
Argonaut Danmachi the Early Days

unknown_20281 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

An encounter

Argonaut smiled and looked into the distance and shouted: "Then, Gods!

Please come and witness with your own eyes the departure of my great voyage The Argonaut.

Come and witness my great step towards becoming a future hero——!Hahahahaha!Pfft hahahaha! "

Argo laughed and stepped forward.

The sound of something falling was heard.

There was a splash.

"Ahhhhhhh——!——!——!——" Argo's scream echoed on the plain, frightening the surrounding small animals.

He stepped on a stone and slipped, falling into a nearby stream.

Fina rushed to his side, helping him out of the water.

"Are you okay, Argo?" she asked, concern evident in her voice.

Argo coughed up water, sputtering as he tried to catch his breath.

"I'm fine, just a little embarrassed," he replied, sheepishly.

Fina couldn't help but laugh at the sight of her friend dripping wet and covered in mud.

[ The Goddess of Beauty and war is laughing and enjoys your performance]

[The messager God loves the beginning of this epic]

[The Goddess of Magic wanders if you could discuss with her how you discovered this new way of using magic ]

[A certain Goddesses of Blacksmithing wonders of that sword could hand your full strength]

"Well, at least you made a grand entrance," she teased.

Argo chuckled, shaking his head.

"Let's try that again, shall we?" he said, determination shining in his eyes.

And with that, the two friends continued on their journey, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The Nex Day

The touching farewell to the village is over, so we can set off without any regrets."

Argonaut and Feena left the reluctant villagers and headed for the distant royal capital. The journey was long and there were many monsters on the road. They didn't know if they would ever see these two energetic and interesting people again.

After half an hour.

Argonaut and Feena encountered a large number of monsters chasing them on the road.

They must defeat these monsters in order to move forward, because there is no way around, surrounded by steep mountains.

Argo used his dual sword technique with some Ether from his core to strengthen his body and defeat the monsters one by one. Fina used her magic to create barriers and weaken the monsters, making it easier for Argo to take them down.

After a fierce battle, they finally managed to defeat all of the monsters and continue on their journey. As they walked, they both knew that they were on a dangerous path, but they were determined to reach the royal capital and fulfill their mission.

Through thick forests, rocky terrain, and treacherous cliffs, Argonaut and Feena never once gave up. They supported each other, fought together, and pushed through every obstacle that stood in their way.

Hours turned into days, and days turned into weeks, but they never lost sight of their goal.


The human woman's scream sounded in front of Feena and Argonaut, as if some human being had been killed.


'Let's go, Feena!' Argonaut took the lead, gritted his teeth and ran quickly to the place where the screams were heard. He persisted, he must persist. I no longer wanted to see anyone die in front of me.

He wished he could run as fast as a horse.

'Yes, yes!' Feena followed Argonaut closely.

**'Do not come...!'**

A lone female villager holding a bamboo basket screamed. She fell to the ground and kept retreating, waving the bamboo basket in her hand.

In front of her were several ferocious monsters that looked like green-skinned orcs dripping with saliva.

The monster roared, 'Garulu...——!'

'There are so many monsters here! There is also a woman who is alone! Brother, please step aside——! I will leave this place to...'

Before Feena could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Argonaut.

**'Don't worry, I will protect you!'**

Argonaut took a step forward, drew his sword from its scabbard, and charged towards the monsters.

Brother!' Feena shouted in surprise.

Argo ignored Feena and rushed into the monsters. He swung his sword left and right, cutting down the monsters one by one.


The female villager screamed in horror.

Argonaut turned his head and saw that the female villager had been grabbed by a monster.


He rushed forward and stabbed the monster in the back in time.

The monster let out a roar and fell to the ground.

Argo turned around and saw that the female villager was seriously injured. She was lying on the ground, her eyes closed.

'Are you okay?' Argonaut asked.

The female villager opened her eyes and looked at Argo. She smiled weakly.

'Thank you...you saved me...'

As she said the Argonaut used his healing magic on her.

The female villager closed her eyes again and felt better

Argonaut looked at the female villager's body and sighed.

He was lucky he reach her in time.

Argo turned around and Fenna was walked towards him .

'Brother, are you okay?' Feena asked.

'I'm fine.' Argo smiled.

'That's good.' Fina smiled.

Argo and Fina walked out of the forest with the female villager now name Anna and drop he off her village although it was harder than expected because she wanted to marry me but Fenna protected me well thats what she said .

[The God King of Thunder Says its a fated encounter]

They had defeated the monsters and saved the female villager. They were both happy. On to the next adventure.

As they walked, Argonaut thought about what had happened. He realized that he had changed. He was no longer the weak and timid boy he once was. He had become stronger and braver. He was now able to protect the people he cared about.

Argo smiled. He was proud of himself.