
Arifureta Shokugyou De Sekai Saikyou : No Wishes Just Dreams

An Arifureta fanfic: Everyone yearns for a chance to be isekai'd, which explains our fascination with these type anime. We revel in reading and writing fanfics where the main character (MC) is isekai'd into a specific anime story. These MCs typically possess overpowered abilities right from the start, making them ideal self-insert wish-fulfillment tales. But what if you were reincarnated into a fantasy anime world (filled with Magic and Swords ; Demons and Gods, where every organization becomes your enemy if you desire free will? "ARIFURETA : From Commonplace to World's Strongest") without any cheats. Devoid of any WISHES, what will you choose, whether to let the story unfold and live a normal life or struggle towards your DREAM and start a journey whose end is either supremacy or death. This is a story about our mc's choice and his journey.

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Chapter 1: Death and Rebirth

"It's a dragon"

Emerging from the ocean, accompanied by thunder and rain, staring down at me and my ship (if it can be called one) is a majestic dragon. I find myself in awe of this magical and otherworldly sight. With a deadpan expression, I utter words that betray neither arrogance nor fear. Instead, they stem from a deep-seated disbelief, a desperate attempt to grasp the reality unfolding before my eyes. Speaking instinctively, I strive to ground myself in the certainty of this encounter, longing to believe that what I witness is indeed tangible and not a mere illusion.

"Yes indeed," it replied, its voice resonating with a rumbling undertone.

A brief moment of astonishment passed before I blurted out, "Wait a minute, it replied!"

"A dragon speaking English??" I exclaimed, my surprise visible.

It let out a deep chuckle as if mocking me? before responding, "I can speak in just about any language you humans have. Oh, there are even some languages that were originally used by us. I'm quite familiar with your slangs too, if that interests you."

"Oh, I see," I murmured. "Wait a minute, 'us'... Are there more of your kind?"

"Many," The dragon's eyes gleamed with wisdom, it answered simply.

As I stood there, contemplating the unfathomable existence of dragons conversing with humans, a mix of awe and curiosity flooded my mind. I couldn't help but question the realities I had believed in so far, even as someone who believed that anything is possible and that the supernatural may indeed be real. Yet, when faced with this extraordinary encounter, it was something else entirely. In this unexplored area of the ocean, far from civilization, it made sense that such mythical creatures could roam undetected. Perhaps there was more to this world than meets the eye.

Aliens and outer space suddenly felt trivial in the face of the raw mythology that stood before me.

[My name is Aarav Acharya. I had served in the army for two years starting from the age of 18 in year 2028, and later joined the special forces of my country as a special case for an additional year. Afterward, I pursued a career as a celebrity MMA fighter for two years and invested in various ventures. By the age of 23, I had already amassed wealth and enjoyed certain privileges due to my past services. However, none of this mattered to me now, as I found myself reaching my physical limit. Although I had not mastered every martial art or achieved the pinnacle of my fighting potential, my strength and agility were no longer increasing; instead, they started to decline. I couldn't comprehend why my prime had been short-lived.

One of my two primary desires had already come to an end, the other being space exploration or discovery. Space had always fascinated me, but I had to make a choice between the two: the army or space. I chose the former not because I was not bright enough to understand it, but because these were the years when humans undergo the most significant physical growth.

Now at the age of 28, it had been five years since I embarked on my journey to explore the ocean. I made the decision to sell everything I owned, using the funds to acquire a ship that was not only powered by fuel, but also equipped with sails. I stocked it with an abundance of food, knowing that as an orphan, I had no place to return to. However, I never felt truly lonely, as I had formed strong bonds with my comrades in arms. But, being grown-ups they had all moved on, immersed in their own lives and families, and returning would only be a detour and repetition of the same path. So, I made a firm resolve to make the ocean my home, seeking solace in parts devoid of human presence, far away from any country or semblance of civilization. It was a compromise, a way to satiate my desire for discovery and growth, as space exploration seemed out of reach at the time. Although my friends may have attributed my decision to One Piece, assuming it was my sole inspiration, they couldn't be more mistaken. Anime was indeed one of my cherished hobbies, but my knowledge about it was limited to pirates searching for treasure in a near unlimited world.]

Yearning to uncover the secrets of this extraordinary encounter, I knew deep down that my journey had led me to an unexpected dead end.

