
Are You Crazy? He's only an Intern Lawyer?

Attorney Zhang Qiansheng, a criminal defense lawyer with over 30 years of experience, had won more than 2,000 lawsuits and helped countless tycoons escape conviction, earning himself a fortune worth hundreds of millions. Standing in the courtroom, he struck fear into the hearts of those who heard of him, chilling them to the bone. But due to an accident, his soul transmigrated into the body of Zhang Wei, a law student from a parallel universe's Blue Star. Since then, the underachieving law student Zhang Wei had transformed into an unbeatable attorney! And this time, with the help of a Simple-minded person, he slowly transformed from the ruthless attorney Zhang Qiansheng into the compassionate and righteous good lawyer, Zhang Wei.

Some Dog · Urban
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353 Chs

Chapter 175 Zhao Qingyan Seeks Help, The Case is Somewhat Complicated

Translator: 549690339

(A new case incoming~)


That very night Zhang Wei returned to Dongfang Capital.

Blacksmith Technology, headquarters building.

Research and Development Office.

For coders, working overtime until 9 PM was the norm.

At this moment, a group of coders in the R&D department was having a "discussion" about something.

But when coders meet, it's generally about one of three things.

Either the software has a major bug, the project needs to rush the schedule, or the manager has some new demands.

As it happened, all three issues were present today.

"Fuck, who created this bug? Why doesn't it show up in the logs?"

"How can this kind of bug even occur? Who's operating the system? Are these operations even humanly possible?"

"I really admire these testers, all the stress testing and extreme testing. Can you tell me how to fit 30 people in one car? Wouldn't it be normal to call the police then?"

A group of them was arguing over the bug.

Next door, overtime work was underway...