
Argonaut Danmachi the Early Days

unknown_20281 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

A Date

When the smart Argonaut rushed out, he forgot one very important thing. Since it was a mission to find Her Royal Highness, he should first ask her about her appearance and characteristics.

Without asking, he rushed out.

His intelligent appearance made Feena very satisfied. She punched Argonaut hard in the stomach very kindly, causing Argo to get intelligent

Her violent appearance made people passing by tremble. She was really a violent, muscular half-elf.

"No need to worry, Feena!" Argonaut looked confidently at his younger sister Fina, who was about to go berserk, "Other heroes should have information about the princess!

Go ahead and let them tell us. "

At this moment, those few human heroes who were looked down upon by werewolf Yuri and regarded as trash appeared.

"I just mentioned them, and they showed up in time~ It's great. Hey——! You guys!" Argonaut looked at the heroes who looked at him with kind faces and looked at him with contempt. He asked kindly: "Can you tell us some information about the princess?I was running too fast just now, so I didn't hear the explanation. "


The four kind-looking human heroes laughed and looked at Argonaut mockingly, as if they were looking at a stupid fool.

"Okay, no problem~~ I am very warm-hearted. According to the information, the princess seems to be still a child. And the rumor of a peerless beauty seems to be false!"

"Your Highness, she has black hair with twin tails that is rarely seen in this country... and she has huge breasts.There is another strange characteristic. She calls herself "Master" at every turn. "

"Black hair, watermelon, the princess who claims to be a young master...!? How many avatars does she have to make before she is willing to accept it? Thank you, everyone who is a hero backup, I will pay attention! "Argo completely believed the other party's words and started running around looking for Her Royal Highness the Princess.

Feena looked at her idiot brother speechlessly. She rushed over and grabbed Argo's arm, "Brother, please wait a moment. This is definitely a lie."

"It is absolutely impossible for such a rare woman to exist who has an exquisite figure, black hair and twin tails, and magnificent breasts, and calls herself young master!"

"No, no, it exists, it definitely exists." Argo's face was filled with joy, and he put his hands on his chest, "She is in my heart, at least this is the type I like!"

[The Goddess of the Heart is blushing hearing your words]

[The God king of lightning is laughing and is look forward to your meeting]

[The Goddess of the Hunt looks at you with contempt because you are targeting her friend ]

[The Goddess of Wisdom us wondering of you could the Goddesses love]

"What nonsense are you talking about——!" Feena angrily punched Argonaut on the chest, pulled the collar around Argo's neck with her right hand, and punched hard with her left hand.

It pisses me off, it pisses me off, why isn't she a cute half-elf girl with a single ponytail, orange hair, and emerald green eyes be your favorite?

Brother idiot, you will definitely not find Her Highness the Princess now.

"Hey, Argo~~~I found the princess, where is she?" Hero Candidate A pointed to the alley aside and shouted to Argonaut mockingly.

"What did you say!?" Argo rushed over without hesitation.

He followed, and these hero candidates ran around in command, leaving him and his sister panting and embarrassed. Their whole bodies were soaked with sweat and they couldn't even see the shadow of Her Royal Highness the Princess.

His innocent appearance is really troublesome.

"We were absolutely, absolutely deceived! Those people must have deceived my brother because they wanted to monopolize the credit." Feena's eyes burned with anger as she glared at the hero's replacement.

She wanted to release her magic right now and blast these idiots who were playing tricks on her brother into the sky.

Argonaut was out of breath, and looked at Feena with a smile on his face, "Sister, do you know? It would be best if you didn't notice that you were deceived."

"What are you talking about!? Im so angry with you." Feena turned around and prepared to beat up those bastards.

"And, you see...even though we didn't find the princess, we found someone who needed help."

It turned out that Argonaut found a lost half-elf girl while running around. He held her hand and found her parents while searching for the princess.

"Big brother, thank you." The half-elf girl showed a bright smile on her face and looked at her enthusiastic big brother who helped her.

"You're welcome~~ Don't get lost again in the future. This is an agreement with the future hero Argonaut." Argonaut gave a thumbs up to the half-elf girl.

"Well, goodbye! Future hero Argo-nii!"

Feena looked at her brother helplessly. It was better to forget it. At least she helped him find his family.

Although she was still angry at these bastards who deceived her brother and kept smiling.

"Haha, really! Have I been deceived? Then I must write it into the [Hero Diary]."

