.

The instant he bite through Ye Shaoyang's glands, Chi Shuo tasted a hint of a familiar sweetness…

This type of taste could truly captivate a person.

No wonder physiology classes had said that alphas would feel a strong sense of possessiveness towards the omegas they marked.

Could he possibly let any other alpha have Ye Shaoyang like this?

They'd better not even think about touching him.

The color in Chi Shuo's eyes deepened. He increased the strength of his bite on Ye Shaoyang's glands, making his mark sink in a little deeper.

Ye Shaoyang comfortably let his eyes slide shut. In his mind, he silently thought that the a/b/o world was so mystifying. A temporary mark, a bite, could make his neck feel this good? Compared to injecting suppressants directly into his veins, receiving a bite on his throat seemed far more convenient.

As Chi Shuo's pheromones flowed into him, Ye Shaoyang felt that the heat and restlessness in his own body were fully suppressed.

The relief that swept through his whole body made him feel like a thoroughly exhausted man who had finally gotten a good night's rest. He felt as though he had been completely re-energized after waking from a deep sleep. His body had regained its strength and vitality.

Chi Shuo's pheromones were very strong after all. Ye Shaoyang's pheromone value dropped back down to 3.5.

Ye Shaoyang glanced at the monitoring device and called out, "Captain Chi, that's enough."

Chi Shuo stopped his movements. His ears were still so red that blood seemed about ready to drip from his pores. He forced himself to control the powerful physiological response threatening to consume his body. He adjusted his uneven breathing and moved back a step, placing a courteous distance between himself and Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang turned back to look at him. He earnestly said, "Thank you for helping me, Captain Chi. Are you busy today? If not, you can stay and have a meal here."

Chi Shuo was a bit too ashamed to accept such an offer.

Coming into an omega's home to mark the other party, and then being invited to stay for food?

An alpha should only receive this sort of reception after coming to an omega's door to ask for their hand in marriage and receiving the blessings of that omega's parents.

Chi Shuo averted his gaze and quietly said, "Everyone is still celebrating the new year right now. It's not convenient to stay and eat here, is it? How would I explain this when Uncle and Auntie come back?"

"My parents have passed away," Ye Shaoyang said. "I'm the only one here."

Chi Shuo couldn't help but freeze when he heard that. He turned back to look at Ye Shaoyang—those eyes that had been clouded with dew just a while ago had already cleared up again, regaining their brightness and clarity. Ye Shaoyang's face didn't show much sorrow; he was simply, plainly stating a fact.

His parents had passed away?

So… his cat was really the only family member left at his side?

Chi Shuo's chest tensed faintly. His own eyes were soft and warm as he looked at Ye Shaoyang. "Apologies, I didn't know about your parents. So, you're living by yourself now?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded. "Mm, being by myself isn't bad, I have my cat to keep me company. And the next tournament season will begin very soon, so I'll have you guys at my side."

Chi Shuo's mind automatically ignored the 'guys' part of 'you guys'.

He thought Ye Shaoyang was saying—

I'll have you at my side.

The alpha's heart was fiercely moved. This type of dependence and the responsibility it made him feel sent a wave of warmth through his chest. He couldn't resist the thought that he wanted to protect the omega standing in front of him.

Chi Shuo wasn't the type of scummy alpha who would mark someone and not take responsibility. His own beliefs were still fairly traditional.

When an alpha repeatedly marked an omega, regardless of the reason, the two people were doing something extremely intimate. If the other party wanted to be with him, then he definitely wouldn't have any excuse to refuse.

Although he couldn't really say he was 'in like' with Ye Shaoyang yet, there was a saying of 'climbing into the car first and upgrading your ticket later'. Their bodies already shared such an intimate bond. Wouldn't their feelings slowly grow as well?

If some other omega had asked him for a mark when there were no feelings between them, he might have been annoyed.

But this was Shaoyang. Regardless of whether it was in a physical or emotional sense, it seemed Chi Shuo wasn't adverse to him.

Chi Shuo reached out a hand and lightly helped Ye Shaoyang smooth down his messy, sweat-slicked hair. He softly, warmly said in a low voice, "Don't worry. I'll take good care of you."

Ye Shaoyang froze for a second.

I'm a whole adult and I need you to take care of me?

Oh, that's right. Chi Shuo is the captain, and captains are supposed to take good care of their teammates. That's to be expected.

Thinking of that, Ye Shaoyang smiled towards Chi Shuo and said, "Thank you for your care, Captain Chi."

Chi Shuo's eyes grew even warmer. "If you need help with anything in the future, just tell me."

"Mm," Ye Shaoyang said. "I won't be shy."

The two of them continued conversing like a chicken and a duck for a while.

They each interpreted the other's words based on their own perspective, and they had quite a pleasant conversation.

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Just then, the little kitty ran over from the side and pounced onto Ye Shaoyang's legs, crying out, "Meow-meow!"

