
Armageddon 2309 (The W-files)

In the year 2309, the world was under the dominion of Synthetiks (AIs), SynthHumans (hybrids of humans and AIs), and humans. Rio, a remarkably intelligent human, had been chosen for transformation into a SynthHuman. After spending five years at the coveted AI Harmonics Central (AHC), Rio's life took a drastic turn when a chance accident revealed a government secret concealed from the world. Struggling to survive in Slateville, a forsaken province for humans, Rio employed his skills to forge fake IDs, counterfeit cards, and devise methods to breach government security systems for a living. Amidst his covert activities, a mysterious woman sought him out. A secret agency approached Rio with a mission-to investigate restricted files and expose the hidden truths the government sought to keep in the shadows. In "W-files #1: The Missing Flights in 2030," Rio finds himself thrust into unraveling the biggest flight disappearances in history. All flights operated by SkyVista Airways vanished from radar screens every 9th of the month in the year 2030, precisely when they reached the coordinates 12°31'58.4"S 79°17'01.5"E. Now, in the year 2309, a survivor miraculously emerges, potentially providing a breakthrough to this enigmatic case.

JH_Lee · Sci-fi
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41 Chs

Chapter 12

Rio adjusted his appearance one final time, ensuring every detail was in place. Satisfied with his disguise, he took a deep breath and stepped out of the Hyperloop Pod.

The mortuary loomed ahead, its imposing facade casting a shadow over Rio as he approached. With each step, his heartbeat quickened, anticipation and nervousness mingling within him.

As he reached the entrance and rounded the corner to walk to the back door, Rio's mind raced through various scenarios. Would his fake ID pass scrutiny? What if he encountered someone who knew Dr. Callas personally?

Pushing aside his doubts, Rio presented his forged ID to the Synthetik security at the back door. His heart pounded in his chest as the Synthetik security guard scrutinized the ID.

Rio nodded to himself, confident in his preparations. He had successfully manipulated the security system to recognize his new ID and appearance.

After what felt like an eternity, the guard nodded and allowed Rio to enter.

Stepping inside, Rio was enveloped by the cool, sterile air of the mortuary. The sound of footsteps echoed softly against the tiled floor as he made his way deeper into the building.

His senses heightened, Rio remained alert for any signs of suspicion or discovery. He knew that one wrong move could jeopardize his entire mission.

As he navigated the corridors, Rio's mind raced with questions.

Rio found himself in a dimly lit corridor lined with closed doors. Ignoring the eerie atmosphere, Rio pressed on, his eyes scanning the doors for any sign of Dr. Mossing's office.

After what felt like an eternity of searching, Rio finally spotted a door marked with the name "Dr. Mossing - Forensic Pathologist". With a sense of determination, he approached the door, hoping to find the answers he sought within.

Before Rio could even tap his knuckles against the door, it swung open, revealing a woman with piercing blue eyes and a stern expression. She scrutinized him for a moment before speaking.

"Can I help you?" Her voice was cool and professional, giving nothing away.

Rio cleared his throat, trying to appear confident despite the unease creeping over him. "I'm Inspector Morrison," he said, flashing his forged ID. "I'm here to assist with the ongoing investigations."

Her nametag on her white coat identified her as Dr. Mossing.

"Why did Dr. Well say you were on leave?" Rio wondered to himself.

"What ongoing investigations?" Dr. Mossing asked, still blocking Rio from entering the office.

Casting uneasy glances around him, fearing that Dr. Well might appear, Rio said, "Dr. Mossing, I hope we can have the conversation in your office."

Dr. Mossing hesitated for a moment before stepping aside to let Rio enter her office. She sat across from Rio and gestured for him to take a seat. "How can I help you?"

Rio cleared his throat and lowered his voice. "I need to talk to you about Batho." He paused to check her response, but Dr. Mossing gave nothing away.

"What about Batho?" Dr. Mossing asked, her expression unreadable.

Mr. Kagiso was famous in Slateville. If Dr. Mossing performed the forensic examination on Batho's dead body then she would have known Rio's purpose here in this office. But her lack of emotions was rather unsettling.

