
Are you kidding me

Well life was never good to me but I somehow dealt with everything it threw at me. And I hoped once it is over I will chill in paradise and enjoy eternity in bliss but well no seems like God is out to mess with me! I ended up “reincarnating” WTF. I am not a Muslim... I am someone from another religion maybe I am not even religious but an atheist...seriously I could be anyone from anywhere... How can this even happen to me...

DaoistHBz6Sa · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Black Zetsu

The war has been going on for two weeks and no one came to look for Okami to annoy him.

He used most of his time to train swordsmanship, invent Jutsus, learn medical Nin-Jutsu or meet his mother and Sensei. Also he got to know Sarutobi, Tsunade Jiraiya, Orochimaru and some other people.

Tsunade was immediately fond of him and would always tag along no matter where he went.

"See Ai, I am good looking after all."

[Boss she has bad taste in men, that is why she is fond of you.]

"Shut up Ai."

[Also she is only five years old you pedo, what is wrong with you?]

"Hey I'llwait until she is 18 but I can't do anything about my charms... They're god given."

[Boss he is back and watching us again.]

"I already noticed he has been doing this for about a week now."

As usual Okami picked up Jiraiya, Orochimaru and Tsunade as he was their self-proclaimed teacher, Okami was five years older than them and he thought they were wasting too much potential. And Sarutobi wasn't a good teacher anyway just look at how inhibited his students growth.

Life was okay despite some people being on edge and the non-stop flow of people who hurt themselves battling on the frontlines.

"Okami Sensei why are you not outside and battling?" Jiraiya asked.

"Well I am helping those who are hurt and battling as a blind young boy is hardly a thing I can do."

"But I heard you're someone really strong."

"Oh I am strong, I am one of the three strongest Shinobi in Konohagakure but the situation is a bit complicated. By the way have you guys thought about what I told you?"

"Oh yes I thought about it and I would love to become part of your Clan Sensei."

"Me too. If this guy can join then I am also willing to join."

After seeing Jiraiya and Orochimaru for the first time, Okami came to realise how many war Orphans this darned World has created they existed in Konohagakure and the other Villages and Okami began thinking about adopting these young children to give them a family. And so he asked each one, if they wanted to enter his family, all his Clones were used to help those poor people who had lost their husbands or had no family. The first thing he did was setting up the rule that once the children reached the age of 18 they had to move to Sanchogakure, there they would be tested and only those who passed would be eligible to use the Ōtsutsuki logo on their clothes otherwise they weren't allowed to do so. Also all those old Shinobi who had no place to come to rest anymore were employed as teachers and family members of the branch family and once they entered the family he would use Ai to scan them and see if they had a hidden talent for Kekkei Genkai, a certain kind of Chakra affinity or something else special about themselves and if they did he would activate that ability for them and even if they didn't have the talent he would still help them improve their basics. Also his Clones were non-stop mining and producing gold, trading, doing missions or something else so all young members would also get a little pocket money until they reached the ago of 15 from then onwards they had to repay with a part of their earned money so other could profit from the same system which helped them.

With Ai's help he created many rules and regulations for his Clan just like how he did for his Village.

Several hours later.

"Puh okay Trainings done for today. I'll be on my way to the hospital Tsunade, Orochimaru, Jiraiya do you want to come along."

"Nah I'lol pass."

"Sensei I'll pass too."

"Okami-kun I'll come with you." As expected only Tsunade agreed to visit the hospital.


"Madara we need Okamis help the Village won't lose but even winning like this will be a Pyrrhic victory and the status quo won't change."

"So what Tobirama you think Okami will help you all and make Konohagakure the Sole winner?"

"Yes he is staying in our village he should do something to help us." Hyu said.

"Hashirama is always defending the village while Tobirama and you are always fighting on the frontlines. And because we are up against the other four Great lands we're always being attacked from four sides while they are fighting at most on three frontlines." Kondo added.

"So all of you want his help but why should he help. Are you going to employ him? Or are you trying to force him and make another enemy for the land of fire. You all are in no position to make him move so you better stop thinking about Okami." Madara said.

If Okami were to help he could just threaten Sunagakure and Iwagakure because the land of Mountains is just behind them and as such they would have to send a part of their forces there to protect the border so the situation for Konohagakure would be calmer because they too would have to fight on three fronts too.

And if this were to happen Konohagakure could focus more of their forces towards Kumogakure and win that battle first before coming back to focus on the other three.

"Tobirama-san I might have an idea how to involve Okami." Kondo said with an evil grin.


"Hey Ai, do you think he'll approach us tonight."

[Boss it doesn't matter to me. But what is it to you?]

"Honestly I think helping unleash Ōtsutsuki Kaguya will be a good idea. She is from the Ōtsutsuki Clan and she has all the knowledge so if I could help free her but in some way control or even absorb her I'll jump straight to the next level."

[That does sound like an rather bad Idea Boss. You are not trying to play with fire... it is more like you're actually trying to play with fire while jumping inside a volcano that is somehow flying towards the sun... honestly this is your craziest idea up to this moment and even your experiments with all those Kinjutsu were not as stupid as this one. The only other idea on the same level as this one was your experiments on trying to create that hybrid familiar.]

"Ts ts ts Ai, you ignorant little dummy at the end I've succeeded haven't I? So maybe this will also work out."

[Boss I swear to the almighty System that is overseeing the world if you get me killed I'll never forgive you. I am too young and too beautiful to die.]

"First what is the almighty System, second What is your definition of young and beautiful?"

[Boss you're too mean, you should never ask an lady for her age and seeing how I can take on any form... I am hitting every persons taste so yes Boss, I am beautiful. As for the almighty System, I was just kidding.]

Like this Ai and Okami always were talking about something and so they never got bored or felt alone.

And a few days later in the middle of the night a voice suddenly spoke in Okamis ear.


"Hey." Answered Okami.

"I think being alone isn't good for me."

"I think so too. I am always alone and now I am imagining hearing voices." Okami replied.

"Oh really? The same thing is happening to me right now."

"You serious? That is so awkward."

"Yes it is."

"I'll go back to sleep maybe this will stop then." He said to the voice.

"Good idea."

And this kept repeating every night and slowly even in the day and at some point Okami saw Black Zetsu for the first time.

If Okami weren't aware of who black Zetsu was, he really would have assumed that he was created by him being all alone in solitude and slowly going insane and Black Zetsu was even using a subtle form of Genjutsu that gave him a certain kind of vibe which made one accept and trust him more easily.

"Ai this idiot will stick around for a long time so make sure you scan him and learn everything about him."

[Yes Boss I am on it.]

Hey everyone ,

I just saw we’re in the top 200 of the power ranking... let’s aim for top 100.

And I’d like to ask you if you like a more dark kind of Mc or an easygoing one.

Also have a nice day!!!

Sincerely your Author without authority, I find it kind of funny how these words are written so similar but have absolutely nothing in common

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