
Are You Crazy? He's only an Intern Lawyer?

Attorney Zhang Qiansheng, a criminal defense lawyer with over 30 years of experience, had won more than 2,000 lawsuits and helped countless tycoons escape conviction, earning himself a fortune worth hundreds of millions. Standing in the courtroom, he struck fear into the hearts of those who heard of him, chilling them to the bone. But due to an accident, his soul transmigrated into the body of Zhang Wei, a law student from a parallel universe's Blue Star. Since then, the underachieving law student Zhang Wei had transformed into an unbeatable attorney! And this time, with the help of a Simple-minded person, he slowly transformed from the ruthless attorney Zhang Qiansheng into the compassionate and righteous good lawyer, Zhang Wei.

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359 Chs

Chapter 11: Defense Witness, Best Friend Feng Li Testifies in Court

Translator: 549690339

The 10-minute recess ended.

The court session resumed.

"Your Honor, the defense requests to add a witness!"

At the opening of the session, Zhang Hui made the request.

Geng Hongxia glanced at Zhang Wei, who was very composed and not at all surprised.

"Since the prosecution has no objections, could you explain the witness's situation?"

"We request to add the student Jia Meili as a witness!"

The witness Zhang Hui proposed was actually the defendant herself.

The students of the Law School looked at each other in confusion.

What was this situation, the plaintiff had taken the stand, and now the defendant wanted to as well?

On the other hand, students from other departments watched with the attitude of watching a drama unfold.

After all, they weren't law students and only cared about how sensational today's news was; having Jia Meili, one of the parties involved, take the stand was obviously a more topical matter.

However, Jia Meili was the last witness to be added, and her turn came last in the order of the defense witnesses.

"The defense calls the first witness, Li Yan, to the stand."

A girl stood up from the witness bench and walked to the witness stand.

"Please state your identity, witness."

"I have been Jia Meili's roommate throughout the four years of college."

Zhang Hui smiled slightly, "Oh, a roommate, so that means you know Jia Meili very well."


But just then, Zhang Wei stood up from the plaintiff's bench and looked at Zhang Hui, "The defense attorney hasn't asked a question!"

Geng Hongxia looked at Zhang Hui, "Objection sustained. Please ask the witness a question, Defense Counsel."

"My apologies, Your Honor!"

Zhang Hui's rhythm was disrupted, and she quickly apologized while giving Zhang Wei a resentful glance.

"I would like to ask, since you know Jia Meili so well, how do you find her academic performance, does she need to seek tutoring for her studies?"


Zhang Hui had just asked the question when Zhang Wei interrupted her again.

"The defense is leading the witness to speculate!"

Geng Hongxia looked at Zhang Hui with some disappointment and sighed, "Objection sustained."

Zhang Wei smiled and slowly sat down.

This scene was also noticed by Yang Qingquan and the professors in the witness bench.

"Using objections to continually disrupt the defense's rhythm is a good tactic. However, this move is only effective against novices like Zhang Hui; a master wouldn't be caught by you so easily, young man."

"But then again, you're a junior compared to Zhang Hui, where exactly did you learn these moves?"

Yang Qingquan suspected that someone in the department must be coaching Zhang Wei, as this wealth of courtroom experience couldn't come without guidance from a proficient mentor...

Who would believe otherwise?

Setting aside their speculations, there was a moment of silence in the courtroom.

Zhang Hui took a deep breath and reminded herself repeatedly: Don't get angry, don't get angry, he's just a junior!

After five seconds, she had calmed herself down.

Looking at Li Yan again, this time Zhang Hui had learned her lesson and asked with a clear and simple tone, "Li Yan, to your knowledge, how are Jia Meili's grades?"

"Jia's grades have been steadily improving."

"And her attitude towards studying?"

Li Yan thought for a moment and replied, "Quite good, I guess. I've seen her study late into the night many times before resting."

"Do you think her improvement in grades is the result of her own hard work and effort?"

"I think it's possible. After all, for someone as diligent as her, it wouldn't be difficult to improve their grades."

"So, during the time Jia Meili was sharing a room with you, did she ever mention the name Zhang Wei?"

"I didn't hear them mention it; I learned about Zhang Wei because of the campus forum incident."

"My questioning is finished!" Zhang Hui said with a slight smile, then walked back to the defense bench.

Zhang Wei stood up; it was his turn to cross-examine now.

"Classmate Li Yan, you just said that classmate Jia Meili's grades have been steadily improving, right?"


