
Are you able to love me again?

The story tells about a man, Song Chengdong. He has been in love with his girlfriend Michelle Chan for ten years. But because of his fame as a model and radio host, Michelle has always felt very oppressed with him and very insecure about this relationship. But Chengdong has always promised that he will only love her and propose to her when he is 25 years old. Unfortunately, Michelle rejected him because of her studies. In fact, Chengdong had the first stage of common leukemia at the age of 17. That year, Chengdong met a doctor, Gu Jiale, in Hong Kong for medical treatment. They became good friends. Jiale had a fiancée who looked very much like Michelle but died in a car accident. Fortunately, Chengdong's cousin donated bone marrow to him and successfully cured his disease. At the age of 26, Michelle was 25 years old. She graduated and finally decided to return to Korea to marry Chengdong a year later. During this period, she went to Hong Kong to develop her film career. In Hong Kong, she met Chengdong's good friend, Jiale, and became good friends. But she didn't know that Jiale was Chengdong's doctor. When Chengdong was happy and thought that all his wishes were about to come true, bad luck happened again. At the age of 26, he gave up his job in Singapore and went back to take care of his father's family business and modeling. He fainted at work and was sent to the hospital. It was found that his blood cancer had relapsed and it was already in the third stage. Michelle, who was in Hong Kong, lived in the villa bought by Chengdong and accidentally found that he had many different pills. She secretly checked and found that they were cancer drugs and compulsory painkillers. Michelle put down everything in Hong Kong and ran to Seoul to find Chengdong.

Michelle_Chan0220 · Urban
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30 Chs

Chapter 2 - Recalling the past

Chen's house - Michelle's room. 430 am

  "Chengdong, how are you? Do you need to go to the hospital for a checkup?" Michelle asked.

  "No need. I'm used to it." Chengdong replied weakly.

  "I'll go to the closet to get your clothes for you." Michelle said.

  Chengdong held Michelle's hand.....

  "Xiaoxue, please don't separate from me!" Chengdong cried and hugged Michelle tightly.

  "I'm by your side, I'm just going to get clothes for you." Michelle replied.

  "Xiaoxue! Have you forgotten the good times we spent together for seven years!? Can't you survive the seven-year itch?! I really love you, please Don't give up on me! I can't live without you! I can even give up my career! I just want to make more money and hope you can live in a good house in the future! I would rather not have any career! I just want you!" Chengdong said with difficulty.

  He hugged Michelle tightly.

  "Chengdong, don't worry. I just said it in anger. How could I not want you. But I really want you to give up one of your jobs. Ah Dong, you are really too tired." Michelle said worriedly.

  "I won't be tired. Because we will be preparing to get married in a year or two! So we need more money to prepare. But don't worry. I am going to quit my job as an anchor. My parents want me to go back to Korea to help them. "I'm really tired." Chengdong answered.

  "You're going to take a day off tomorrow, right? Then take a shower and we can chat and sleep in the room." Michelle asked.

  Chengdong nodded.

  Chengdong took his clothes and went into the bathroom. At this time, his back felt very painful. His nose was bleeding.

  "What happened to me?! Is my illness recurring again? "Chengdong asked himself in surprise.

  He sat on the ground in a daze. He sat there for a long time and kept thinking about the days he spent with Michelle in Hong Kong. He cried and collapsed. Michelle seemed to hear some crying and knocked on the bathroom door.....

  "Chengdong, are you okay? Don't Scare me!" Michelle asked anxiously.

  There was still no response in the bathroom. She immediately opened the door and saw Chengdong crying. She hugged Chengdong...

  "Chengdong! What's wrong with you?! Why is your nose bleeding?! I'll call an ambulance right away!" Michelle asked in surprise.

  "No need. I'm fine." Chengdong replied.

  "Go take a shower, don't close the door. I'll watch you outside. Call me if you have anything." Michelle said.

  Chengdong nodded.

  Michelle took a photo album in the room and looked at it. It was full of photos she and Chengdong took a few years ago. She recalled that she spent her 21st birthday with Chengdong in Japan (Tokyo).

  February 12, 2004 Michelle's birthday

Japan - Tokyo - Disneyland 9:00 AM

"Wow! This is my first time to Disneyland! So happy!" Michelle said.

"I have booked a hotel here tonight." Chengdong replied.

"Thank you, Chengdong." Michelle hugged Chengdong and said.