Had she been warned against speaking about this case? Did she know about Inspector Jaquan?

Knowing that it was crucial to decide if she was a foe or friend, Rio decided to probe further.

Rio leaned forward, his gaze fixed on Dr. Mossing's face, searching for any hint of recognition or surprise. "Batho's case has resurfaced," he began carefully, "and there are some unsettling details surrounding it."

Dr. Mossing remained composed, her features betraying no emotion. "I see," she replied calmly, her voice barely above a whisper.

"There are discrepancies in the official reports," Rio continued, choosing his words carefully. "Reports suggest that Batho's body was found in the river, yet there are inconsistencies in the time-line and the circumstances of his disappearance."

"Official reports? What are you talking about?" asked Dr. Mossing, her brow furrowing in genuine confusion.

Despite her apparent surprise, Rio couldn't shake the memory of Yamane's distressed expression when discussing the discovery of the dead body. Something wasn't adding up, and Rio couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that Dr. Mossing might not be telling the whole truth.

"There were reports confirming Batho's dead body," Rio asserted, holding Dr. Mossing's gaze intently.

Dr. Mossing's frown deepened, and she shook her head. "There were never reports confirming Batho's dead body. There was initial speculation when a body was found, but subsequent forensic examinations revealed it was a mistake."

Sensing Rio's contemplation, Dr. Mossing leaned forward, her voice softening. "Mr. Kagiso, Batho's father, he was devastated when his son went missing. He was desperate for closure. Maybe someone took advantage of that desperation."

Rio's mind raced with all possible explanations for what he had just heard. If Dr. Mossing's words were true, then Inspector Jaquan's disappearance might not be necessary. Yamane's reaction to Rio's questions about the case wouldn't make sense in that context.

His gaze returned to Dr. Mossing's stern face. He had scrutinized her photo and ID before entering the mortuary. The person before him was undoubtedly Dr. Mossing.

Either Dr. Mossing was lying to him, or the person in front of him was not Dr. Mossing at all.

The second possibility sent a shudder through him.

"Visage-Modulator" was an app ubiquitous on every AD, allowing users to alter their appearances at will. Whenever an alteration occurred, users were required to register their new look with the National Registry, ensuring a record of every change. This app granted individuals the freedom to modify their appearance to their preference, rather than being confined to their natural visage.

In this world, no two faces were identical. The app enforced this by rejecting attempts to adopt an identical appearance to another registered individual. This regulation applied universally to Synthetiks, SynthHumans, and humans alike.

Rio entertained the unsettling notion that the individual before him, purporting to be Dr. Mossing, might be a Synthetik assuming her likeness.

As Rio mulled over this possibility, his mind conjured images of the extensive network of Synthetiks woven into society. These artificial beings, indistinguishable from humans in many respects, often carried out tasks deemed too dangerous or tedious for their organic counterparts.

Dr. Mossing was a SynthHuman, yet Rio noticed no trace of Pastolium on any exposed parts of her body. Either Dr. Mossing was an exceptionally modest human who chose not to display the alloy integrated into her appearance, or this individual simply lacked Pastolium enhancements altogether.

If it were indeed a Synthetik assuming Dr. Mossing's appearance, it would imply that the genuine Dr. Mossing was no longer alive, allowing the Synthetik to replicate her likeness.

This speculation seemed increasingly likely to Rio as he began to piece together the puzzle. The disappearance of Inspector Jaquan and the fearful reaction of Yamane all pointed towards this conclusion.

A glint of caution flickered in Rio's eyes as he became more certain that it was a Synthetik who had conversed with him. If someone had taken the trouble to place a Synthetik in Dr. Mossing's office, anticipating an intruder to inquire about the case, it could only mean that any conversation held there would be reported.

"I see," said Rio, adopting a contrite expression. "I must have mixed up the reports I have. Sorry for any trouble caused." He rose from his seat, signaling his intention to leave.

Dr. Mossing simply nodded, showing no sign of stopping him.

