
Are you fate?

“ I rather die than to be a kandroen, he shouted“ "Then prepare because die you must". Daniel fights against everyone especially fate to be what he dreams of being, will fate fold his sleeves and watch ". “ Money Money, you are never there for me Dad she whined". “I won't always be there for you, he replied leaving the dinning table ". Bella discovers early in life that fate listens to no one but can she manipulate him.

Anierobi_Chioma · Urban
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4 Chs

"Am noticed"

Bella, I froze. The massive follows on Instagram....

I had always preferred a quite life. Looking at the number Increasing I did have a rethink .

A year later°°°

"Done", Director Buike's loud voice brought the recording to an end .

" That was amazing ELLA, trust me this is gonna be a hit he said reminding me of the four other singles ,which didn't even cut the Top 100 .

If you thinking I got signed by Daniel, hell no!(don't even go there ) .

I wrote a couple of songs and got positive feedbacks which strengthened my decision to start making music alongside focusing on getting my degrees too.

Sundays are my relaxation days ,no projects from school and no part-time jobs .

I was on a full scholarship with accommodation benefits, plus lots of money I took from home; call me a thief I don't care .

I switched on the TV and listened "This is the Hip hop blessings, I am Tasha and this are the top songs for the week ...

The no 1 song has caused quite an uproar since it's release date with the song being so sensational and a pretty singer too.

"Am I pretty" I wondered,

So the top song is " Pain "

Wait I calmed myself trying not to jump into conclusions.

" By Bella"

Oh my gosh! This is incredible as I called the director to inform him .

Bella , I know what you wanna say and at the rate is going it will soon be ranked plantinum .

Thank you sir for believing in me I said softly with emotions .

"You are welcome my dear''


" I am so scared, I have never performed at the Grammys before I think I will have a nervous break down'' the blue eyed Blondie whined .

"Just eat your sandwiches it will be fine'', Amara said munching on her sandwich.

Baby, She called out ;You're overreacting it's the Grammys not heavens gate , not like you will make heaven though .

'Really the heaven's gate is no derision'

Relax okay, Am just pointing out the obvious , freaking out will do you no good and as usual you will always make us proud and Ben promised to take us to watch that romance movie he said it's his way for making up, he is not going to show up at the Grammys.

You couldn't keep ya mouth shut huh, I didn't want Ben laughing , I saved the story for later.

I tried but he is such a good convincer she said her face falling flatly.

Liar! Ben a good convincer (rolls her eye), that's like joining kitara and Azula in avatar together, Read my lips that's disaster.

Fine I spilt it ,Are you okay now Miss?

(Looking at her frown) I think I am feeling much better she said smilingly.

Grammy Award °°°

The arena is filled with lots of flashy cars coupled with the dazzling lights, fashion at its highest peak and reporters, photographers everywhere as the celebrity's matched down from their cars onto the red carpets .

Their faces plastered with smiles and their bodies adorned with the latest garments ,hoping to set pace to the new fashion record..

A gorgeous celebrity, walks towards the red carpet her steps steady and slow giving others the impression of a confident woman.

The cries of Bella filled the air as she was escorted inside by the officials away from the maddening crowd.

"Daniel" Director Gerald hailed to me.

"Yes big G ''

" You heard Pain right'' , he inquisitioned.

" Sure latest song' ',a real vibe

I want the lady in our label he enunciated.

Okay I mumbled weakly unsure of what it got to do with me.

" She has got a lot of offers including "Tiga's".

I want you to persuade her, you are the ladie's Daniel, nothing is impossible he ended his speech with a tap on my shoulders.

"Fine Big G", I vocalized but truth be told "I know her not".

"Leave that to me he spoke confidently pulling me along with him as we made our way amidst the crowd.

" Bella , it's a pleasure to meet you (giving her a light hug)Am Gerald and This is....

"Daniel", Nice to meet you I uttered getting lost in the deep blue beautiful eyes in front of me. I was shocked at how beautiful she was but apparently my next words were a shocker.