
Are you kidding me

Well life was never good to me but I somehow dealt with everything it threw at me. And I hoped once it is over I will chill in paradise and enjoy eternity in bliss but well no seems like God is out to mess with me! I ended up “reincarnating” WTF. I am not a Muslim... I am someone from another religion maybe I am not even religious but an atheist...seriously I could be anyone from anywhere... How can this even happen to me...

DaoistHBz6Sa · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Little bastard vs Old bastard

The damage was done and the city had only two options either dissolve or let someone else take over and all the Shinobi in the village who had fought supported Jin because not only was he strong his little Brother was even a mobile medical center so why not have them stay and help the village.

In the village leader's office.

"Sir you've no choice leave your position, you've created enough problems. We've had enough the criminality we accepted, the discontent of the population we tolerated and this lead to our village being perceived as weak. And in the end we got even attacked by wild beasts and some Missing-Nin's we can't and we will not accept anymore your weakness put us all into danger." One of the few remaining Elders said with a tint of anger.

No one opposed or tried to dissolve the argument because all of the Village leader's supporters were either badly hurt or have died.

Meanwhile Madara, Jin and Okami were having a discussion of their own.

"Okami-kun it seems I've misjudged your character... look at all the pain you've brought upon these people." Madara slowly said it wasn't like

He had any sympathy for those unrelated to him but because he never thought his disciple could actually cause such chaos in such a little time.

"Sensei this went a bit further the what I wanted. I never knew how fast this would escalate." And honestly even with all his preparations the situation still escalated people revealed hidden Jutsus, those on the verge of death didn't care about anyone anymore and went in for suicidal attacks destroying many buildings and hurting many people in the process. All in all this was just a test that went far over the limit.

"What now Okami-kun?" Jin asked.

"Now it is time for the carrot."

"Huh which carrot..."

"Why you need an carrot?" Both of the asked similar questions.

[Boss you should stop using language based on your old World some sayings will make you look like an idiot.]

"Haha I thought about how this situation resembles an old man trying to get his mule to move he'll try doing it with an stick if that doesn't work he'll try using a carrot and repeating this cycle."

"Ahh now that you mention it this situation does have some commonality."

"So what is the plan?"

"Nothing we'll just take over.."



"I know we could've done that right away with how strong Sensei is but the mission was for me getting those Scrolls without time limit. And taking over now and taking over then is something totally different because now they'll be happy to let us take over."

"Mhh Okami-kun is right then they would have still felt like we're coming to take something from them now they've nothing left to take and us taking over means we're helping them."

This is how politics worked always create a problem and then go on to solve it.

On earth some countries and governments would sell their produced weapons and by doing this create an cycle of violence and when the situation was ripe they would intervene just like Okami did and then say we bring you peace.

The thing is if something works it works and that's it. The majority of people need reasons that are convenient not reasons that are reasonable.

And that is exactly what was happening in [Nakidori]-Village.

A day later even before Okami and his group could make their way out the front door of their Inn someone came for them.

"Hello is this where Okami-Kun and Jin-Sam reside?"

A woman's voice sounded.

She looked around 20-25, not really beautiful but with her brown hair and brown eyes and slim waist clothed in her armour she looked quite amazing to Okami.

Okami himself and many people from his Clan rarely wore much mostly pants with something that looked more or less like an yukata, also most women he had met until now were either from his family or women he met on the streets so he had never met a Shinobi woman.

"Yes this is where we reside what business do you have with us?"

"Hello you Must be Jin-san and you must be Okami-kun." She said while smiling.

"Hey women introduce yourself when you know who I am also call me san! Do I know you? Are we close friends? No? Then don't you dare get all comfy with me." And there he was again back to his old self.

"Ahh how cute he behaves just like an adult but you're right I should introduce myself. I am Hanabi Shitose and since today I've become one of the elders of [Nakidori]- Village, I am 23 year's old and my hobbies are shopping and fighting."

"First I am not behaving like one I am one and second why are you looking for us?"

Her eyes were fixed on Okami completely ignoring Jin and Madara...

"Ai what is wrong with this woman?"

[According to my scan she has taken a liking to your cute appearance and which she thinks might be your Tsundere personality.]

"Since when have I become a tsundere?"

[I don't know Boss. You haven't told me you wanted to be one.]

"Shitose-san why are you looking for us?"

"Sorry it's about something very important and I wanted to invite you to the Village leaders office."

"Sure lead the way." The whole group was untested into what the villages leadership was planning.