[Argo, who had been deceived countless times, was ridiculed severely by the Heros. ]

"Please don't leave such a record! Really... I'm going to find Mr. Yuri to get information about Her Royal Highness the Princess. Brother, please wait here!" Now you can only rely on me, stupid brother. No, Feena started looking for Yuri and Ruulu. These two people with excellent personalities were much more reliable than those bastards.

Suddenly, those bastards were calling Argonaut again.

Argonaut chuckled lightly, closed his eyes and thought, "Although Feena told me that I might have been deceived, there might actually be people in need of help. In that case, I'd better continue to be a slow, stupid, and deceived fool.Even if I am laughed at by everyone, it is better than overlooking a person who needs help! Just wait, little lost lamb! I, Argo, will go to you right now. "

Argo seems to be a righteous partner in another world.

There was a splash.

Argonaut ran too fast and collided with a figure who was also running very fast and in a hurry.

"Sorry! I bumped into you. Are you injured...?" Argonaut got up from the ground and looked at the people behind him worriedly.

"Ah..." The mysterious blonde girl looked at the white-haired boy in front of her in surprise, why was it him again.

"You are the beautiful girl I met this morning." A joyful smile appeared on Argo's face, and he immediately forgot about the search for Her Royal Highness, "I didn't expect to see you again.Is this the good intention of the gods?The power of destiny between us is so powerful! ? "

[All The Gods and Goddess speechless]

The blond girl looked at the boy in front of her who was shouting incomprehensible words , and looked ahead anxiously.

She continued to run forward, dodging the armored soldiers chasing her behind her.

"That girl has a cold expression. It's as if she has never smiled before... Damn it, why don't all the women in this royal city smile!" Argonaut chased the mysterious girl angrily.

With his extraordinary speed, he instantly snatched away the mysterious blond girl who was already surrounded by soldiers.

The soldiers of these kingdoms could only watch dumbfoundedly as a white afterimage passed by their eyes.

"Haha, let's run away quickly." Argonaut held the hand of the mysterious blond girl and shouted while running, "Haha! Save the girl who is being chased for some reason. This is the way of the hero story. If you let go here, what kind of man would you be?This will be recorded in my hero diary~~~Argonaut followed the guidance of fate and saved the beautiful girl. "

"Hoo!" Argonaut shouted excitedly and took the blond girl to hide in a side alley. He lay on the ground and wrote excitedly, and also made a weird cry.

The blonde girl who was originally grateful to Argonaut for saving her suddenly showed a look of disgust in her eyes, and she slowly moved her body to keep the distance between herself and Argonaut.

[This person is so disgusting...]

"Pfft hahaha! I, Argonaut, am full of confidence in my running speed! I didn't become a hare in the mountains for nothing!"

The soldiers tried their best to catch up with Argonaut, but they could only listen to Argo's funny laughter and stare.

"Huh, let it go." Argo wiped the sweat from his forehead, turned around and looked at the mysterious blonde girl, "I, Argonaut, am also very confident in my invisibility skills that I can escape from my sister!"

He took the blond girl and hid in an alley filled with wooden boxes, evading the search of the kingdom's pursuers.

"You're not hurt, are you, miss?"

"Yes, thank you very much. Thank you for saving me." The blond girl thanked Argonaut stiffly.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's a man's duty to save women! Please don't worry, but...can you tell me your name this time? "Argonaut looked at the blond girl with a smile, there must be something interesting this time!

The blond girl hesitated for a few seconds and then said: "Ariadne."

"Ariadne.. what a good name. I am Argonaut, and those who are close to me call me Argo, I will definitely make you smile.

"Argonaut...Argo?" Ariadne's eyes were sad and her face was haggard. She looked at Argonaut who was always smiling in front of her. She envied that he didn't need to be like herself.

"Well, I hope you can call me that too. Call my name gently, with full of love, like a lover." Argo's tone changed from normal to gentleman, except that there was no drool dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"I...I will try my best. Ah...no, I will try my best." Ariadne was very embarrassed by this request, so she had to call her so intimate when they met for the first time. , although it is a lifesaver.

She has a secret that she cannot tell Argonaut.

She could not tell Argonaut the reason why she was being pursued.

Argonaut discovered this. He did not continue to ask, but began to introduce his identity and his ideals.

Suddenly, Ariadne's face became horrified after hearing the words 'Hero's backup'. She swerved in front of Argonaut in panic and ran forward, as if the hero's backup was some kind of evil person. Same.

