
Are these feelings are really mine

"Why can't i see her I don't see his face at all.Is she in the world, or only because of my feelings develop, I make a picture of a girl in my mind .Who are you really? Doctor ; How did you feel today ? Jay;I don't know about my condition as of now.This girl is coming to me in my dream. I don't know her But then I would like that this girl should not appear in my dreams Doctor: This is because you don't wanna not forget this girl. Jay :It's not like that anymore.I will go and search her. Jay is a stubborn person not easily chase by everyone. Jay has personality disorder. he is possessive in his way . In the period of his life he again met his childhood friend whom he forgets easily.He will be confused with his feelings but they again met and fall in love . Sylvia is independent girl . she doesn't like to live her life at someone else's will . she met again with his childhood lover In the young age . after getting know him much she again fall in love with him . Kevin is person that has a bad personality. bad circle of life . he is totally exhausted from everyone but in his he met a girl who changes him to a new person first he will not like her . but in last he will love her , understand her , changed himself for her Ziyu is very charming personality. she is very beautiful that everybody can fall for her at first met . In his life she met a guy who was totally opposite but she wouldn't leave him after fall in love . Jun is character of being happy but also being sad when the thing go far from him .In his life He changed his personality and become a successful person because of a girl . Sam is the understandable person who understands everyone but become stubborn and rude when he want the things on his way. He met a girl who he doesn't like . but in last he will like her . Jelena is character who love everybody but have anger issue like his brother . she can't control but changed for a man who doesn't know how to camn down her . and there are so many couple and moments that cheer you up . so let's read .

Zuiyu_ · Action
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Ziyu was thinking about Kevin.....other side 

Sylvia; Why man always thinks bad about women...consider them wrong after having some misunderstanding about her...Man always said they love but where their love gone when the girl need them most....Are you also one of them who don't trust his girl.Just tell me you think that she don't love you...just say!

Kevin ; remembers all her moments that he spending with her coming to his mind as flashback!



Sylvia; then why are you ignoring her...is this your trust you heard from jun and believed....you just heard a guy name she is going to marrying after getting know about guy she has you are going to left her aside...you thinking of she loving other guy having you....you doubt her feelings for you so bad really !!

Kevin; yeah you right sylvia ! I was wrong thanks for letting me know....I should leaver to her home. where she lived.

Sylvia' also if you really love her then no matter what you will accept her in all ways because where she lived is the place is not for you standard...she come from poor family lived in village town.

Kevin; I know from school life...that I KNOW THAT SHE ALSO JOB IN CLUBS FOR EARNING....i am right now feeling very ashamed that i doubt her...

sylvia ; you are really good for her...just take this address and reached her.It's their in laws coming for setting for marriage of Ziyu.

Kevin; really thanks sylvia for this...I Will never let her go 

Kevin reached to the bus stop asking for Ziyu place .

''It will take 4 hour to reached '' and the all sits booked.

please I wanna go now....please if you don't let me in.I will lose her for forever,

bus conductor feel a bit emotional''come boy ,come love is everything''

He stands in the and thinking about Ziyu life is very tough more than him.

he feel a bit sad that she suffers very much and I was ignoring her....He message her

''no worry...I'm coming here Ziyu and missing you too ''

Ziyu; Kevin ! Don't come to my home.Please my dad is at home.

Kevin; What ! NO I am coming your home now.

Ziyu; Not home I am sending you a place come here.

Kevin active a tracer on her mobile because she faced a incident in the past.

Kevin ; I am reaching at 10 after two hours

her in laws came. her dad is drug addict ....her mother is greedy,her brother is non serious.

IN LAWS; we need money this time other wise our son wants to marry her.

mother; yeah she is yours daughter in law.

boy ; yes mom I want this marriage early....I can't wait to marry her.his son also non serious don't earn but his dad earned a lot money....they are good in financial state than Ziyu.

''well she is sleeping inside she come today she just tired''

IN LAWS ; okay then marriage will held on this sunday.

we are going now son go with us''

they left her mother go to her room for checking her she was sleeping .

she also go for sleep.They all sleep at 9 and half.

Ziyu checked all they all are gone to sleep...she knows that nobody will awake now

Ziyu quite go to the place where she wants to meet kevin, 

ziyu was waiting for him.she wore a thin dress and it's was a chilly weather.

kevin come there he was running to her.

ziyu saw him walking to her

Kevin just give her tight hugged.while hugging he was touching her hairs from the top.

she started cry after seeing him in front of her. his eyes drop tear fall after seeing her in pain. He cleaned her eyes drop while looking at her.

  her eyes was so much in pain.....sorry ziyu I MISUNDERSTOOD YOU with him ,Sorry 

Ziyu; you think about I cheated you... Wow Kevin and I Just don't want to talk to you...HE grabbed her hand and touched her face and fit his fingers behind her ears and kissed her...

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation! this chater will give you some lessons

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