
Argenius The Legend of the Ancient Lineage

One morning Argenius woke up, he had no idea that soon he would be attending a magical school and would even be one of the strongest wizards. From that point on, he has to deal with classes and classmates, while a mysterious organization plans something ominous.

lpnats · Fantasy
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9 Chs

After conversation

The silence lasted for a few more seconds, and then murmuring began, growing louder until it turned into chaotic noise. "Quiet, please!" called Professor Marzestra. Gradually, the noise subsided, leaving only a few students whispering here and there.

"I'm sure you all have questions about what this means, but I ask you to return to your rooms. The lists and maps are posted at the main gate," Professor Marzestra called out.

She turned to Argenius and Elina and said, "Both of you, please come with me back to my office," and then she walked away. The siblings hurriedly followed her, almost having to run to keep up with her. They retraced their steps back to the headmistress's office. Professor Marzestra unlocked the door and let Elina and Argenius in. She went to her desk and sat down.

"That was a shock," she exclaimed, taking a decanter from her glass cabinet, opening it, pouring herself a drink, and taking a big sip while looking at Argenius. "You almost blew up the entire courtyard. If I hadn't stopped the magic outbreak in time," she said. Only now did Argenius notice how pale the professor was. She was also trembling noticeably.

"That took an immense amount of magic," she sighed. "I don't know why the crystal reacted like that, but you must be incredibly powerful to have destroyed that crystal. I once heard of a prophecy mentioning a shattered Metimur crystal, and just to put that into perspective, a Metimur crystal has never been destroyed by a single mage," she added.

The professor took another sip from her glass. "I will conduct some research and find out what the color signifies," she said. "In the meantime, we will arrange for you to be accommodated in the Diamond dormitory," she said, pointing to two notices on her desk. "There's a map; you can find your way to the rooms using it." Argenius and Elina looked at the map, bid farewell to the professor, and left the office.

They followed the map from memory to their rooms. When they arrived, Argenius knocked on the door, and a young man opened it. He looked at the siblings and said, "You both are the siblings. The headmistress already informed me that you're coming. Your luggage has already been brought to your rooms."

He led them to their rooms. "At the moment, you are the only ones here, but last year there were two others. I am the Deputy House Master, so if you have any problems, you can turn to me," he said rapidly.

He opened the door to a beautiful room with Argenius' name on it. He stepped in, looked around, and immediately felt a sense of comfort. Argenius thought that the coming years would be quite pleasant, and he had no idea how much his life would change the next day.