
Story and Capital

Deep in the woods close to the capital Ah elf a human and a werewolf were talking.

"The reward I hope to get is to let all my tribe move to the royal capital." Yuri told Feena frankly about his ambition.

Recently, monsters on the earth have become more active, squeezing the living areas of various races.

Werewolves , Pallum, Amazons, dwarves, the places where one race after another lived were swallowed up by the wave of monsters.

In order to protect his tribe, Yuri is willing to pay any price, even becoming the king's lackey.

On this land that has become gloomy and hopeless, there is only the last paradise left - the human capital.

Except for the royal capital, everything has been reduced to ashes.

In order to allow the werewolf tribe to continue, the tribe sent its most powerful warrior Yuri to the royal capital.

Therefore, he must win the title of hero.

For the continuation of the family, for the lives of relatives.

Ever since Yuri's sister was devoured by a monster in front of him, he has abandoned the original reserved character of the orcs

Gentleness, politeness, elegance, these soft things cannot protect important people in this cruel world.

He threw away these useless things, things that could not be used to defeat the monsters.

Now the human capital is also threatened by the wave of monsters, so this special hero summoning ceremony was held.

Yuri is very pessimistic. When all wisdom life are facing the threat of the wave of monsters, various races are still unable to let go of hatred, contempt, and estrangement. They cannot unite together and are still in constant internal fighting... .

If this continues, the intelligent races that cannot unite may be completely wiped out by the wave of monsters in the future.

This land abandoned by the gods will one day perish.

People in this era are not like modern people who don't care about gods at all. This is the gap between the times, and it is an idea that cannot be avoided in an era without technological fire.

During the journey to the royal capital, Yuri became more and more unpredictable about Argo's character. This human being who was always joking was especially serious about Feena...

He doesn't care at all about being insulted by others or being ravaged by monsters. Even if he keeps being embarrassed, he won't shut down.

After a month of arduous travel, many new things were recorded in that blank diary - the hero's diary.

During the trip, Feena and Argonaut learned some new information about the royal capital.

The reason why the human capital has always maintained a peaceful and prosperous appearance is because it is protected by a powerful and ever-victorious general named Minotaur.

He is the strongest man in the capital.

His great achievements shocked the entire continent.

He wields a huge chain Axe that can easily destroy waves of monsters with lightning-like movements, earning him the nickname Thunder Lord.

He is only loyal to the human king, so neither human armies nor monsters can defeat the victorious general Minotaur.

As long as the victorious general is still alive, the royal capital will always be in a safe state.

The information that the gentlemen all over world are most concerned about also came out - there is a beautiful princess in the human capital.

The last paradise of mankind - appears in the picture, a medieval-style stone building, the city is one-fifth the size of a modern city.

The streets are full of people coming and going, vendors hawking, soldiers patrolling, people busy at work, and newly built houses.

This place is very beautiful, the land here is green and full of life, but such beautiful scenery can only be found within the walls of the royal capital.

The earth outside the city wall is dry, the trees are withered, the flowers fall off, and the earth becomes bare. When a gust of wind blows, only sand is flying, without the fragrance of grass and flowers.

Yuri left the team and rushed to the place where the hero summoning ceremony was held alone.

He finally got rid of Argo, who was as difficult as Sticky Candy.

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