"I'll leave you to your work," Rio continued, sensing the redundancy of his words as Dr. Mossing hadn't moved an inch. "I can see myself out."

With another nod, Rio exited her office.

Once outside the office, Rio realized he was not out of the woods yet. If their earlier conversation was reported, his next visit to the mortuary would be even more challenging. He needed to make the most of this opportunity.

His next task was to locate Batho's deceased body within the mortuary.

Navigating the mortuary with careful steps, Rio observed the layout, noting the arrangement of the refrigerated units. Each unit held the possibility of containing the key to unlocking the mystery surrounding Batho's identity.

As he moved through the rows, Rio's senses heightened, alert for any sign of surveillance or suspicious activity. The air hung heavy with the scent of antiseptic, adding to the eerie atmosphere of the place.

The refrigerator units had a screen displaying name and face of the deceased. It was not difficult to scan through all the refrigerator units as Rio studied Batho's profile before.

Then, there it was.

As the name hit him like a bolt from the blue, his eyes widened in sheer astonishment.

So, it was real. What Inspector Jaquan told Yamane and Mr. Kagiso was real. There really was a dead body belonged to Batho. Dr. Mossing in her office now was lying to him.

In that moment, his expression became a canvas painted with the contrasting hues of shock and excitement.

Rio hesitated, his hand hovering over the handle. With a deep breath, he grasped it firmly and pulled the door open, revealing the chilled interior.

Inside, amidst the cold, lay the answer he sought – the body of Batho, though beyond recognition from the decomposition, silent and still. Rio's pulse quickened as he studied the form.

Then, the blue screen on the refrigerator unit displayed: "Batho - confirmed by DNA analysis and neural scan."

His breath became shallow, his body tense with apprehension yet tingling with the discovery.

Though excited by this revelation, Rio made a fatal error. He retrieved his AD from his pocket and attempted to download Batho's autopsy report.

He could have easily read the report on the blue screen, but for some reason, he chose to download it to his AD - an absolutely unnecessary step.

As soon as he initiated the download, a deafening alarm blared inside and outside the mortuary.

An icy grip tightened around his heart, sending shivers down his spine as he contemplated his escape route.

In a frantic rush, Rio glanced around, searching for any sign of an exit strategy. The blaring alarm echoed in his ears, drowning out any rational thought. He knew he had to act fast before security arrived and apprehended him.

With adrenaline coursing through his veins, Rio darted towards the nearest emergency exit. As he pushed open the heavy door, he was greeted by the blinding light of the midday sun. Without hesitation, he dashed into the alleyway behind the mortuary, his heart pounding in his chest.

The narrow alley was dimly lit, with tall buildings casting long shadows. Rio sprinted down the alley, his mind racing as he plotted his next move. He needed to find a place to lay low and regroup before security caught up with him.

Spotting a fire escape ladder attached to the side of a nearby building, Rio made a split-second decision. With agile movements, he leapt up and grabbed hold of the ladder, pulling himself up with urgency. As he ascended, he prayed that the ladder would lead him to safety and away from the prying eyes of the authorities.

As he reached the rooftop, Rio paused to catch his breath, the adrenaline still coursing through his veins. From his vantage point, he surveyed the surrounding area, searching for any signs of pursuit. He could see the Synthetik guards rushing into the building below.

Realizing the need to leave the rooftop, Rio carefully navigated his way across the rooftops, moving swiftly and silently. Eventually, he found himself on the rooftop of a low warehouse. With a leap, Rio landed in an alley not far from the mortuary.

It wouldn't take a genius to figure out who the intruder was. Rio had no time to spare but to run as far away as possible. Even if they couldn't catch him in the mortuary, there would be records of his ID and appearance in their system. Rio was relieved that he had taken care of those things.

His only objective now was to reach his Hyperloop Pod and get out of there.

Taking cover behind the wall of the warehouse, Rio saw that the car park was still empty. With determination, he dashed to his transport and ignited the engine.

The plume of smoke trailing behind his Hyperloop Pod marked his temporary escape, albeit a brief one.