
Are these feelings are really mine

"Why can't i see her I don't see his face at all.Is she in the world, or only because of my feelings develop, I make a picture of a girl in my mind .Who are you really? Doctor ; How did you feel today ? Jay;I don't know about my condition as of now.This girl is coming to me in my dream. I don't know her But then I would like that this girl should not appear in my dreams Doctor: This is because you don't wanna not forget this girl. Jay :It's not like that anymore.I will go and search her. Jay is a stubborn person not easily chase by everyone. Jay has personality disorder. he is possessive in his way . In the period of his life he again met his childhood friend whom he forgets easily.He will be confused with his feelings but they again met and fall in love . Sylvia is independent girl . she doesn't like to live her life at someone else's will . she met again with his childhood lover In the young age . after getting know him much she again fall in love with him . Kevin is person that has a bad personality. bad circle of life . he is totally exhausted from everyone but in his he met a girl who changes him to a new person first he will not like her . but in last he will love her , understand her , changed himself for her Ziyu is very charming personality. she is very beautiful that everybody can fall for her at first met . In his life she met a guy who was totally opposite but she wouldn't leave him after fall in love . Jun is character of being happy but also being sad when the thing go far from him .In his life He changed his personality and become a successful person because of a girl . Sam is the understandable person who understands everyone but become stubborn and rude when he want the things on his way. He met a girl who he doesn't like . but in last he will like her . Jelena is character who love everybody but have anger issue like his brother . she can't control but changed for a man who doesn't know how to camn down her . and there are so many couple and moments that cheer you up . so let's read .

Zuiyu_ · Action
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46 Chs

Feel a bit jealous without liked her

Sylvia; I'll tell you after reaching home .

Ziyu ; yes please.

Sylvia and Ziyu was now home .

Sylvia told her about his personality.

Ziyu already know it . She didn't tell her that she knows .

Ziyu : we are friends. don't hide it please next time .

Ziyu : I have to go tonight for game play .

She didn't go today club. She was go to play game .

Kevin; she is here too . why I'm seeing her there ?

( is my mind thinking her maybe )

Ziyu come with Jun to play game .

Ziyu ; Hey girl are you new here

Elle; hey you two. I often come here with the person sitting here.

Ziyu ; oh Kevin !

Elle; you know him .

Jun ; yes He is our class fellow.

Elle : oh let's play game .

Jun placed middle. Ziyu was on right side and Kevin was upward side . Elle is with left with Jun .

Kevin sit alone just . Elle. ziyu and Jun sit at same line . he was just upward and his upward girl was Elle .

Kevin ; play it and after it . I have to go to see her . I don't know why I'm thinking about the club girl. She is beautiful.

let me have a look on Ziyu face I didn't watched her closely.

Jun noticed him staring at Ziyu .

Jun ; ahmmm Kevin are you playing game .

Kevin ; yes I'm playing. I guess He noticed me .

(what are you doing Kevin . watching her and staring her . in mind )

I should you go Elle . I have a work to do .

Elle ; okey good .

Elle ; I don't know how to play this level.

Jun stand up stand up behind the chair and be close to her. while down his face .

Elle heartbeat was fast .

Ziyu was playing intensely.

She didn't noticed.

Kevin ; Is she come tonight ?

one person; no she take a leave today .

Kevin ; why didn't she come .

I'm curious to see her .

Kevin ; If you don't mind can you give me her name and number?

one person; sorry she want privacy.

Kevin ; please then tell me her name ?

what's her name .

person ; sorry she don't want to share with any stranger. it's her privacy.

Kevin ; she is very interesting. how many days she didn't come . At least told me that .

Person; you're so annoying. she come tomorrow just and then she wanted to take leave .

Kevin : leave from .

person : man why are you so annoying it's about 4 days .

oh tour is between it . it's mean I should go to tour otherwise I will be bore here . and otherwise Lisa will annoy me .

next day .

Kevin : I should go to tour Sylvia.

Sylvia; ziyu could you .

Ziyu ; Yes I'll too .

Sylvia: and Jay .

Kevin ; I'll ask him to come .

Jun ; Ziyu ! let's go for lunch .

Ziyu ; wait Jun this question only .

Kevin ; ( huh she is available for anyone always...)

Kevin asked her; hey can you solve this question for me . ( that's how I should take a look on her closely)

Ziyu; I'm just busy sorry Kevin !

Kevin ; she again ignore me . huh feel a bit jealous. She always choose him over me .

( I'm perfect person than him)

whatever it's not my problem.

Jun and Ziyu was talking in the playing ground and sitting close to eachother.

they were talking about a random person who they met yesterday.It was about uncle . Kevin saw her from upside.

it's sunny day and the sky is so bright and wind is blowing fast .Her hairs on her face .

Jun helps her to fixed hair. He gave her pin .

she wore it awkwardly.

Ziyu;thanks Jun.

Kevin go from there in anger .

(they are so close and I'm his seat fellow she doesn't talked to me this way . huh )

Jay come to school in this time .

Kevin ; jay you this time .

I was just wondering to go to tour also something about Sylvia