"That's indeed a very emotionally intelligent way to put it." Zhang Wei quipped, then his expression became serious, "Now, what would be the less emotionally intelligent way to say it?"

"Objection, the prosecution is harassing the witness!" Zhang Hui immediately stood up to interrupt.

"Zhang Wei, please pay attention to your way of questioning," Geng Hongxia said, giving him a gentle reminder.

"Sorry, my mistake. I didn't consider everything properly; the witness has been roommates with the accused for four years, after all. One does need to save some face when speaking," Zhang Wei said with an apologetic smile, admitting his fault.

He then reorganized his language and asked:

"Classmate Li Yan, let me put it this way: if we divide test grades into five levels - excellent, good, pass, fail, and extremely poor - could you please tell me what classmate Jia Meili's test results were in the first semester?"

"This..." Li Yan glanced at Jia Meili in the defendant's seat, hesitant to speak.

"Witness, please answer my question directly!"

Zhang Wei timely stepped between them, eyes slightly narrowed, "Remember, your current position is that of a witness, and you are also a law school student. Surely, you wouldn't commit perjury, right?"

Facing Zhang Wei's intimidating gaze, Li Yan thought for a moment then replied, "They were probably a fail, right?"

"Hahaha, classmate Li Yan, you really are saving face for Jia Meili. If an average score in single digits and ranking in the bottom ten still counts as a fail, then who would be considered extremely poor?"

As he spoke, Zhang Wei gave Luo Xiaobu a sign with his eyes, and the latter quickly picked up a few sheets of paper from in front of him and walked toward the judge's bench.

"Your Honor, in response to the witness's testimony, the prosecution submits classmate Jia Meili's academic transcript from her four years at university as evidence!"

Having said this, Zhang Wei took the copy of the record handed to him by Luo Xiaobu and asked Li Yan again, "Classmate Li Yan, for the first semester's assessments, how would you classify a fail and how an extremely poor grade? I believe you were smart enough to get into law school, right?"

Li Yan, unable to see Jia Meili, could only look at Zhang Wei and lowered her head to say, "I must have remembered wrong, her first semester's grades should be considered extremely poor."

"And the second semester?"

"This... it's been too long, I've forgotten!"

"No problem, I have a transcript here; you can compare for yourself to find out," Zhang Wei said as he handed the transcript to Li Yan.

Looking at the glaring red numbers on the transcript, Li Yan said helplessly, "The second semester, also extremely poor."

"What about the first assessment of the second year?"

Li Yan glanced at Zhang Wei's expression before daring to speak, "Extremely... extremely poor."

"And the overall score for the first semester of the second year?"

Li Yan, observing the fluctuating numbers on the transcript, thought for a moment then answered, "It hovered between extremely poor and fail."

Zhang Wei perked up immediately, "Wow, it seems like the grades improved, huh!"


Zhang Hui couldn't help it and interrupted once again.

"Prosecution attorney, please ask your questions properly!" Geng Hongxia's face turned stern as she glared over.

"Sorry about that, my mistake," Zhang Wei admitted slightly, then looked around the room and announced loudly, "Seeing this, everyone might be wondering how a person with such poor academic results in the first year began to improve in the first semester of the second year?"

"According to the defense witness Li Yan, it's because Jia Meili studied hard, right? Then why were her grades so poor in the first semester of the first year and yet there was still no improvement in the second semester?"

Zhang Wei raised his voice a few decibels, "I'll tell you why, because during the first semester of the second year, Jia Meili found me studying in the library, and it was from this time that I began to tutor her one-on-one!"

After finishing, he looked at Li Yan again, "Witness, now look at the second semester grades of the second year!"

Li Yan glanced down subconsciously, scanned the transcript, "They improved, most subjects are passing, with only three failing."

"Hmm, it seems that the tutoring was quite effective!" Zhang Wei laughed, then continued to ask, "What about the first semester of the third year?"

"All passing, even one subject improved to good!"

"The second semester?"

"All passing, with an increase in good subjects."

"The first semester of the fourth year?"

"All above good, even one excellent."

"Hmm, thank you for your cooperation, witness. My questioning is finished."

Zhang Wei retrieved his transcript and looked towards the jury: "Furthermore, let me add one more thing, my tutoring ended at the conclusion of the first semester this year, which makes it exactly two years. As for the results of the tutoring, I believe everyone must have a good idea now, right?"

