
Archon's Platonic Love Attachment

*Love is unconditional and sometimes finding true love need a path to cross from hearts to find a true heart for lovers,Love is unconditional ,un thoughtable,you never need to hold it to it because ,it holds on to you, No matter how much distance or pain is ,love never leaves you alone ,Feeling of the breeze with your heart beat ,some relations are immortal ,Like Fredrick and Ashley ..

Ashi_Zamir · Urban
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10 Chs

Love is on the Horizon

After a long period of time ,Susan was back and she had a met up with Amanda and Ashley ,they were surprised to see her after a long time ,she was quite changed modern and was in the field of modeling ,Susan now wanted to be safe and was looking to set her life up ,She asked them how are they ,she was happy to know Amanda was with Michael and also was sorry not be there in her marriage ,she missed a lot in time, yet she wanted to be connected to them , they sat in cafeteria near Ashley's house and talked about the missing days ,it was winters day and quite cold in eastern areas of the place, Ashley was pleased for her and wished could do something for her ,They had a dinner for Fredrick and his family on the weekend ,grandma had a conversation with Ashley's Dad and mom for both of them ,they wanted to bind them together ,Amanda ,Ashley and Rose were playing fun games . Michael and Fredrick were having conversation on different business concerns ,they were exchanging there ideas on the new launches and also for the strategies being controlled under the organizations for previous 2 to 3 years , As they all were having a pleasant time, bell rang ,Ashley went to see who's there ,It was Susan ,dear I was feeling alone ,can I join in ?Sure Susan ,Ashley brought her in and she introduced her to fredrick and rose ,they exchange the greetings and talked .Susan joined Michael and Fredrick as she had spended more life in professional with a lots of CEOs, she was quite impressed from Fredrick and wanted to work with him ,they spended a good time all together until fredrick, rose and grandma had to leave .Grandma kissed Ashley and hugged her ,whispering in her ears that soon I want you to join in as Warren's, Susan gave a glance to Ashley ,she didnot knew or couldnot judge ,she was more smart to understand things than Amanda and ashley, Amanda covered Ashley with her arms showing her love around her .After they left Susan asked Ashley to give her a chance of rapping the advertisements of her organization as she doesn't knows much about here and the work ,Ashley promised her to make her a working ads model , Susan left after having some French spaghettis and chocolate cake from Amanda ,she was a good cook ,Next few days were busy and cold for Ashley as she tried to work on with Fredrick ,they attend meetings and plan some business tours for Chicago ,Columbus, Boston and New York. Ashley and fredrick need to be prepared for it as Farah and Sophie the Managers of lead will join them in New York ,but before leaving Grandma decided to have a grand party at home where she wanted then to exchange the rings and committed to each other, which was a great idea and Ashley and Fredrick were happily ready for the announcement now ,Ashley's Mom was very happy for her girl as how she stood after the sickness of her Dad and she played a main role with her brother supporting the house and feelings of her father too ,They were blessed with children who understand the feelings of their parents ,being independent she never crossed her limits and was an honour for her parents ,The both families were busy in planning and shopping for the Engagement Party ,The loving people from office were involved in the preparations of the engagement with heartly feelings as they love both the members a lot .Ashley after joining the organization always stood for the learning and difficulties beyond Fredrick and she always supported Fredrick which was meant to be in hearts of people.They wanted to see them together forever , Amanda went for shopping and called Ashley from the office ,girl we don't have time to choose for your engagement gown ,but Fredrick called her to come and have a size description to the designer to whom Fredrick wanted to Design Ashley's Gown ,They both went to the designers quest and it was amazing ,after wearing many gowns Fredrick approached there, and on his wish Amanda ordered for a blossom pink gown with a beautiful stones work on the chest and a neckline crossed with pebbles on the waist line ,and clinging on the shoulder work ,it was amazing with matching crown for the lady of the day , After the selection of Ashley ,he asked Amanda to have a selection for her too as she was her sister in law and was a new bride too ,that's a gift from me and