

The great armies stared in silence at each other, the tension was thick and the atmosphere, charged. A lone figure walked out of the multitude on the right and the other army murmured in agitation, the figure looked downright terrifying, he had huge black bat like wings and horns of a bull, he cut a imposing figure at almost eight feet tall, he stared at the opposing armies and grinned evilly showing lengthy fangs then he opened his mouth wide and roared, the sound echoed out through out the open plain.

"Surrender and be my slaves, resist and die" he boomed out, his eyes turned oily black and he turned to his armies and they removed their helmets and revealed similar features to their leaders and again the other armies murmured in fear, "So you see my dears, you have no chance, I have brought my children and they are ready to feast" he said, his armies cheered, the sound was deafening and terrifying and the other armies started agitating, soldiers gripped their weapons uneasily, but a figure dropped from the sky in golden armor, in his hand was a golden sword, at his back, spread out, was pearly white wings and very large, his face was beautiful and what was unnerving about him was his eyes, they were glowing white and they crackled with lightning, he was almost eight feet tall and he glowed so bright that even the two armies had to shield their eyes.

"Oh Demon, go back to where you come from, you do not want to fight me, I advise you to go to where you came from" he boomed at the other imposing figure, the other one grinned back, "Tariel, you locked me up for a millennia and now you want me to go back" he roared out in laughter, "You are very funny."

The soldier Tariel stared emotionless at the him, "Sebaccan, you are not welcomed here, leave this people be, take your armies and leave NOW!" He roared and Sebaccan armies cowered but the demon stood and black smoke started pouring out of his nostrils, he growled and turned to his armies, "Charge!" And his armies burst forward in their hundreds of thousands for the other smaller army.

Tariel, turned to his armies and boomed out, "This is where we decide our fates, this is where the future will be decided and I know you have families, fight to protect them and...…"

"FOR EARTH!" Someone roared out

"FOR EARTH" The others echoed, and Tariel smiled proudly and blasted out into the sky as Sebaccan on the other side flew up to meet him as the armies below collided into each other in a clash of bodies, swords, shields, axes, horses and above the powerful beings began their battle. Sebaccan roared out and fire rushed out of his mouth at Tariel, but the glowing being simply deflected it with his gauntlet and drew out his sword, the sword came out surrounded in a golden light like a miniature star and he swept it in an arc slicing a line on the demon's shoulder who roared out and kicked out at Tariel but Tariel flew aside and punched Sebaccan squarely in the jaw sending him hurtling back onto the ground fifty feet below, the impact created a crater on the ground few feet from the armies clashing, Tariel flew at supersonic speed at the demon below and threw another punch but the demon rolled clear and Tariel fist impacted with the ground causing a tremor that caused Sebaccan to glare at Tariel in shock.

"You are stronger" he rasped and Tariel grinned, then charged at him but this time Sebaccan was ready he materialized his own sword out of thin air: a long black sword with serrated edge and as Tariel stepped into his space he swung the sword at the Soldier so fast it looked like a blur but Tariel blocked it with his own blade and returned it with his own strike slicing the demon again in the shoulder. Sebaccan growled, frustrated at not even having a hit on the imposing figure before him he turned to his armies, "Kill him" he roared, but Tariel closed his Terrifying eyes and his voice seem to project as he gave a thunderous shout and all Sebaccan's demons were blasted back, he turned to Sebbacan and he face was full of fury, he opened his fist and it glowed so bright that Sebaccan had to shield his face when the light had dimmed in its place was a long golden chain and Sebaccan growled and in a blur he grabbed Tariel and made to throw him but Tariel drove a knee into the demon's belly then thrust his sword into the belly of the evil being, Sebaccan stared in shock then the sword stared to glow, heating the demon insides and the demon let out an agonizing howl then Tariel wrapped the chains in his other hand around sebaccans hands and stepped back, the demon stared at Tariel in venomous hate.

"I swear am going to return!" He yelled out but Tariel smiled and shook his head amused, he opened his fist again and the ground shook before it split open and Sebaccan and his armies fell inside before it closed again. The earth armies stood shocked then let out a thunderous cheer.