
Are You Crazy? He's only an Intern Lawyer?

Attorney Zhang Qiansheng, a criminal defense lawyer with over 30 years of experience, had won more than 2,000 lawsuits and helped countless tycoons escape conviction, earning himself a fortune worth hundreds of millions. Standing in the courtroom, he struck fear into the hearts of those who heard of him, chilling them to the bone. But due to an accident, his soul transmigrated into the body of Zhang Wei, a law student from a parallel universe's Blue Star. Since then, the underachieving law student Zhang Wei had transformed into an unbeatable attorney! And this time, with the help of a Simple-minded person, he slowly transformed from the ruthless attorney Zhang Qiansheng into the compassionate and righteous good lawyer, Zhang Wei.

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360 Chs

Chapter 180: No Clues, Lan Gaojian's Opening Remarks

Translator: 549690339

Thursday afternoon.

Blacksmith Technology Tower.

Research and Development Department, inside a certain conference room.

Zhang Wei, having finished the pretrial, now comes to Blacksmith Technology to report to Zhao Qingyan.

The latter had likewise been out on an errand and just happened to return here, starting to discuss case details with Zhang Wei.

"Xiao Zhang, how's the situation in court?"

"The pretrial just ended today, and the situation is not very good. Both the prosecution and the media are thinking of convicting Fang Yunshu as soon as possible. In their eyes, she's a murderer."

"The prosecution has made its stance clear, life imprisonment; after the pretrial, they didn't come to me to discuss a plea bargain for a quick guilty plea."

Hearing Zhang Wei's explanation, Zhao Qingyan's expression grew grave.

"Uncle Zhao, how about you? Seeing as you look…"

"I have to say, Ah Xiang's skills are really something!"

Hearing Zhao Qingyan admit this, Zhang Wei had some idea.