"Why are you thanking me for? I am your boyfriend, it's my duty." Chengdong replied.

March 31, 2008 Five o'clock in the morning

Chen's house - Michelle's room

"At that time, Chengdong was just a fresh graduate. I was very happy with him. At that time, he belonged only to me, Michelle Chen. But now he is famous and there are a lot of fans around him wherever he goes." Michelle said to herself angrily.

Chengdong, who had just come out of the bathroom, heard Michelle talking to herself....

"Xiaoxue, you care about me so much. I'm sorry! I made you work so hard for so many years!" Chengdong hugged Michelle and said.

"I'm fine. I just miss the days when you were still a college student. So free." Michelle replied.

11 o'clock in the morning

Chengdong got up and put his clothes back on. He wrote a note and went out.

-Michelle I'll go back to the radio station first. I'll come to your house at 8 o'clock tonight to take you to a good meal. I love you.-Chengdong goes up

Chengdong walked down the stairs and saw the whole family was there.

"Good morning. Why are you all here?" Chengdong said.

"Today is Saturday. We are not working. You look so good in this outfit. You are going back to the radio station at this time?" Yongkang asked.

  "It should be considered as handing in my resignation letter. Actually, I had planned to resign last week. But I didn't have time to tell Michelle. I will stop working on May 1st. I plan to go back to Korea to help my parents' company." Chengdong answered.

  "Are you planning to get married? You have been together for nearly 8 years." Huiping asked.

  "I proposed to Michelle a year ago, but she rejected me." Chengdong answered.

  "Hey! That silly girl!" Mi Qiang said angrily.

  Chengdong smiled and walked out.

  He drove to the TV station.

  In the TV station (93.5 radio station office) 100 pm

  "Chengdong?! Aren't you on vacation today? Why are you here?" Bao Ge asked in surprise.

  "I have something to see the boss." Chengdong answered.

  Chengdong entered the general manager's office.

  In the general manager's office

  "Chengdong, what's the matter that's so urgent to find me?" Charles asked.

  "Charles, after several considerations, I decided to submit my resignation letter. Sorry, I'm not feeling well and my parents need me too. I'll quit on the first of next month." Chengdong answered.

  "Since you've made up your mind, I won't force you to stay. The audience will be reluctant to let you go. Especially since you're funny and handsome." said the general manager.

  "General manager, thank you for your cultivation along the way." Chengdong answered.

  Brother Bao saw Chengdong handing a letter to the general manager outside the glass window.

  "Brother Bao! What are you gossiping about?" Sufen asked.

  "It seems there are two possibilities: one, the letter contains a wedding invitation. Two, it's a resignation letter." Brother Bao answered.

  "No way, Chengdong is so popular, how could he resign now!?" Sufen asked in surprise.

  "Ah, then you don't know! I heard that his relationship with his girlfriend is on fire. The lights are off. And he hasn't been feeling well lately. Haven't you noticed that he's been taking drugs lately?" Bao Ge answered.

At this time, the general manager and Cheng Dong came out of the office.

"I announce to everyone. April 30th is Cheng Dong's last day working at the radio station. He needs to go back to Korea to continue his parents' company." The general manager said.

"Thank you all for your care over the past few years." Cheng Dong bowed his head to thank him.

Cheng Dong was about to cry as he spoke. Bao Ge patted him...

"Silly boy, why are you crying as a grown man! Good job! Don't work so hard, you're tired and you ignore your future wife!" Bao Ge said loudly.

"Bao Ge is right! Don't ignore your wife who has been waiting for you for seven years!" Su Fen replied.

"Thank you!" Cheng Dong said happily.

They hugged each other.

Cheng Dong went back to his desk to write. He started writing a diary...

March 31, 2008 (Saturday) Sunny and windy

Last night, I knew that Michelle had been paying attention to my work and ignoring her. I finally decided to give up my dream of being a host. Anyway, I will go back to Korea and there is no need to continue to be a host. Now the most important thing is to realize Xiaoxue's dream. I finally helped her put forward a request to Eric. I didn't expect that he appreciated Michelle's work so much.

I hope Xiaoxue will like this job.

I also want to propose to Xiaoxue. I hope she will agree this time.

I also have to go back to Hong Kong for a physical examination. I feel that my health is getting worse. I hope there is no big problem.

My only hope now is to marry Michelle, start a family, and have two children. That is perfect.


-End of chapter-