
Are these feelings are really mine

"Why can't i see her I don't see his face at all.Is she in the world, or only because of my feelings develop, I make a picture of a girl in my mind .Who are you really? Doctor ; How did you feel today ? Jay;I don't know about my condition as of now.This girl is coming to me in my dream. I don't know her But then I would like that this girl should not appear in my dreams Doctor: This is because you don't wanna not forget this girl. Jay :It's not like that anymore.I will go and search her. Jay is a stubborn person not easily chase by everyone. Jay has personality disorder. he is possessive in his way . In the period of his life he again met his childhood friend whom he forgets easily.He will be confused with his feelings but they again met and fall in love . Sylvia is independent girl . she doesn't like to live her life at someone else's will . she met again with his childhood lover In the young age . after getting know him much she again fall in love with him . Kevin is person that has a bad personality. bad circle of life . he is totally exhausted from everyone but in his he met a girl who changes him to a new person first he will not like her . but in last he will love her , understand her , changed himself for her Ziyu is very charming personality. she is very beautiful that everybody can fall for her at first met . In his life she met a guy who was totally opposite but she wouldn't leave him after fall in love . Jun is character of being happy but also being sad when the thing go far from him .In his life He changed his personality and become a successful person because of a girl . Sam is the understandable person who understands everyone but become stubborn and rude when he want the things on his way. He met a girl who he doesn't like . but in last he will like her . Jelena is character who love everybody but have anger issue like his brother . she can't control but changed for a man who doesn't know how to camn down her . and there are so many couple and moments that cheer you up . so let's read .

Zuiyu_ · Action
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46 Chs

lies hidden in the a smily face

Kevin felt awkward and Ziyu was not feeling well. She's ashamed .

She run away from there but her feet was not okey . Jun was standing here . He feel jealousy but didn't ignore her


Ziyu ! it's okey it's accident

I know you have no bad intention.

Ziyu ; why would I ?

Jun ; let me take you to the nurse room.

Kevin ; let me take you there .

Ziyu ; ignored the Kevin and go with Jun.

Kevin ; huh feel a bit bad . Nobody ignore me huhh useless I was just helping you.

Sylvia; why Jay is coming to school.

let me go in his home tonight. ask him first . why I'm worrying about him .

Sylvia go Jay house .

Jay was sitting with his bad company friends and the girls sitting around them and they were gambling.

Jay was smoking inside and the girl was sitting close to him .

She saw him with new face now .

Sylvia: so that's why you're coming school.

Jay ; so you are here for fun .

one boy ;

this girl is quite cute .Jay !

Jay ; I didn't find her cute .

Sylvia; feel a bit sad about him .She was agree that He doesn't love her But after seeing him turning into a face . She feel really bad .

Sylvia; Jay just go to school tomorrow

Jay in his mind ( she really doesn't care about me sitting with girl huh.... she's really tough to make her fall for me )

Sylvia left after saying .

While passing the road She was thinking in her mind ( He really is not good now I guess He lied about losing of memory. He is very clever. He just want me to to make his servant again noway Sylvia! forget the feelings you develop about him )

Ziyu was not coming club tonight

Kevin was waiting for her .

she hasn't come yet.

Lisa ; hey Kevin you're here .

waiting for me .

Kevin ; offcourse baby!

Ziyu was entering from the door she wore a mask and dress black clothes. She wore black curve hat . black shirt and white shoot and lose trouser black . She was all in black .

She was awkwardly walk and also she was injured in the playing game and she was walking slowly slowly.

Kevin face was behind and standing with Lisa .

She saw him and down her eyes after seeing Kevin was there .

Kevin turned his face and look the girl who was walking slowly slowly.

her style is very similar.

And now she is ready. she wore orange dress and now she is looking beautiful. she did a high make up and also had a high Pony tail and wore heal in the reek of pain .