
Arks Devourer

Rayne Ashbringer, The Prince of Royal Ashbringer Clan was plotted against by his Uncle and was almost killed. He used the last of his remaining powers to save a part of his soul from being destroyed and sends it into the void in hopes that he can survive and get his revenge later. This soul travels to a different dimension and a modern world called Earth. Rayne Ashbringer is now reborn as Ling Tian...

Mr_Compress · Anime & Comics
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144 Chs

Super Saiyan God .VS. Super Saiyan Purple???!!!

" That guy, he looks almost just like me. Does that mean my predecessor was the descendant of that saiyan?!" Ling Tian was extremely confused. " but that's impossible!! Even Saiyans with low talent have high physical strength, but my previous self was so weak that he couldn't even be compared to a 2nd level Body Refinement Realm practitioner. "

While Ling Tian was pondering over things, he tried to sense the Ki of the newly arrived saiyan. Ling Tian could sense his Ki but it seemed very evil that it was starting to make Ling Tian lose his mind. Ling Tian quickly stopped trying to sense the Ki of the Saiyan.


The Super Saiyan 4 came out of rubbles and stood a few tens of meters away from the newly arrived saiyan.

" Fairon, this is the 3rd time you are standing against me. It looks like the time has come for me to kill you worthless weaklings that are not loyal to me." Said the newly arrived Saiyan with an indifferent expression, but there was a bit annoyance in his eyes.

Ling Tian was puzzled as he wasn't sure if he heard the saiyan talk or if it was his imagination .

" We won't let you succeed in what you're doing, Raiga!!" Yelled the Super Saiyan 4 named Fairon while gnashing his teeth.

" wha-!! I'm not imagining it. I can really understand them. But how?! Till that saiyan came, I could not understand what those humanoid saiyans were blabbering about. But now I can understand them. Could this be related to that Saiyan called Raiga? And what's that Raiga guy planning to do? Come on just spit it out. Don't keep me in suspense here." Ling Tian was unable to comprehend how he was able to understand the Saiyans conversation and he was curious about what the cause for this large scale battle was.

" Hmph! You ants think you can stand in my way?! Hahaha!! How funny. Fairon I had thought that I could take you under me and you could be my right hand, but its a pity. You have been stirring up trouble for me more than once. Sorry to say this to you Fairon, but this time none of you weaklings will leave here alive. Including you Fairon! " the Saiyan named Raiga said in a mocking tone with disdain.

" I'd rather die than be a slave under you." Fairon said with anger in his voice.

Raiga seemed like he was amused by the reply of Fairon. " Stop wasting my time and show me how weaklings will overthrow me." Said Raiga. With that said, the Saiyans of the second group started cheering for Raiga.

" King Raiga!!! Kill that arrogant bastard!!"

" King Raiga please avenge our brethren!!"




" Damn those idiots!! They're not even realising , the ones I'm fighting for is them." Fairon was sad at the sight of his brethren supporting the one who is going to cause their demise.

" Ignore them, Fairon. They have been completely brainwashed by that bastard. It's impossible to save them anymore." Said a humanoid saiyan as four humanoid saiyans and a golden great ape appeared behind Fairon.

" Yes Fairon, we don't have time to think about unnecessary things. We have to do the ritual while Raiga is being careless now." Whispered another humanoid Saiyan to Fairon.

" Nez is right, if we are able to beat Raiga then all of them will be freed from his control!"

" Get yourself together, Fairon. We have to defeat Raiga at all cost if we want to ensure the survival of our race."

After listening to his companions, Fairon had a look of determination on his face. " lets do this!!"

" Raiga!! You asked how we are going beat you right? Well here goes!!!" Saying that Raiga and the five Saiyans including the golden great ape held their hands with each other. The five Saiyans started channelling their Ki into Fairon.

" They can't be doing what I think they are, right?!" Ling Tian was bewildered at what he was seeing. But he also had some expectations within him.

