
Arks Devourer

Rayne Ashbringer, The Prince of Royal Ashbringer Clan was plotted against by his Uncle and was almost killed. He used the last of his remaining powers to save a part of his soul from being destroyed and sends it into the void in hopes that he can survive and get his revenge later. This soul travels to a different dimension and a modern world called Earth. Rayne Ashbringer is now reborn as Ling Tian...

Mr_Compress · Anime & Comics
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144 Chs

Saiyan Bloodline“s Power, Dream Realm, Transformation.

Ling Tian was completely shocked. From the memories he gained from the 'soul fusion' , Ling Tian came to know some of the strength levels in this world. And what left him in shock was that , the Black Night Cat which he fought was a peak rank 2 monster beast and has strength equal to that of a cultivator at late stages of Spirit Refinement Realm.

" I defeated that monster cat , does that mean my strength is comparable to those at Spirit Refinement Realm !?. No no no , that's simply impossible!!. I only have a cultivation of 3rd level Body Refinement Realm!." Ling Tian was finding himself going crazy over this predicament.

" but I did win against that cat and by luck as well. If so , even if my battle power may not compare to those at late stages of Spirit Refinement Realm , it should be comparable to the early stages of Spirit Refinement Realm." Ling Tian was now completely at loss.

" But that doesn't seem possible. I have the worst spirit root, no special physique, no special bloodli--" Ling Tian paused at this point " physique!? Bloodline!?. Hehe hehehe, hahahaha!!!"

Ling Tian was bursting with joy at remembering what he is. " Damn, I'm such an idiot. I actually almost forgot that I am a Saiyan . This explains everything. With me being a Saiyan and all, it's only natural that I have battle power far superior than all those so called 'heaven defying' geniuses. Haha, as expected of one of the strongest bloodline among all animes. I can't wait to get my Rinnegan and Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan."

*dok* *dok*

*dok* *dok* *dok*

While Ling Tian was pondering over things, his heartbeats started increasing at a quick rate and his blood started pulsating, his body started to burn up.

" Arghhh!!!" Ling Tian screamed as he felt so much pain that he almost wished for death to escape the pain despite his will strengthened by the Saiyan traits. Cracks started to form on Ling Tian's skin and all his orifices was bleeding. Soon Ling Tian couldn't hold on to his senses and lost his consciousness.


Ling Tian opened his eyes and found himself floating in mid air. Ling Tian looked below and saw trees and the land gave him a weird pressure.


Ling Tian heard a huge explosion and the shockwaves created by the explosion were terrifying beyond description to Ling Tian.

" What the heck is this!? Where am I ? Don't tell me I'm dead again and got thrown into hell!!! But I don't remember doing anything bad enough to be thrown into hell, in fact I didn't even get the chance to do anything!. Damnit all, why is my luck so rotten!!!" Ling Tian was furious and helpless with his unfortunate fate.

" Hm? What's going on? I'm not dead!?" Ling Tian noticed that the shockwaves just passed through him and Ling Tian wasn't hurt in the least bit. In fact, he couldn't even feel the shockwaves.

" *sigh* I'm dead after all. Of course shockwaves cannot affect a soul." Ling Tian was quite depressed right now. After all no one will feel good about dying multiple times without achieving anything in life.

*Roarr!!!* *rumble* *crash*

Ling Tian heard a monstrous roar and everything started shaking and land crumbled. Ling Tian looked around and saw two humongous brown coloured apes beating at each other.

Ling Tian , as a Dragon Ball series fan knew what exactly those two apes were.

" Great Saiyan Ape !? What the hell!? How could there be Saiyans other than me?"

Yes. The apes are Saiyans in their primitive forms. Ling Tian was clearly freaked out in thinking that he might be reincarnating in this ' dog eat dog ' world or rather ' Saiyan kill Saiyan ' world.

While Ling Tian was imagining the worst possible situations he might face after his 'reincarnation' . The two great apes that were fighting just a moment ago was now flying towards him.

Ling Tian was startled and forced to wake up from his imaginations. He quickly tried to move away but he couldn't budge an inch from his position. Ling Tian was panicking now as the great apes reached him so Ling Tian closed his eyes in fear. But the pain of impact he was waiting for never came.

Ling Tian opened his eyes and looked at the apes that had crashed on the land behind him which formed a big crater. Ling Tian suddenly came to a realisation and tried to feel his body, but there was nothing for him to feel. He had no body and was just a consciousness.

Ling Tian was confused now. " I have no corporeal body and no soul either, then, by the way those great apes landed they were probably sent flying by something. But what could be powerful enough to send these two monstrosities flying!!?"

Ling Tian soon found the reason. There were eight golden coloured great apes fighting with hundreds of brown great apes. The surrounding were crumbling with each attacks of the golden apes.

When Ling Tian looked closely at the battle, he noticed few redish humanoids fighting against each other and some of them were fighting against the great apes.

Ling Tian was intrigued by the red humanoids, so he focused his vision on them so that he can get a clear view of them. But as soon as Ling Tian identified the red humanoids he was shaken to the core.

" Super Saiyan 4!!!!???"


While Ling Tian was witnessing things he never thought was possible, there were many changes that was happening to his body.

Ling Tian's body was covered with blood. His skin had withered as if it had lost all its life. He was bare nude right now because Ling Tian's body was emitting a tremendous amount of energy.

But the three rings on his finger were completely fine. But the crimson ring which seemed like an ordinary ring was absorbing all the energy leaked from Ling Tian. Most of the powerhouses would have been alarmed by the outburst of energy leaking from Ling Tian if not for the crimson ring absorbing all the leaked energy.

Ling Tian's withered skin started shedding all of a sudden. Very soon, all of the withered skin had shed off from Ling Tian and was replaced by new skin. His new skin was more fairer than before and he was no longer scrawny as he had gained a bit of muscles. But the most notable change was that, Ling Tian had a tail now. If Ling Tian was awake now he would surely recognise the tail the instant he saw it, because this is one of the traits of being a Saiyan, the Saiyan's tail. Ling Tian has undergone a complete transformation which is currently unknown to him.