
The Angel's Fall

"Enough with the false greetings Elrich, I've come for what is mine". This man's voice was as smooth as silk, similar to my father's. "You will never have her!". Suddenly my father ran towards the man and wings unfolded from his back. Wings! father had wings, I couldn't believe what my eyes had seen. Father's wings were absolutely astonishing. They were whiter than the clouds that plagued the midday sky and shone as bright as the morning sun.

Father's violet eyes began to glow and something seemed to appear in his palm. He threw it at the man before him, who dodged it with an effortless backflip. Whatever it was that father threw blasted through our golden palace walls with ease. I could only gaze in shock as the man and my father became entangled in a fierce battle with what seemed to be some sort of magic. This was all too much to take in.

Carlisle's P.O.V

This situation spiraled out of control in minutes, how on earth did they both have wings? Judging by the look on Lady Aristia's face she was just as surprised as I was. That man had come for something and based on his words it seemed to be Aristia. This has to be it, the day I have prepared for, the day I must protect her no matter what. I pulled out my sword and grabbed the lady " Come with me quickly M'lady you're in danger!". I made sure she was aware of the situation and then threw her over my shoulders. "We can't leave father behind Carlisle", "M'lord will be fine, he's the best member of the sigortsky and apparently he has great power" and with that sentence I ran out of the room.

I bolted down the hallway of the palace turning left through the parlour then right to the indoor garden. This was the only way to reach the underground passages that lead out of the castle. I put the lady down when we reached the invisible door. Thanks to a special mark engraved on our backs, Aristia and I were the only two people who could see it. This was Lord Elrich's idea so no one would be able to find the passageways but us in case of great danger. "Stand back M'lady" as soon as the lady retreated a couple steps I stood firmly and unraveled a bone-crusher kick on the door. The door immediately crumbled allowing us entrance to the passage. This kick technique is one of the many skills I possess, due to my training I was the strongest man in the kingdom after Lord Elrich. I reached out and took the lady's hand pulling her close to me "Come we need to hurry and leave".


Lord Arkas: Why do you defy me Elrich? you knew this day would come ever since that child was born.

Lord Elrich: I will never let you take her, she doesn't belong with your kind.

Lord Arkas: Some nerve you have talking about my kind, did you forget that her mother was a demon too? Not to mention my sister ?

Lord Elrich: I do not care for I despise your kind, her mother was nothing more than another female I had conquered in bed. I would have tossed her aside sooner had she not been carrying my child.

Lord Arkas: How dare you speak of my sister like that?! I'll make you pay for spewing such waste from your mouth!

Lord Arkas became enraged and his body started to emanate flames. Though these were no ordinary flames. These flames were as dark as the night sky and had earned the name Soulsear. Soulsear is classified as one of the most dangerous elemental extensions in the ancient scrolls of Tarkus. Those who inherited the unique ability to manipulate the element of fire had the power to burn the souls of anyone their flames touched. Soulsear was an ability that only demon royalty possessed.

Lord Elrich: Come now Arkas is that any way to behave infront of your former brother-in-law? You would have been dead had I not saved you from the Sigortsky a couple of years ago!

Lord Arkas: Oh please spare me the reminder. We both know the only reason you chose to save me was because you wished to steal my fire, except you did not think it through properly did you brother-in-law? You forgot one very important thing, I'm not weak, nor am I fragile.

Lord Elrich: Do you really think now that you have become King of your realm, you have the power to kill me ? You know Aristia would never forgive you if you did. If my guess as to why you have come is correct, you probably don't wish to upset her.

Lord Elrich was smiling maniacally. It was all because he knew that Lord Arkas would not be able to kill him for Aristia would resent him if he did. He knew all too well that Arkas was here for only one reason and that reason is for his beloved niece that was taken from him and his sister.

Lord Arkas: You're right Elrich I won't kill you. I am just going to torture you very badly. You will feel the pain you inflicted on my sister tenfold.

Lord Arkas then proceeded to fly forward within what seemed like a millisecond. He then proceeded to pierce Lord Elrich's forehead with his fingernail and took a drop of his blood.

Lord Arkas' P.O.V

I have finally come to get my revenge after waiting 20 years for the perfect time to crush Elrich. As I can see he still shows no remorse for what he did to my sister. Angel my buttocks! These angels always pretend as if they are so kind and generous but it is all a facade. I will surely reveal to my niece Aristia the truth about her treacherous father. Elrich's blood smelt wonderful despite the fact that he was such an atrocious figure. It was perfect, just what I needed to make this revenge all the more sweeter.

Lord Arkas: I am ecstatic to see you like this. Your blood it shall be of great use to me in punishing you. Anak nunan rahk!

Lord Elrich: No stop! You cannot do this.

Lord Arkas: Oh really? I think I already did

Lord Arkas' chant enabled him to connect to Elrich's soul and body through the use of his blood.

Lord Arkas: Elrich it is time to start enjoying ourselves. Let the fun begin!

Lord Arkas began to slowly scorch Elrich's soul piece by piece. Lord Elrich screamed so loudly it shattered the palace windows which caused lord Arkas to smile with great pleasure.

Lord Arkas: I can see the burning is getting to you Elrich. Tell me how does it feel to be burnt knowing that no one is coming to save you?

Lord Elrich weakly replied "What do you mean?..... The sigorstky will....come for you. Lord Arkas laughed maniacally and turned Lord Elrich's head towards his, "They are preoccupied with fighting my demons to stay alive, no one will be able to reach you in time". He then licked Elrichs cheek and retorted " How wonderful! you taste tainted just as you should". Lord Arkas stood and listened to Elrich's screams for what seemed like an eternity. The screams as beautiful as music to his ears. He finally stopped once 80 percent of Lord Elrich's soul was burnt. Elrich collapsed onto the floor with smoke fumes protruding from his body. There were no visible burns on his body but his soul was a whole other story. This was more painful than any bodily injury that could have been inflicted on him. "It was very exciting playing with you but pardon me I must now go find my beloved niece" and with that sentence Lord Arkas flew above the palace.

This chapter was thought up in my dreams I hope you will enjoy this chapter.

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