Ashley, so Amanda selected a purple gown for her ,as Michael was wearing purple three piece ,the gown was gorgeous and fredrick appreciated her choice finishing this he wanted to place the order for the cake but Ashley wanted to go with him ,as it was the favourite and lively occasion of her life ,Fredrick took her for the order and decorations ,then they went for the rings which fredrick selected as Ashley loved his choice ,They were home in the evening ,Fredrick left as he had a lot of things to manage ,Let's have some coffee ,Amanda start preparing the coffee when they had a bell ranged, They waited as maid told them Susan was there ,she waved at them and then was invited for the engagement ,Ooh Wow what a goodluck charm Ashley ,you are going to start your beautiful life with a handsome person out there, I am so happy for you . How are you planning to arrange it, i will be happy to help dear ,Everthing is planned dear and I want to you just enjoy the day with us ,what about the selection of my role I asked you a favour ,Susan asked Ashley. I am sorry dear I just forgot of that in all this ,I will recommend you for this for sure .Susan Spended a little time with them and left, I don't understand Ashley but I don't like her attitute from the day she is back. I don't want you to support her and please don't take her to your organization .Ashley smiled you are getting to miserable ,however will be noticing the facts Maam. they laughed together , it's a great blessing to have your best friend as a part of your family ,who understands and is a great support to you always .They enjoy each others company rather then finding the partners outside the house .they don't need anyone to be in their circle, any more. Ashley called Susan for the new launch ads promotion and handed her over Farah who knows better about how to make her work , Susan gave a good trial as she was professional and was hired for the Ad .Susan wanted to meet fredrick but he was quiet busy out there .Susan was given the sessions to hold on to the ads as it was the reputed organizations ,they were paying her on great deal , Ashley was having an eye on her as Amanda warned her and Ashley knew that Amanda's six sence was better than hers .Ashley left earlier for seeing the arrangements in Fredricks place she also has to look after 2 commitments for the organization .Completing her task she was tired ,when fredrick came to pick her .They went to shore and had dinner together ,he couldn't stay longer without this girl.so they were amused spending time together they they lied on the sand feeling the presence of each other. Fredrick was looking in her eyes directly which was disturbing Ashley, Why are you looking at me like this ,Today I wanna look you like this the whole night ,do you have any issue. No,but your confusing me ,Fredrick laughed as she blushed . Fredrick took her hand in his warm hands and he put them on her face ,your presence is always a beautiful gift to my heart Ashley ,I never though of being loved in a way you loved me ,appraised me felt me .Love Is nothing more then a feeling ,it has the sprinkles the chore of the lighten I wanted to feel ever Ashley ,be there always .Ashley put her head in his chest and hold him tightly. I love you fredrick more than my thoughts ,Love you too my life .They were back before it's too dark , Finally it was the big day ,Everyone was been invited ,Fredrick invited Cameron with his family too and he was there smiling and was happy for them ,he meant to be sorry for that. he presented them a beautiful new launch gallery which was quiet expensive ,Fredrick and Cameron hugged each other. Cameron wished Ashley a beautiful life with Fredrick ,They had a great party ,Susan was there too ,she wanted to fix herself and was playing a fixation towards everything .Amanda and Michael together were looking very beautiful ,Ashley pickled them many times ,Fredrick appreciated their couple as they too liked them together. Grandma was there for the ring ceremony and Adhley's Mom and Dad supported the ceremony ,They exchanged the rings looking at each other ,Fredrick kissed on the hands after putting the ring in the figure. It was time for the beautiful family pics and they were enjoying all the moments accepting in each other's presence ,Life is beautiful when it's all about you and love ,your loved ones find a place to connect if there hearts are pure, you are meant to be together is the beautiful sentence being said for the lovely attachment being together forever ,some bonds are too strong that even if you try to damage them they have there feelings to be regained again .Some People look beautiful with each other ,they have a strong bond to connect each other with themselves. The dinner was served with the both couples who enchanted everyone with their love .

