
Are these feelings are really mine

"Why can't i see her I don't see his face at all.Is she in the world, or only because of my feelings develop, I make a picture of a girl in my mind .Who are you really? Doctor ; How did you feel today ? Jay;I don't know about my condition as of now.This girl is coming to me in my dream. I don't know her But then I would like that this girl should not appear in my dreams Doctor: This is because you don't wanna not forget this girl. Jay :It's not like that anymore.I will go and search her. Jay is a stubborn person not easily chase by everyone. Jay has personality disorder. he is possessive in his way . In the period of his life he again met his childhood friend whom he forgets easily.He will be confused with his feelings but they again met and fall in love . Sylvia is independent girl . she doesn't like to live her life at someone else's will . she met again with his childhood lover In the young age . after getting know him much she again fall in love with him . Kevin is person that has a bad personality. bad circle of life . he is totally exhausted from everyone but in his he met a girl who changes him to a new person first he will not like her . but in last he will love her , understand her , changed himself for her Ziyu is very charming personality. she is very beautiful that everybody can fall for her at first met . In his life she met a guy who was totally opposite but she wouldn't leave him after fall in love . Jun is character of being happy but also being sad when the thing go far from him .In his life He changed his personality and become a successful person because of a girl . Sam is the understandable person who understands everyone but become stubborn and rude when he want the things on his way. He met a girl who he doesn't like . but in last he will like her . Jelena is character who love everybody but have anger issue like his brother . she can't control but changed for a man who doesn't know how to camn down her . and there are so many couple and moments that cheer you up . so let's read .

Zuiyu_ · Action
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Ziyu ;Kevin ! Which place is this ?

Kevin:This is our farm house

Ziyu; why is there no light here

Kevin;there will be power cut .

(his intentions will not be right I want to run away from here I probably believe him)

Ziyu ; I am leaving I don't feel good here

Kevin ; where are you going at this time

Ziyu ; want to go but not stay here

Kevin ; then go .

Ziyu;( If he had any bad intentions, he would not have asked not to leave. but he said go ?) Ziyu go ji where did you say this time . Ziyu tries to go out but gets stopped.

I should stay here

Kevin ; she is really crazy half . mental

Ziyu; if I stay here you You didn't take advantage of me?

Kevin ; what You are saying take advantage of you Shame on you I passed by all day today and couldn't you figure it out. I have no interest in idiots like you. don't come close to me .

Ziyu; Sorry if you feel, I just expressed what I was thinking.

Kevin; would leave with anger I have no other work I doesn't waste my time on girls like you .

Ziyu ; looks like he feels bad It's my fault I thought about him wrong . other side Jay just wants Sylvia to fall in love with him.

Sylvia has a program is in the morning so I would go to my home early today.

Sylvia; bye jay

Jay ; go Go

Jay ; crazy all

mother;why you were not in dinner do the same next time live yourself

Jay ; okay

it's morning now

Ziyu didn't sleep for a second

Kevin didn't come here .

maybe I was really wrong I judged his character.

I'm feeling ashamed

Ziyu; pick up phone Sylvia?

Sylvia; yes who

ziyu ; I'm where you were yesterday

ziyu :went straight to school from here I must have worn the costumes there.

class girl ; princess you are here show bass starting your groom has run away

Ziyu ; Jay did not come

girl ; he didn't come today

jun ; I'm ready really

jun you will be best prince

girl ;

but he has so many issue he is free and Cheer up all the girls he knows disgusting really

Jun , it's be okay . ignore them

Jun ; Ziyu thanks you motivated me a lot

stage performance starts. she checks that When Kevin came, she will apologize to him

they have best chemistry

one person :

Ziyu is very beautiful girl other person

yeah she is very beautiful I want to make her mine.

you will not get a chance .

the performance Finnished

Ziyu was searching Kevin it's Thursday today. I have to go my village that month

Sylvia can take care of my studies loss

Ziyu; it's my day of coffee tonight.

she wore a coffee dress .

here is hot coffee,many kind of Ziyu ;He is with someone's

it's clearly he is like that

Hekin ! go and make a order from them

also remember money.

hekin ; I will take it .

I have a headache . you do this work

hekin : sister are you okey ?

ziyu ; I think I'm little bit dizzy and also want money don't tell Sylvia that I'm going to bar for earn money.

hekin ; please stop it it's not a good job sister

ziyu; I know but I need money


I'm leaving take care hekin.

Hekin Ziyu sister life is so hard really .

Ziyu did a high make up and wore a wig of color so don't know her closely.

it's famous club jay and Kevin both are rich heirs, stray boys , have a bad circle.and used to come here .

Kevin and Jay come here in clubs they didn't see her but ziyu sure that they will not able to recognize her .