' Do they really think they can beat me by just giving their energy to Fairon? Tch, looks like they've gotten desperate. Pathetic!' Thought Raiga as he condemningly looked at the actions of Fairon and his group.

The five Saiyans kept on channelling their energy into Fairon and soon a bluish white flame like energy appeared and completely covered Fairon from within it. No one could see what was happening to Fairon, not even Ling Tian who was a consciousness.

' Hmm?! What's going on?! I can't feel Fairon's presence anymore!!' Raiga was startled. ' what's this strange pressure, even I feel a bit suffocated. Just what is going with Fairon? But this is good as well. Ever since I became an ascended Saiyan, no one could put up a fight against me. Fairon, I really hope you'd at least give me a decent fight.'

"that Raiga guy, why is he not trying to stop Fairon and his friends. I'm sure he must have felt the heavy pressure coming from Fairon. Could it be, he feels no threat to himself at all." Ling Tian was confused by Raiga as he is just standing there letting Fairon and his friends complete the ritual.

The bluish white light started to fade and to reveal a figure which is supposed to be Fairon.

Fairon who was originally two meters tall is now only about 1.6 meter tall and he was no longer bulky as he had become quite thin . His hair was glowing red in colour. His face was pure without a hint of malice in it.

"WOW!!! It's really Super Saiyan God!!! So cool. I really got to see a Super Saiyan God!! My poor heart cannot take it. " Ling Tian was so excited . He feared that if he did not calm down he might die of heart attack due to overexcitement, not that he had a heart.

Raiga was looking at the newly transformed Fairon, then he started laughing " Huh?! Is that the power you are going to use to bring me down Fairon. Haha don't bothe--"

*bang* *crash*

But before Raiga could complete his sentence, he was struck in his face and crashed into a mountain completely obliterating it.

" You'll see whether I can beat you or not soon enough." Fairon said with a calm disposition while looking at Raiga who is in rubbles of the mountain.

" Ugh" Raiga slowly got out from the rubbles and looked at Fairon more seriously this time. ' he was so fast that I couldn't even see him. But from the way he attacked, he doesn't seem to have control over that new power of his as he can only use little bit of it. ... But what is that power?! His mere presence is nullifying the evil attribute released by my energy. How did Fairon get his hands on that kind of untainted power.'

Meanwhile Ling Tian looked satisfied that Super Saiyan God was able to overpower the other saiyan.

" Get ready Raiga! Here I come!" Bellowed Fairon as he disappeared from his initial position and appeared next to Raiga as he punched towards Raiga's chest.

' He's too fast. I need to be careful.' Raiga barely managed to block the fist that was about to strike his chest, but he was still sent flying by the immense power behind the fist.

" hehe.. Hehehe.. Hahahaha!!!" All of a sudden Raiga started laughing hard. Fairon was stunned by this and Ling Tian was bewildered by Raiga's creepy laugh.

" Fairon, I never thought you would gain this much power and be able to fight me, so let me rephrase my judgement on you." Raiga then looked at Fairon and said " if that's all the power you have, then you'll never be able to defeat me. As for why that is, I'll show now."

" Haaaaaaah!!!!"

*whish* *boom*

Raiga bellowed as he released a tremendous amount of energy and a purple light blinded the surroundings.

The purple light slowly faded. Raiga's hair was now purple in colour and spiky. He stood in air with his purplish energy blazing around him. The evil attributes Raiga's energy was releasing was countless times denser.

" So how is it Fairon? Do you like my new form? You should be proud of yourself. It's been 800 years since I took on this form. Now then Fairon, try your best to entertain me. Hahaha!!" One could see that Raiga was clearly proud of his power.

Fairon was shocked by the power Raiga had just shown. Ling Tian was similarly shocked, but he was shocked for a different reason than Fairon.

" What kind of Super Saiyan transformation is that? Super Saiyan.... Purple??!!"