Yet, even if this marked the end of my exploration, the sight of a dragon alone was enough to etch an indelible mark on me. I marveled at the vastness and wonder of the world. Having spent five years surviving at sea, I had already come to appreciate the immense expanse of the Earth. However, this extraordinary sight before me served as a powerful reminder that I had underestimated the true depth of our existence.

"Don't worry, you are already extraordinary. It's not that you underestimated anything; sometimes, even with the best preparations, things can still surprise us. However, it is also true that this is where you perish," a deep voice echoed ominously.

"So, you can read minds too? Well, anything goes now, I guess," I collected my thoughts. "So why kill me? I can't be a threat. Even if I inform anyone, no one will believe me, so you are still safe."

"Even if they believe you, it does not matter. I alone am capable of human extinction. Your nukes won't even kill the weakest of my kin. You were never a threat," the dragon replied.

"Is that so? Are we really that far behind?" I couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment.

"Yeah, currently. During the age of gods, what you called mythology, we were about the same level. There were some fights between individual dragons and humans, but never an all-out war. So, I can't really say who was stronger," the dragon explained.

"Wow, so much information, so many questions. But I guess you won't answer," I sighed.

"Indeed," came the curt reply.

"Just one question, then. Even if I am no threat, why kill me?" I pressed further.

"Think about it. If I alone am capable of human extinction, why not let us dragons rule the Earth? It's just that this is our home, our territory. We don't leave here. Rarely, in hundreds of years, does anyone of us visit the human side. It's just that you will die simply because you entered here," the dragon explained matter-of-factly.

"It seems a bit harsh, don't you think?" I retorted.

"No, different species, different values," the dragon stated.

"True, I guess. So why even let me live until now?" I questioned.

"Well, I last came into contact with humans 2000 years ago, so it was just a little impulse," the dragon revealed.

"So, my life and death is merely a whim for you, I am weakling" I muttered.

"Indeed, but compared to other humans, you are very strong. Top 0.01% at least," the dragon admitted.

"Top 0.01% of humans from 2000 years ago?" I asked.

"No, from 2000 years ago till current times," the dragon clarified.

"You can see them like right now?" I asked, intrigued.

"More of a sense, a different sensation than yours. We can cover up the entire Earth, just as vision covers what you can see as long as it's not interrupted. Same here, I can see, or rather, observe the Earth entirely," the dragon explained.

"A cheat ability," I muttered.

"Maybe for you. Well, enough of it. Get ready for a fight," the dragon declared.

"A fight? You even figured that I will fight and not just calmly let you kill me? Though futile and stupid, I consider myself a warrior, and I am not going down without a fight," I defiantly responded.

"Figured? Or rather, anyone can tell. You are already in a battle stance. Haha," the dragon chuckled.

"Enough! Come at me!" I shouted, ready to face my inevitable demise. Every fiber of my being was prepared for this moment. Running was futile, but going down fighting a dragon was a spectacular way to meet my end. If I had children, they would tell their grandchildren that their grandfather died fighting a dragon. Oh, what thoughts have I started entertaining? Focus! Get ready for your last fight.

"You know, even if I stand here, and you punch me, before even touching me, you would get vaporized by my aura. If I remove that, the outcome would not change. My body heat would kill you, my heartbeat would destroy you. So, I will put heavy restriction spells on me. Don't mind the details, just know that now, your punch will collide, and it will be a real fight. Come, human, live your dream by dying by my hands," the dragon stated.

Saying that, it approached me with a powerful claw attack. It didn't matter. Even if I die, all my strength will be in my one punch. Let's go!

With a roar, I unleashed my punch with every ounce of power within me, ready to face destiny head-on, as the clash between a human and an ancient dragon commenced.

The air crackled with energy as the dragon's claw approached me. I punched with all my might, fully aware that I couldn't even scratch it. Not backing down in the final moments of my life, I resolved to live to the fullest. And just as we clashed, in an instant, the thunder vanished the rain stopped, there was only silence. I didn't even know what happened. All I knew was that I was dead.

After the energy settled, the dragon became visible, staring at its own claws, deep in thought.

"A pity," it muttered.