Her attitude towards Argonaut instantly became bad and she refused to follow Argonaut.

She bit her lip with sad and desperate eyes, and said in a hateful tone: "Heroes and such...such things don't exist at all. There are only monsters who are greedy for wealth and fame, just like my 'destruction' , like my father!"

"Destroyed...Father?" Argo looked at Ariadne in confusion.

Ariadne ran wildly, but the direction she ran was where the pursuers were coming. Argonaut rescued Ariadne again and took her away from the pursuers and the heroes' rearguard.

"Why do you want to help me? You have noticed my identity, haven't you?" Ariadne didn't run away again. She didn't understand why Argonaut looked at her so tenderly and helped her again and again.

She really didn't understand, shouldn't the hero's replacement just capture her back?

Argo looked at the haggard Ariadne with soft eyes, full of worries, hating the hero and her father, "The lady of unknown origin and full of mysteries!"

"Would you like to go shopping on the street with me?"

Ariadne looked at Argonaut in surprise. She understood what Argonaut meant. Argo chose to forget that she was a princess.

Why do you do this...

"Wait, wait a minute!" Ariadne took Argo's hand and walked towards the street. She looked around in panic, fearing that the pursuers would appear again, "Why did you suddenly say that you want to go for a walk on the street... .?"

"A beauty as beautiful as you is not suitable to show such a sad expression~ I hope to make you smile. Only a sweet smile suits you. And, no problem.Please believe me, walking around the streets is also to understand the geographical situation of the royal capital. "

Argonaut boldly took Ariadne's soft, delicate hand and walked towards the lively street.

The confident smile on his face made Ariadne no longer resist.

"The people pursuing us are in the north, and the heroes are in the east. There are no pursuers on the west side where we are now."

"Are you...?" Ariadne looked at the ordinary young man in front of her in surprise, wondering why he knew so much about the capital.

"Please don't ask me why I help you. Because you don't need any reason to help a girl in trouble!"

"I don't understand. Why do you look at me with such gentle eyes? I can't understand." Ariadne lowered her head and said in a puzzled tone.

"If you don't understand, then let's understand each other until we understand. That must be a very wonderful thing~"

Argonaut held Ariadne's hand and walked toward the fountain with a smile, "Let's go on a date."

"D DDD DATE...!?" Two red clouds instantly appeared on Ariadne's fair face, and she froze on the spot looking at Argonaut.

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"Is this... a date?" Ariadne said shyly.

Argonaut smiled and walked forward, "It's a date."

"Just strolling on the street?" Ariadne lowered her head, her heart beating rapidly in her chest. This was her first time holding hands with a boy, and her first time with someone she met for the first time. Dating.

Although the young man named Argonaut in front of him is indeed handsome and clean.

"Isn't this just a date?" Argonaut smiled gentlemanly and held Ariadne's hand tightly. Ariadne struggled several times but could not break free from Argo's tight right hand.

"This, this is just two people walking together." Ariadne blushed and lowered her head, not daring to look at Argo's gentle eyes.

"I, I have never dated. But, it should be said that I don't understand this royal capital at all. I was born and raised here, but I have no idea what kind of people and things are here."

"Please rest assured. Leave everything to me, Argonaut." Argonaut turned around and looked at Ariadne, "I am indeed a country bumpkin, and I know this. But I also lived in Iruhaus, so I'm very familiar with the ways to get around in big cities~"

Hearing this, Ariadne raised her head and looked at Argonaut in surprise, and looked at the living Argonaut in front of her in disbelief, "Iruhaus? You're lying...I remember, somewhere... .."

"Oh, I'm a real person. If I want to lie, I should change it to a better lie." Well, I accidentally said it, and Argonaut quickly defended: "So please forgive me for deceiving you. But being big city savvy is no lie.Please allow me to be your temporary guide and take you around this beautiful city. I want to help you, I want your sorrow to dissipate with the wind. "

"You are indeed very strange." Ariadne looked at Argonaut carefully. It was the first time she had seen such an optimistic person who was always smiling. He could really be so indifferent and help others. Do people exist?

If such a person exists, he must be...

"Haha, I often get told that!"

Argonaut continued to hold Ariadne's hand, holding the hand of Her Royal Highness the Soft Princess, which made him feel very high.

At this moment he feels like he can do anything!