Ye Shaoyang remembered that he hadn't fed Xiao Bai breakfast yet. He got up and said, "I had problems with my pheromones as soon as I woke up. My head was spinning so bad that I forgot to feed the cat."

Chi Shuo also stood up with him and warmly said, "You're drenched in sweat. Go take a shower first, I'll feed Xiao Bai."

Ye Shaoyang really had shed a lot of sweat earlier. His pajamas were sticking to his body, and his hair was all damp. It was pretty uncomfortable indeed. When he heard Chi Shuo's offer, he wasn't shy about accepting. He pointed to the kitty food bowl on the balcony. "The white cupboard by the living room is full of canned food. I'll trouble Captain Chi to open one up, any one is fine. Just put half in the kitty food bowl, and Xiao Bai will eat."

Chi Shuo nodded. "Okay. You go ahead."

He leaned down and picked up the little cat, then headed out onto the balcony to give the cat some food.

Ye Shaoyang turned to grab a shower. Chi Shuo watched as Xiao Bai wolfed down the canned food like it was starving. He thought for a moment, then took out his cell phone and sent Fang Zhengqing a message: [What do you need to know to raise a cat?]

Fang Zhengqing, after sleeping in late, woke up just in time to see this message. His head filled up with question marks.

What the hell was wrong with Chi Shuo, that he was suddenly asking him about raising a cat over the new year's holiday?

Fang Zhengqing yawned and answered with a short audio message. "Cats are pretty easy to raise. Feed them on time every day, clean their litter boxes, and when you have time, brush their fur a bit."

He stretched lazily and woke up a bit more. Then he curiously added, "Why are you suddenly asking about this?"

Chi Shuo answered, "My friend is raising a cat. I want to understand a bit better."

He was going to be with Shaoyang in the future, so he was going to be a member of the Kitty Litter Division in the future too. He would help take care of Xiao Bai. It was good for him to get some understanding of how to raise a cat now, so that he wouldn't be completely clueless in the future.

Fang Zhengqing narrowed his eyes. "A friend?"

After thinking for a moment, he added, "Out of all your friends, am I not the only one who has a cat?"

Fang Zhengqing, who lacked any sense of tacit understanding with Chi Shuo, didn't even begin to understand the implication in Chi Shuo's words.

Chi Shuo took advantage of the flow and said, "Mm, so I need to show some concern about your life as a member of the Kitty Litter Division."

Fang Zhengqing retorted, "Don't show too much concern. I'm already breaking out in goosebumps."

Chi Shuo: [Bye.]

Fang Zhengqing: [Bye.]

By the time Chi Shuo put down his cell phone, the little cat had already swiftly finished its meal. Chi Shuo picked Xiao Bai up and brought it over to the cat tower nearby, then picked up a brush and started to brush Xiao Bai's hair.

Since Chi Shuo had just marked Ye Shaoyang, his whole body was tinted with the scent of Ye Shaoyang's pheromones. Xiao Bai scooted closer to take a sniff, discovering that this person had its master's familiar scent.

And so, the cat didn't struggle at all, sprawling out comfortably on the cat tower.

Once Chi Shuo finished combing its left side, Xiao Bai obligingly flipped over and had Chi Shuo continue brushing its right side.

Chi Shuo patted the little kitty's head. A thread of warmth rose in his eyes.

It seemed true that loving someone resulted in loving everything that came with them, then? When Chi Shuo looked at this cat now, he really was starting to think it was getting cuter and cuter.

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A while later, Ye Shaoyang emerged from the shower. He'd changed into a clean set of pajamas, and his hair was still damp. His new pajamas had a very low collar, so his pale, beautiful collarbones were distinctly visible.

Chi Shuo's breath caught in his throat. He hastily averted his gaze.

Did this omega really not feel at all guarded against Chi Shuo?

Chi Shuo's heart was beating fiercely again. He didn't dare look at Ye Shaoyang in such an alluring state, for fear of not being able to maintain his control.

Ye Shaoyang, on the other hand, was completely calm and composed. He came out to the balcony and asked, "Captain Chi, are you hungry? There are some things in the refrigerator that Little Rui bought in advance. It's not great to get takeout while celebrating the new year and all, so how about we cook at home?"

"You know how to cook?" Chi Shuo asked.

"Nope, but I can look it up and learn," Ye Shaoyang said. "I can still manage simple dishes."

Chi Shuo thought it over silently for a few seconds, then turned and said, "I'll cook. I know how."

Most alphas knew how to cook. When omegas were in heat, they lost all their strength. Hiring a housekeeper to help out around the house when a couple's pheromones were raging through their home wasn't too convenient.

Alphas who knew how to cook could better take care of their own omegas.

Chi Shuo had never cooked for anyone else before.

Today would be an exception.

