
Arena of The Gods

Ever since he was young Theo has always had one goal, to be come the strongest and provide for his village. Along with his childhood friend Lincoln, he sets out on life changing adventure to become the worlds strongest.

BoilingMilk · Fantasy
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Chapter 1: Raid

The Arena of the Gods is known to all around the world, a place for the strong to prove their worth and rise to the top. All members with one shared goal to become the strongest in the world.

It couldn't have been much more than an hour since Theo had left from his village, and already he was running into trouble. He stood at the edge of a cliff overlooking the burning town of Dresglen, he had visited the town frequently so there wasn't much question of what he was going to do. He headed down the cliff and onto the path that led into the town.

Almost immediately he ran into fleeing villagers " Your Lincoln's friend form the town down a ways, right?," An older man in the fleeing group said.

"Why is the town on fire? Is Lincoln Okay? What's happening?" Theo began to fire off questions at a rapid pace before the old man even had time to respond. The old man held his hand up silencing Theo.

"The village is being raided by forest trolls, Lin is still in there but there is nothing we can do at this point going in would be suicide." Before the man even finished his sentence Theo was already running full speed into the village.

As Theo entered the town he was immediately greeted by the swing of a forest troll's club, he swiftly ducked under it and drew his sword. One forest troll was nothing new to Theo he had fought more in his sixteen years of life than most would in sixty. Before the troll had time to even notice his club had missed Theo had already drove his blade through it's back.

Since the age of ten Theo had trained with his uncle to be the strongest there was no way a forest troll raid was going to stop him. After quickly dealing with another troll he heard a familiar voice call out, it was his childhood friend Lincoln.

He ran over to the burning house it was coming from "Lin is that you in there" Theo cried out. " Yeah I seem to be in quite the pinch here Theo I'm not seeing a way out." he responded.

The flaming house had begun to crumble in on itself leaving Lin with no way out, that wouldn't leave him horribly burned. Theo's mind began to race with ways to get him out. He could use his quick blade technique and try to cut the burning rubble in front of Lin but that would likely collapse the house more making the situation worse.

It was then Theo's hand began to glow, almost instinctively he knew what to do. He raised his hand to the burning house and with all his might prayed for the fire to be put out. A stream of water blasted out from his hand and drenched the house putting it out completely.

Lincoln rose from the rubble dripping wet "How… did you do that?" he stammered.

When people are born they are blessed by either a Warrior God or a Mage God but in extremely rare cases people can be blessed by both.

"I have no clue, I've never done anything like that." Theo responded. "No time to worry about it now i guess we have to drive these trolls out of the village." Lin said.

As if on cue five trolls led by a massive orc appeared at the end of the road. "This could be a problem" Theo thought.

Orcs have significantly more strength and intelligence than the average forest troll and Theo had no experience in fighting them. Both Theo and Lin turned to flee down the other end of the road but it was blocked by five more trolls.

Their only hope was to charge the trolls and defeat them before the orc and the others could get to them they both looked at each other and knew what they had to do. They charged as fast as they could Theo using his quick blade technique to cut one down and Lin striking one in the head with his blade. A troll swung at Theo with its club but he parried it and plunged his sword into its stomach, but with all of its strength it grabbed onto his hands holding him there. The other troll drew back it's club ready to strike Theo , but before it could Lin struck him down with his axe. It was too late however The trolls had slowed them down enough that the orc and his trolls had caught up.

The orc swung its club crashing into Theo's side nearly breaking his ribs. Lin lunged at the orc but was easily swatted away, the remaining trolls began to surround the two.

Theo tried to call on the magic power he had used to save Lin earlier but nothing happened. He looked around for a way to escape, or for something he could use to his advantage. But he found nothing, when out of the corner of his eye he saw a cloaked figure standing a few yards behind one of the trolls with a thin sword drawn.