
Story of the doctor

Once apon a time, there was a man, a doctor of brains. Within his little cave, he researched with his friends. He sat there for decades, learning all he could, but then one day, a local cat stood "Doctor of many names," The cat said "I have a fellow, interested in your many aims. May you, at your behest, help her in her quest?"

The doctor said; "I could, so yes." Lacking any more experiments available, lest he go back to his nest.

And so, he followed the white-haired feline, crossing many a place in his sudden journey, accompanied by the most faithful of his servants.

In the end, he found a city of steel, it's inhabitants calling for blood, with their errant ruler going AWOL.

"Your majesty," He said towards the queen of demons, archaic cat in toe "May I ask, why must you defy all your subjects, those who call for armed conflict?" The doctor had taken a Hippocratic oath, though he still wished to know.

"My people are wayward," The queen spoke, her voice filled with conviction, akin to an enraged bull "I wish to have them know, that staining the steel city crimson, shall never bring them true glee."

Though the doctor disagreed "Have you not seen? There was a man, his bliss so free to see, stomping out the life from his wife, is that not glee?"

The queen explained herself, that the path of blood and steel shall bring forth only more anger, and more fear. That if for true prosperity they wished, they had to lay down their arms, not just for economic interests.

But, the man noted secretly, she seemed oblivious to the sneers aplenty, originating from many retainers, especially the warrior introduced as her kin, her brother, who had been forged by feuds many.

Though seeing the many signs of unrest, the doctor stayed at his attendant's request, researching silently, helping medically whenever necessary.

Then, many days later, her brother revolted, with many supporters, to the surprise of both the monarch and her white-haired lion. Though the man allowed them to savour the revelation, healing the sick and injured, not bothering with secular tribulation.

But, again, the cat appeared, staying infront of the man's refuge, refusing to leave "O', man of many paths, we have need of thee. Our commanders have fallen, no one left to take their place, the queen begs, please help us in our time of need."

"No," The doctor replied, staying to his promises "I have sworn to take no life."

The feline, tricky as she was, tricked the man "But, doctor, if none take up the stand, many shall die from conflict. Including me, your dear friend." But even then, the doctor stayed, unperturbed.

Seeing her attempts failing, the misaligned cat again tried her best, at the behest of the vile monarch, unfettered by her own rules and commands, went towards the doctors weakness, the servant who kept him here in the first place "Attendant," She said "Our people are dying, by those who have been fooled. We have no more men to lead our armies, those who wish to do good. Do you know any who could support?"

To that, the attendant said "Yes, I do. The doctor, he knows what to do!"

And so she went, into the man's home, a small apartment, where he slept alone. She begged and pleaded "Please doctor, how could we be good, if so many die from our choice? All that evil needs, is for the good man to do nothing, so please, take action!"

Though unconvinced, his companion, who begged so earnestly, made his think twice, and then he said "Fine, my close, close friend. I shall at least attempt, as to bring peace to the land."

The monarch who had ordered for this trickery to take place, was happily surprised, as the soldiers that he led, had found victory to no end. Not seeing signs of a man fallen to the bloodshed.

And that is where the story should've ended, a doctor fallen for a trick, bringing victory to a woman who did not care for principle. But that did not happen, not in the end. For the man had a small showing of sanity, seeing the city as a pile of rubble, set alight.

He realized what he'd become, not like the saint he first thought, but a monster who sacrificed any just to grasp glory. He had gone insane, his only anchor, the only reason he still had some sense, the attendant foolish enough to trust the words of an old cat.

But he didn't stop his eternal march, savouring the many atrocities out of necessity, just to preserve some sanity.

But then one day, seated, looking at the many armies he lead, he saw a few signs. Signs that told him that there was to be an assassination, not towards him, but towards the false ruler of this domain.

He could've stopped them, they would've been stopped if he had done nothing, but for some reason, he changed the path some guards patrolled, with none the wiser of his betrayal, thinking him loyal.

At the next dawn, he watched, his emotions unknown, as her head fell, not even attempting to seize her killers before they ran.

He brought her to the morgue, and just looked at her corpe, there, a follower of the queen found him, a demon "How could she die, doctor, you were the one that was to protect her!"

"No man is perfect, child, to expect such, is to be a fool." He said, spewing some truth.

The mercenary stayed silent, gnashing her teeth, looking towards their lost queen, after which the cat returned, ready to spurn "Doctor, may I ask why you changed patrols, leaving open the path the intruders took free to pass?"

"I miscalculated," He said "I'm a doctor, not a mathematician, you knew what you signed up for."

The cat could not refute, a doctor would've never reasonably have been a general of the highest class, though her emotions were still raging within her feline mind, calling for one to hate "Why do you lack blood and tear, for your monarch has died in front of you, do you not feel shame?"

To that, the man replied "I do not cry, as to not bring other down with me. I am the last pillar, for me to weep, is the same as snuffing out the final beacon." And so, the doctor stayed, looking at the effects of his actions.

But he could not stagnate, for he was stirred by the remnants, and the ruler's successor, one he had taken in. It was a shame that he could not properly teach her personally, he was far to busy to enlighten her before the madness took hold.

After a few skirmishes, which he still won, the remnants of the queen's forces fled the nation, forging together into a new force, one that wished for their distorted peace to spread all over the world, helping those infected by one specific plague.

Sitting upon their new mobile city, a proof humanity's innovation, he pondered alone to himself, considered to have killed the ruler by the two who had observed his silent episode.

He sighed, a man broken by war, one who broke his oath, and the figurehead of this new group, along with the ancient feline. He was attacked, in a plan by the new king of the city of steel to, once and for all, bring the legacy of the old queen to a close.

He was brought to his last breaths, calm, with many regrets. In his stupor, he was brought to sleep by ice older than nations, lying in slumber, healing, and waiting for someone to free him from his cage of frost.