
August 12th

Dear, Assigned Pen-Pal

Hello! I'm your assigned Pen-Pal till the end of the year, so allow me to introduce myself. I am a sophomore at Rosewood high so that makes me 15 years old. I am 5.1 and I honestly don't think I'm getting any taller I've been the same height since 7th grade and I honestly don't mind being short I'm not an overly friendly person and I'm not all that well-liked by many people including teachers. also, I honestly don't want to get random letter's in my home mail so please send your letter's to Room 13 on the second floor so please send them there, My letter's well reach you in due time that is when you deiced to show up for school because I'm currently writing to no one but, that's to be confirmed. Although I write with no emotion I do look forward to writing a good report about are conversations together and I hope we will be able to get along and continue to exchanges letters.

Sincerely, Your Idiot Sophomore

(Aspen stretches back and lets out a long sigh)

[In her head]


That took longer than I expected (sighs) at least I did something on time for once. wait a minute did I turn inⁿ my math homework? (Aspen gets up from her seat to walk to her locker in the back of the classroom she opens the locker and realizes)

0///0 I forgot my math homework so even if I did it I can't turn it in Great just GREAT.

[Interrupting Thought]

Mrs. Hatch:



Yes, Mrs. Hatch?

[Turns to face Aspen]

Mrs. Hatch:

"Oh there you are (Gosh She really has no presence I just walked right past her) I just wanted to speak with you really quickly there have been some adjustments made to your assignment we won't be grading you till your Pen-Pal comes out of suspension But feel free to keep writing Letters we can still send them. I know it's pretty inconvenient"


(What inconvenient is the fact that you couldn't tell me that when the bell is gonna ring in like 10minutes if that makes any sense ) Thanks, Mrs.Hatch I'll just keep writing Letters for my Pen-Pal it most be pretty inconvenient to grade all those letters at least you don't have to grade my report this week.


"I get one less report this week I didn't even think of that" [chuckles]" anyway I'll see you tomorrow Aspen have a nice rest of your day"


You too Mrs. Hatch (what a weird bell) I'm going home

[Bell rings I'm a dinosaur~and I don't mind~lalalaalal]

[Lol see you next chapter]