In that clash of wills, the dragon had made it so that physical power didn't matter. Only the strength of one's will could be conveyed, making it a fairer fight for the human to have a chance at survival. Although the chance was negligible, it was more than a purely physical battle, as the dragon could have killed him simply by clenching its claw, even this was an overkill. Despite the predetermined outcome, the dragon found itself hoping to spare him, perhaps intrigued by the human's extraordinary will.

"Managing to even make me feel his will... a truly strong human indeed. But... sigh... a pity he is no more. But if he's that extraordinary, maybe he can get a next life, just maybe. Well, let's see where his will leads him, and if he truly gets the chance, he will be sure to return for a rematch," the majestic being muttered, slowly disappearing into the ether.

As my consciousness started to return, I found myself in a state of confusion. What had happened after my encounter with the dragon? 'Was this the afterlife? I can't feel any of my body parts, and time seemed to elude me. Overwhelmed by drowsiness, I struggled to make sense of my surroundings.'

'Awake again oh I think I can feel some of my body again as if I am floating but where space or ocean or inside dragon don't know but its warm so comfortable, like home. Yet, weariness weighs heavily upon me, urging me to succumb to sleep.

'Oye i am awake again this time i can feel almost everything well what to do i cant seem to move i am still floating '

As I contemplate my situation, something unexpected happens.

'Hey, why is this substance in which I am floating reducing? Wait, hold on, something caught me. What the hell is it? It feels like human hands, but too big. Oh, come at me! I just fought a dragon. Let's see who has the courage to touch me. Wait, wait, there's too much light. What is this?' In the midst of my monologue, I feel a tremendous increase in brightness. Even though I can't seem to open my eyes, I can still sense the considerable brightness. Somehow, I manage to open my eyes and keep them open.

Where am I? I find myself in what appears to be a hospital room. Someone seems to be holding me The lady holding me seems to be a nurse based on her attire. She is huge, or rather, I am tiny. Let's face it, you know it.


'Yeah, isekai, I got isekai'd... or maybe not. It could be just reincarnation, considering the modern hospital. Did I do it? Did that dragon do it? Doesn't matter, I guess. But now I have knowledge, not about the future or past lives, but about the miracles, the mythology, the so-called fantasy. It's real this time. My physical limits won't stop me. I will find a way to reign supreme... oh, for now, I will sleep'

As I was about to fall asleep, the nurse handed me over to a woman lying on the bed, most probably my mother. Judging by her dark black hair and deep purple eyes, my appearance probably wouldn't change much. I had the same characteristics in my previous life. As the lady held me, she said, "Oka-san ----*----*----* Yukitoshi Shimizu."

'Am I in Japan? She spoke Japanese. All I can understand is 'mother' and 'Yukitoshi Shimizu.' I think this will be my name from now on.'

Lying in her embrace, a warm feeling immediately enveloped me, making me relax and bringing me to sleep. Being an orphan and alone most of his life may have had a greater impact on Aarav, oops, Yukitoshi, than he thought.

'I think that fantasy and space no longer hold the same significance for me. No its more like something greater that has captured my heart something above growth and exploration. I don't really hate it, though. This mother of mine, and that man over there running towards us while laughing like crazy, must be my father. Don't shout, idiot, it's a hospital.'

In the warmth of their love, I feel a sense of belonging I've never experienced before. Even though it's only been minutes, if not seconds, since I've met them. I can't help but be overwhelmed by this feeling in me. The connection is instant and profound, transcending time and space. As I close my eyes, nestled in my mother's arms, I know that I am exactly where I'm supposed to be, I know that I'm finally home.

I really didn't expect to dive into such a detailed opening for a fanfic, but sometimes the creative process takes us on unexpected journeys. It's exciting to explore new ideas and see where they lead. I appreciate any feedback or reviews you may have for this story. I am writing a lightherated fanfic for everyone to enjoy, or am i? Well anyway lets see how well it goes. You know while writing this fanfic, I couldn't help but feel a strong urge to venture into writing a novel set in present-day Earth and uncovering myths and mysteries However, I am aware that such a project requires substantial research and dedication, which I currently cannot afford. But who knows what the future holds? Perhaps, one day, I'll embark on that grand adventure.

Also I wanted a grand (kind of) intro for mc in this fanfic dont' know why though.

In the meantime, I encourage you to join me on this fanfic journey. Support and suggestions are always welcome, as they fuel my creative spirit. With that let's meet in the next chapter

LAIDBACK_IMMORTALcreators' thoughts