Chi Shuo looked back and met Ye Shaoyang's smiling eyes. His heart softened inexplicably, and he warmly said, "You go rest. Just wait until food is ready."

Ye Shaoyang enthusiastically said, "I'll be your assistant."

Chi Shuo was a guest. Asking a guest to cook wasn't very appropriate.

And so, Ye Shaoyang rolled up his sleeves and entered the kitchen with Chi Shuo.

Chi Shuo started to cook while Ye Shaoyang helped him wash vegetables.

Coming to the door to mark an omega, then staying in that omega's home to cook in the kitchen…

This kind of behavior made it seem almost like they were newlyweds.

Every time Chi Shuo looked over, he caught sight of Ye Shaoyang's profile. Ye Shaoyang was focusing on washing vegetables with his head bowed. His long, slender fingers were extremely nimble. Those fingers were damp with droplets of water, and his face wore a light smile.

The sun spilled in through the kitchen windows, bathing Ye Shaoyang's body in a warm glow.

Chi Shuo's heartbeat suddenly raced out of control again. He was practically thinking, It would be pretty good to marry an omega like this, right?

They played games together, so they could speak the same language. When they had free time, they could play with their cat and cook together. Their life as a married couple would be very comfortable and warm, wouldn't it?

Ye Shaoyang had absolutely no idea that thoughts of marriage had already spawned in Chi Shuo's head.

In his eyes, a good buddy had just come over to lend him a hand, and this buddy could also cook? Perfect, they could cook and eat together.

What more was there to think about?

Chi Shuo made two dishes and a soup. Everything tasted very good.

Ye Shaoyang ate while praising, "Captain Chi, I never would have been able to tell you could actually cook. This is super delicious."

Chi Shuo was quite pleased by the praise. "I'll cook for you again in the future, when there's time."

After the two of them had a midday meal, they were left with nothing to do in the afternoon, so Ye Shaoyang simply dragged Chi Shuo into the study to game.

The study just so happened to have two computers. They got onto their alts on the international server to play ranked. The randomized names of their alt accounts were changed so frequently that they couldn't even remember their own names, so naturally they weren't recognized by anyone else.

A formidable mid/jungle duo appeared once more, slaughtering a path through the international server until enemy marksmen and mid laners no longer dared venture out from under their towers.

Time flew by. They won several games in a row.

When Chi Shuo saw that it was six in the evening, he suddenly remembered that he was supposed to go over to his grandfather's place for a family dinner. It was only then that he got up and said, "I have something to do in the evening, so I'll go home first. I'll come be with you again on another day."

Ye Shaoyang assumed this 'be with you' referred to playing the game. He happily waved and said, "Okay, you go ahead, Captain Chi. Thanks for today. You had to go to the trouble of making a long trip out here."

Chi Shuo quietly said, "No need for thanks. I'll head out first."

It was already dark by the time Chi Shuo stepped out. The temperature in winter was low. Chi Shuo took a deep breath as a cold wind blew past him. But the heat in his heart didn't subside.

When he thought of everything that had happened since meeting Ye Shaoyang, he felt it was like a series of fateful events arranged by a higher power.

The two of them both loved playing games, and they were perfectly in sync when they competed. Their two hearts beat as one.

Ye Shaoyang was allergic to suppressants, and Chi Shuo had had no choice but to mark him at the hospital. The two of them established an extremely intimate physical relationship after that. He and Ye Shaoyang's pheromones were also a perfect match, a rare 100% compatibility rate.

Although he couldn't say that he was truly in love with Ye Shaoyang yet, Ye Shaoyang already trusted him and depended on him. He should also make some changes for Ye Shaoyang. He hadn't given any thought to dating in the past, but from today onwards, he would include this in his plans—he would take good care of the omega he had marked.

In this world, the practice of marking someone first and falling in love later happened quite often. TV dramas often portrayed stories of 'marriage first, love second' relationships. When Chi Shuo really thought about it, there was nothing unacceptable about this.

Shaoyang's parents had already passed away. When the two of them got engaged and got married in the future, they could just handle it all on their own.

Chi Shuo swiftly walked towards his parked car and opened the door. He got the alpha pheromone masking spray out of the center console compartment and thoroughly sprayed himself all over. After the intimate act of marking Ye Shaoyang, his body still carried the scent of Ye Shaoyang's pheromones. He had to cover that up as quickly as possible. He couldn't let his family find out, or it would be very difficult to explain.

It was still too early for him to take Ye Shaoyang home to meet his parents. It would be better to wait until the end of the next season.

Ye Shaoyang, who was still playing the game at home, sneezed three times in a row.

He dubiously rubbed his nose and couldn't help but wonder, "Is someone thinking about me?"

Author's Notes:

In the a/b/o world, giving someone a temporary mark is about as intimate as two men getting each other off in the real world. So you can't blame Captain Chi for overthinking things~

Hahaha, it's Ye Shaoyang who isn't quite right!