
Episode 12 Faria-Belfaria

"I am Faria Belfaria, Officer in charge of the Callan District of the Gandia Branch of the Continental Summoners Association. This is Elina Carone.

Nice to meet you!


 I'm sure it was understandable that Setsuna gave a raw reply. I'm not sure if you've ever heard of this, but I'm sure you have. Elina's energetic greeting notwithstanding.

 This was right after Setsuna had writhed around in agony from the intense pain that tortured her entire body.

 Setsuna was relieved that she had managed to bring her struggle with the pain to a draw. At such a time, it was inevitable that she would be reluctant to respond to the sudden self-introduction. However, Setsuna couldn't imagine when else she should start talking about her existence.


 Setsuna's gaze wandered, searching for the right words. On the bed, she had given up on even raising her body. I'm not sure what to do. It must be a wise decision not to move at all.

 It was not only inconvenient and unbecoming to have her vision fixed on her side, but it was frightening to think of having to fight the pain all over her body just to look good.

 Faria was right in front of Setsuna, who was lying on her side in bed. She was sitting on a pipe chair that seemed to be in the tent. She had her hand on something that looked like a document on her lap and was looking at us.

 Elina was sitting on the edge of the bed, laughing at Setsuna and smiling at Farina. She is a lovely girl.

 Setsuna sighed, trying to keep as little tension in her body as possible.

'I don't understand what's going on.

I'm sure you do. I don't understand it either.

 It's not that I don't like it, but it's not that I don't like it.

 What Setsuna doesn't understand is almost everything, including Faria. She doesn't know anything about this world, or even about armed summoning.

 It was almost as if she didn't know anything at all. Setsuna admitted this fact, though she was shocked. But strangely, she didn't swear at Azumaria for not giving her the knowledge she needed. I ask.


First of all, what are you? I looked through the documents and even contacted the branch office, but there was no information on armed summoners like you. In other words, you are an unregistered armed summoner. And why did you, an unregistered armed summoner, risk your life to stop Lance Verein from running amok? It was originally the work of the association that received the request, and my role as an armed summoner belonging to the association.

 I'm not sure what to say, but I'm not sure what to do.

I'm not sure what to say. Let's calm down a little.

I am calm. What are you? From the looks of you, you're not from this country. ...

Yeah, I know. I am not from this country.

(I'm not even from this world to begin with.)

 I felt like that wasn't the right thing to say here. A strange world. I think we should avoid causing unnecessary confusion as much as possible. Although Setsuna herself was not sure if she could keep her thoughts to herself.

 After all, she had a previous record of running into a city engulfed in raging fire. It was a good thing that she was still alive, but she could have lost her life. Setsuna felt a chill run down her spine even after all this time.

I am Shinya ... Setsuna-Kamiya. As you can see, I'm a spiffy seventeen-year-old!

 Setsuna was shouting with such force that if her body was free to move, she would have jumped up and down with all her might and even made a peace sign with her fingers. Then she groaned in intense pain. I must have yelled too loud.

 Elina was giggling, probably because Setsuna had writhed in pain the moment she had raised her voice so vigorously. However, I don't look down at her with bitterness. It was all my fault.


"No, that's not the part that's bugging me!

 In the event that you've got a problem with your own personal computer, you'll be able to use the internet to find out more about it.

 It was similar to the embarrassment you feel when you think you've made a light joke and people don't notice it at all. Of course, Setsuna had no intention of making a joke. She was just spinning her wheels as hard as she could.

No, I'm sorry. No, I'm sorry, I just felt like I've heard it somewhere before. So, Setsuna-Kamiya-san--

"Wait a minute.

 I'm sure you've heard of me before," she said, interrupting Faria's line. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.


I've been wondering why you're talking like that.

Is it weird?

 Faria tilted her head. The gesture made her look younger than she should. For that moment, rather than a beautiful woman, she was a dainty girl herself, and Setsuna blinked her eyes. It may have been a momentary illusion. Answer.

... No, it's not weird, but... It's not that I'm not a good person, but I'm a good person.

 In short, Setsuna was not good at being formal. She thought it would be nothing but torture to have a long conversation with a stiff tone. She couldn't even use honorifics properly. He wondered what it would be like to be a student, but he was confident that he would be able to learn it by the time he entered society.

 Then, he was summoned to another world.

If that's what you want, Setsuna-san.

Setsuna is fine. I'm younger than you by all accounts.

 After she said it, Setsuna wondered if it was forbidden to talk about age with women, but then she thought back to the fact that she might be fine with someone who looked like she was in her early twenties. On the other hand, he thought that he might be okay with someone who looked to be in his early twenties. It might have been a shallow thought on Setsuna's part, but he decided not to think about it too much at this point.

"Really? Then, Setsuna. Can I ask you a few more questions?

"Yes. I have a lot of questions I want to ask you.

 Setsuna was relieved to see that there was no particular change in Faria's condition.

 I'm not sure what to say, but I'm not sure what to do. First of all, it was extremely rude. I'm sure she knows that I can't move, but that doesn't change the fact that it's bad manners. That's not good.

 I didn't grow up in a family that was picky about etiquette, and I'm not good with formalities or honorifics, but for some reason, Setsuna only cared about my manners in front of others. For some reason, Setsuna was concerned about her manners in front of people, and she didn't know why. Maybe it was the influence of her parents, maybe not.

 Setsuna thought about it. She wondered if she could somehow suppress the pain in her body.


 I don't think it's the kind of pain that comes from a serious burn, like the residue of a raging fire that has burned through your entire body. There is something fundamentally different from the pain caused by such trauma.

(It hurts when the body moves. ...?

 Muttering in her heart, Setsuna realized. It was like the discovery of the century, but it was also like the answer to a question that didn't matter. I couldn't even muster up the energy to stop my entire body from relaxing.

(Muscle pain, huh?)

 Setsuna just had to shove it in her chest.

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