After arriving and sitting down in the office room Okami begann to scrutinise every person in the room besides his own group and Shitose there were three more people. One old man sitting behind the desk probably the leader of the village, another old man with tattoos on his face and a goatee looking like he needed a good beating because of the condescending look in his eyes and an old woman looking plain normal but unlike her male counterparts she looked neither arrogant nor overbearing.

"So you must be Jin-kun what am good looking and strong young man you're our Village was really lucky to have you with us." Said the leader.

"Thank you very much."

"Yes such an outstanding young Shinobi staying in our Village without our knowledge." Said the goatee guy.

"Jin-kun we've invited you over to ask you if you'd like to join our village, the people like and respect you and you've defended our Village so if you're willing to join us we'll give you some land and one mansion." Said the leader.

"Also I'll offer you my granddaughters hand in marriage." Said goatee.

"I am honoured by your offer but the decision isn't mine to make and also I don't know your granddaughter." Jin replied matter of da rly seeing how these guys just ignored Madara and Okami.

"Ahh but you've met her already and she's standing right beside you. Hans I have you not introduced yourself to Jin-kun?"

"ENOUGH." Okami said loudly.

"Have you invited us over to waste our fuc*ing time? If you wanted to play matchmaker do it privately why was I invited to this farce?"

"Tch..young people don't know anything about showing respects. Don't you see we're talking with your senior." Goatee said quite displeased by Okamis outburst.

"First thing old man, my senior hasn't said even a word since entering this room second why am I here?"

"Okami-kun we wanted to show you how successful your big brother is and to congratulate you of becoming Shinobis of our village." Said the Leader.

"Yes yes we also heard you're quite adept at using insects for medical purposes so we thought of asking you to set up an Klinik in the village." Said goatee.

"Ai do these fuc*ers really think that I am retarded?"

[Seems like it Boss]

"Sorry I am not interested in staying in this rundown village." Okami said coldly.

"Haha Okami-kun you're still young so you don't understand how dangerous the world is in unity lies strength. Outside you'll die a dogs death unless you're strong so staying here and helping us rebuild the village and devoting yourself to an cause will be safer as help you form your character." The leader said his eyes turning colder.


What your elders tell you little boy. So what do you say Jin-kun? Will you be staying with us?"

"I cannot decide for Okami and his companion but for myself I will go or stay where Okami is going or staying."

Everyone in the room besides Okamis group was shocked this was clearly showing that the little guy was the decision maker in this group.

"So do you understand now? It isn't him who decides in our group."

"But isn't he your older brother?" Goatee asked.

"Doesn't make a difference. Even if he were we wouldn't stay here just to become your pawns. Giving him a mansion, land and a wife? Why don't you directly tell him we want you to stay and work for us but you'll get nothing substantial..." Okami said with a grin..

"... so what was your plan your granddaughter marries him and keeps watch on his day today life so he won't betray you while he has to fight for your village, indirectly supporting that useless old bastard over there by showing he's willing to stay in this village and once the situation stabilises you'll get rid of him? And as for me maybe you we're thinking the boy is young let him do some medical work and he'll feel this village is his home and then slowly we'll use him too."


"Don't try your bullshit with me old bastard... we've been staying in this village for over six months but only now that we'shown some skill you decided to get us also you didn't even try to plan you just assumed we were some idiots. Honestly no wonder this village is such an shithole." You could see the veins on the Village leaders head bulging his whole plan was being explained by a little kid.

"Oi little bastard you better do as we tell you too or the consequences will be harsh for all of you!" Goatee tried threatening.

"No need for insulting each other. Okami-kun we had no such intentions, we just assumed that you all staying here will be good for all of us."

"Oh good for all of us? What good is it for me? I could go to any big village and work there for the same conditions instead of staying in this rundown place. If you think you can bait us by offering so little then you're wasting the time of all present. Honestly you've nothing to offer and everything you have we can take by force so tell me why should I even talk with you all." Okamis presence was filling the whole room and Madara was nodding proudly because all of his effort wasn't wasted.

"Okami-kun what offer will move you?" The old woman finally spoke.

"Ahh finally some honest words. I want everything."





All asked except the old woman by.

"So you want the village itself?" The leader finally asked.

"Yes, I want this place and I will change how it's run. I have watched how this place and all his potential are being wasted by this old bastard that is trying to plot against me."

"Who're you calling bastard little bastard? And what makes you think the people of [Nakidori] will agree to such an demand?" The leader was outraged.

"Who else but you? And they'll agree because they've seen your failure."

And how the situation was looking they'd really agree because they were at their wits end.