After he finished speaking, he walked back to the plaintiff's bench, even winking at Zhang Hui, who displayed a gloomy face as a result.

Among the jury, many female jurors exchanged glances, obviously pondering.

On the spectators' bench, there were quite a few people whispering to each other, discussing something.

"To use the opponent's witness to counter-evidence, this kid is impressive!" Yang Qingquan watched Zhang Wei sit back down, admiring him greatly in his heart.

Zhang Wei's trial abilities were practically those of an experienced veteran, well beyond the level of a common slick operator, and could even rival some seasoned trial lawyers.

Although he had not been in court for a long time, he knew that aside from needing a broad range of knowledge, trial experience was even more critical for an excellent lawyer.

Otherwise, no matter how rich your theoretical knowledge, if you can't speak up in court, it's all useless.

The current situation was obviously tilting heavily in favor of Zhang Wei's side.

Zhang Hui and Jia Meili, seated at the defense bench, also realized the unfavourable turn of events.

"We can't go on like this, we must change the situation quickly, otherwise, we may not be able to secure a single vote from the 12 members of the jury!"

Zhang Hui made a gesture to Feng Li sitting beside her and quickly stood up:

"The defense calls the second witness, Feng Li, to the stand!"

Feng Li hurriedly walked to the witness stand, and the entire court went silent.

Multiple gazes focused on Feng Li, causing her to feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Feng Li, please tell us about your relationship with my client."

"Jia Meili is my roommate, and also my good friend!"

"As her close friend, you must know a lot about Jia Meili's affairs, right?"


"Can you tell us, what kind of person is student Jia Meili?"

Hearing Zhang Hui pose this question, a slight smile appeared on Zhang Wei's lips.

As he expected, seeing that the tutoring issue couldn't be changed, the other side was preparing to alter their defensive strategy, planning to focus on Jia Meili's character for their argument.

Feng Li didn't hesitate and answered earnestly: "Student Jia has always been a very good person."

Zhang Hui nodded: "Can you give us some specific examples?"

"Certainly!" Feng Li thought for a moment, then reminisced:

"Jia Meili actually comes from a not so well-off family, but she was admitted to the law school through her own diligence and effort. In her first year at the academy, she also worked part-time jobs, relying on her own efforts to earn her tuition. You mentioned that her first-year assessment results were very poor, but in fact, she just couldn't find the balance between working and studying, after all, she is only human, how could she possibly handle both?"

"But Zhang Wei said it was only through his tutoring, that my client obtained such good results?"

"How could that be possible, it's all Meili's own credit, she knew the importance of academic results, so from the second semester onward she studied hard every day until very late!"

As Feng Li spoke, she sneered: "As for Zhang Wei, he just wanted to catch a connection with our Meili, and that's why he purposely approached her. I could see through his intentions early on!"

"Especially during the nighttime tutoring sessions, he even made untoward advances towards our Meili. If it weren't for my timely arrivals and interventions, who knows what might have happened to our Meili because of Zhang Wei..."

Towards the end, her face turned to show not only anger but also immense worry.

"You're talking nonsense!" Upon hearing Feng Li's words, Xia Qianyue at the plaintiff's bench couldn't hold back any longer.

Feng Li was simply inverting right and wrong; actually accusing Zhang Wei of having impure motives and of making inappropriate moves towards Jia Meili was a preposterous tale.

Having known Zhang Wei for so long, she had found him to be essentially a straightforward person; there was no way he could have done the things Feng Li was claiming.

"What I'm saying is the truth!" Feng Li was no pushover, immediately responding to Xia Qianyue's provocation with hands on her hips.

"Order in the court!" From the bench, Geng Hongxia could not bear it anymore and promptly hammered for silence.

Xia Qianyue was held back by Zhang Wei, while Feng Li also slowly sat down.

"It seems like Miss Xia has some differing opinions, correct?" Zhang Hui hinted suggestively.

Feng Li smiled again, defiantly gazing at Xia Qianyue: "Xia Qianyue and Zhang Wei have been together for a long time, and her testimony cannot be trusted. They might even be colluding to bully our Meili!"

"You..." Xia Qianyue was about to react with outrage, but was firmly held back by Zhang Wei.

"Silly, stay calm, Feng Li can only jump around for now, wait until I make her cry!" Zhang Wei quickly reassured her.

With a face full of anger, Xia Qian clenched her teeth so hard that her pretty face almost contorted, but after hearing the words of the person beside her, she felt somewhat relieved.

