
Are You Crazy? He's only an Intern Lawyer?

Attorney Zhang Qiansheng, a criminal defense lawyer with over 30 years of experience, had won more than 2,000 lawsuits and helped countless tycoons escape conviction, earning himself a fortune worth hundreds of millions. Standing in the courtroom, he struck fear into the hearts of those who heard of him, chilling them to the bone. But due to an accident, his soul transmigrated into the body of Zhang Wei, a law student from a parallel universe's Blue Star. Since then, the underachieving law student Zhang Wei had transformed into an unbeatable attorney! And this time, with the help of a Simple-minded person, he slowly transformed from the ruthless attorney Zhang Qiansheng into the compassionate and righteous good lawyer, Zhang Wei.

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Chapter 188: Xia Donghai Goes to Court, Fang Yunshu Testifies

Translator: 549690339

(Today I took an elderly family member to the community hospital for a vaccine booster shot; the second chapter might be posted a little later, sorry about that...)


Who is Xia Donghai?

Naturally, he's Zhang Wei's father-in-law.

However, as the summoned party, Xia Donghai himself was also puzzled.

He just remembered that last night, his darling daughter handed him the phone, and then Zhang Wei, the youngster, started asking if he could help with something.

He himself was still half asleep, and agreed without thinking much about it.

After all, although Li Qinghua disapproved of him, Xia Donghai still considered Zhang Wei his son-in-law.

It shouldn't be too much trouble for a father-in-law to help his son-in-law, should it?

But then, early in the morning, he received a court summons, instructing him to attend the trial as a witness.

What a situation!

Xia Donghai expressed that the so-called favor turned out to be testifying in court.