
Are You Who You Are

Alex Endo is put into a coma and wakes up three years later and discovers that people now have a class and skills that are relevant to that class but he can have more than one class influenced by his mentality being broken while he was in a coma

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24 Chs

iiiiii'mmm baaaaccck

"She's very odd," Ricky said while waving his hand in my face trying to wake me up from my dazed state

"I guess, let's get moving shall we" I try to ignore what just happened. After we finally get outside of the building I realized we didn't have much of a plan for today.

We chose to walk for a while until something meets our eye.

(plot attraction)

"Ah, if it isn't the two of the most famous people in all the Holy Lands" Gelos voice began echoing in my mind

"where are you," I ask while looking all around the busy street.

"I'm just across the street I sensed your presence about a block away didn't think you'd be coming my way so I didn't say anything"

"Well, we don't really have anything to do today so mind if we join you" Having gotten used to his 'telepathy' or that's what humans think it is, I was no longer bothered by his sudden 'hello there's.

he was sitting in a quaint Little cafe in Brooklyn. After taking a seat he smiled cheekily looked at me and mumbles "so you'll be getting the check right?" I want to believe he was trying to make a joke but then again a millionaire and he is an asshole with immortality.


(Pay for Gelos' meal)

(#1 You won't feel cheap)

(#2You won't be looked at as cheap)

(#3 Favor of a god)

{Just spend $30 on the Man}

This shitty system is practically terrorizing me at this point. I wonder who if there anyone im control and if so who? let's not think about that now, if someone is controlling it I dont think I'd be a match for them.

After leaving the cafe I collected the reward because I don't want a reminder that this even happened.

[Reward claimed]

(blessing of Hephaestus)

'hmm, I thought gelos would be the one to owe me a favor whats Hephaestus have to do with this?'

Having no real knowledge about divinity I decided to ignore it for now. what I'm more concerned about is why I've not been written about for months that lazy author wannabe bastard if I had a real body I'd like to shove my foot right up h*... hmhmh.

ah sorry, folks, it looks like these chapters gonna be cut short because of some misbehaving fictional bastard who likes talking shit, until next time.

Sincerely - Your average lazy teenager