In the courtroom.

"Oh, so you're saying, they must be in a relationship then?" Zhang Hui looked at the jury as she deliberately raised this point.

If Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue had an intimate relationship, then the previous testimony and even the transaction record evidence could not be fully trusted.

"My questioning is over!" Zhang Hui said with a slight smile, returning to her seat.

Her goal was achieved, pressuring Feng Li to suppress Zhang Wei while protecting Jia Meili.

Although the jury might not immediately believe it, as long as Feng Li could withstand Zhang Wei's next round of attack and put on a bit of an act, they could portray Zhang Wei as someone with impure motives and a harbinger of trouble.

It was a rather unscrupulous move, but she wanted to win even more.

"Junior, let's see how you'll attack. I've practiced over and over with Feng Li and Jia Meili; you definitely won't find an opportunity!"

Zhang Hui looked at Zhang Wei, her expression brimming with confidence.

Zhang Wei approached the stand, looking at Feng Li in front of him.


"Zhang Wei, you are nothing but a lecher!"

Before he could speak, Feng Li stood up with hands on her hips.

This scene caused a stir among the jurors and the audience.

"Your Honor, I haven't even asked my question yet. Why is the witness speaking out of turn?"

Zhang Wei asked with a slight smile, looking at the bench.

Geng Hongxia's expression turned stern, and she quickly warned, "Witness, please refrain from subjective emotions. You are here to answer questions, or else I will hold you in contempt of court!"

"Oh, I understand," Feng Li sat down cautiously, but her gaze towards Zhang Wei still held hostility.

She was determined to portray Zhang Wei as a lecher and a shameless person, regardless of his questions.

"Ahem, Miss Feng Li, I'm going to ask you a question now, don't get too excited, okay~"

Zhang Wei reminded her and asked, "You just said that your Li Li studies late into the night every day?"

"Yes!" Feng Li nodded firmly.

"All right, I would like to know how you study and how you managed to improve your grades so much. There must have been some special review plan, right? I'm curious how Jia Meili could go from extremely poor grades to steadily improving and ultimately achieving good marks in all subjects, and even excellence in one."

This question stumped Feng Li.

She had no idea about any study plans.

Seeing everyone looking at her, Feng Li hurriedly said, "We didn't have any specific plan, we just reviewed late into the night, both Li Li and I stayed up to read books!"

"Oh~ so it's staying up late to read books, that must be tough!" Zhang Wei showed an expression of sudden realization, exaggerated in his theatrics.

But then, his expression immediately became serious, and he looked at Feng Li, "Nice story, too bad I know you are lying!"

"Impossible, everything I said is true!" Feng Li quickly denied.

Zhang Wei smiled slightly and turned towards the bench, "Your Honor, in light of Feng Li's testimony, my side would like to summon a rebuttal witness!"

"Objection!" Zhang Hui immediately interjected, "We have not received any prior notice of this, and the witness isn't even on the witness list!"

"Zhang Wei, what's the situation?" Geng Hongxia looked at Zhang Wei, waiting for his response.

"Your Honor, I am summoning this witness because there are contradictions in Feng Li's testimony, and this is all to prove the fairness of the court proceedings. Please allow it!"

Geng Hongxia thought for a moment and nodded in agreement, "If it is to verify the accuracy of the witness's testimony, then of course the court permits it!"

Zhang Wei looked towards the front row of the audience, calling out, "Our side summons the rebuttal witness Han Yu to testify!"

In the audience, a bespectacled girl slowly stood up.

Feng Li could only walk down from her seat, reluctantly giving up the witness stand.

"Han Yu, who is this?"

Zhang Hui asked Jia Meili, a bit puzzled.

"I don't know her either, but she does look familiar..."

Jia Meili stared at Han Yu, but for a moment couldn't remember when she had seen her before.

"Miss Han Yu, please tell everyone about your relationship with Miss Jia Meili."

"Okay, my name is Han Yu, I am a journalism student at East University University, and I live in dorm room 405, building 4 of the girls' dormitory. Jia Meili's room is 406; we are neighbors."

Upon hearing this, Jia Meili suddenly realized, it was the girl from the neighboring dorm.

Zhang Wei nodded and continued to ask, "Miss Feng Li just mentioned that the defendant Jia Meili often stays up late studying into the night. Do you have a differing opinion on that?"

At this question, Han Yu's face showed endless agony, and her fists clenched tightly.

"They are talking nonsense!"