

Arielle Wang is known to be eldest daughter of CEO Wang of Wang Enterprises, she had everything that a girl would desire but along with good there comes bad. Arielle has a step-mother who hates her because she has everything that should have belonged to her and her daughters, and step-sisters who also hate her because she is engaged to the guy that they love. So what do they do? They backstab her, ruin her and her life and her relationship with her fiancee and father, Arielle never thought that the people that she considered as a part of her family would do something like this to her. Arielle vowed that she would get revenge on the people that destroyed her and she will make them pay by destroying them and the things they love the most, a100 times worse.

cherylkhalid64 · Urban
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Arielle Wang, eldest daughter to CEO Jackson Wang of Wang Enterprises. Arielle was a sensational singer and model, everyone adored her, her fans, her friends, her father and her fiancee.

Wherever she went people were always left in a daze because of her beauty that gave of a elegance and grace aura around her but that all changed when her step-mother and step-sisters ruined her life, career and the one person that she loves, her fiancee, Samuel Chang, the heir to Chang Industries.

Ever since her step mother and sisters destroyed her, Arielle was casted aside by everyone that she loved, she couldn't bear the heartache and so she died, but who would have thought that she would come back for a second chance in life? To pay the people who tortured, destroyed and humiliated her.

Arielle vowed that she will make them pay 100 times worse and make them wish they didn't get on her cold and deadly side.

When the lion set's it's eye's on the prey, then it's hard for the prey to run away, the lion's cold-blooded eye's stare's at the eye's of the prey which is full of fear, while the lion's is full of hunger.

Hunger for blood.