Then there was music night and couples dance in the slow but inner peace of their feelings, Fredrick and Ashley were together in close dance and they congrated each other by feeling each other. The grand ceremony of the loved couple was ended with grace and quiet fusion. Fredrick has to be active ,for the tours ,as the meetup for the Archons were up and he wanted to put his efforts for the organization ,also fredrick wanted to enhance the New York branch to make a flashing of the real organization as New York can produce the best marketing strategical sources. The tickets were booked ,they left for Chicago first ,handed out there work to Farah and Jason .Chicago was a place they visited, before so Ashley knew the environment ,they both held the meetings and were having a good range of work tho .the captured market was good but the Chicago staff was needed to be enhanced so ,fredrick consulted the higher staff to take new and professional trained ones to be the part of the organization to lead it on the bigger and wide scale .Ashley was supporting Fredrick and she arranged the new oppurtunities also workshops were held by her in the staffs abilities to enhance .she was purely making the fields holding disciplined meetings with the managers to work and arrange the conclusive on systematic way .Things were mostly arranged , They both of them arranged a big High theme Conference for other organizations to hold on and bring their work for the approach , Working on that conference ,they spended a lot of time handling things and gaining big oppurtunities ,its never been easy to have a big set up and rushed to make it perfect ,mostly achievements were accomplished and they moved for Boston, winter breezing and boston was quietly cold ,they held for dinner in the hotel and took some rest to get ready for the next day ,Fredrick planned out the work before leaving warrens ,Fredrick was a CEO who was been awarded mostly for his consciousness active routes and being up to dated , He was professional from a very young age. which makes a person to see the world from a special perspective .He always plan perfect to the position ,He can see the blackness before even others could feel .He was working for all his different branches to maintain the level of his organization .So making in boston was quiet comfortable for him ,He presented Ashly most of the work so she could have the knowledge of each branch the capacity and different work styles ,they visited the market approach which gave them the clearer view of the branches sustainability. he launched the new gallery over there as he need to grow it other scale too .was perfectly done , Fredrick and Ashley spend a day for their own sake and enjoyed boston roaming on different places and enjoying the crowd of Boston .Then they left for Columbus, first they gathered the data from their main heads Farah and Joseph were ready to be in New York and then they headed towards Columbus treat , Columbus was a beautiful city with peace and where nights awakes .Ashley enjoyed the beauty of Columbus where as fredrick was running a campaign there .Ashley also enjoyed clubs with fredrick as she insisted to have Columbus ride .They got a big congratulates party from the Columbus Staff who painted their pictures on the wall of the branch. which was beautiful ,Fredrick signed the poster as well as Ashley ,They were a reputed love couple for everyone .and seems perfectly for each other . Columbus made her day ,and campaign gave them a big hit .Fredrick was notified on the big scale and as his observations the organizations approached him for the launches .great delimmas were signed in Columbus, it burst out to be the most effected tour of their tours .They have to move in to New York for the happy new year and also for the great news too ,but they invited to a play specially designed for love Circles .which was a twitch for them ,they holded there breath and hand in hand they watched the play which was superb .Ashley loved the fusions they made in the play, she personally congrated them for organizing a superb play ,she loved the most. with great endeavour they moved to New York ,before the Big New Year day it was to be announced that NewYork branch will be the leading branch to the Warren's, tgey have to plan out the Ceremony ,the invitations to all the branches ,Gifts appraisal and vouchers for the best team managers ,the announcement for the promotions and much more .Ashley designed the professional suits for representing each branch with a separate colours and then gifts and cards ,certificates ,there was a lot of work to be done Farah and Joseph joined then and they were planning and processing the load to hours .Ashley summoned Farah in and gave her plans for the happy new year great party , Fredrick was busy with the official commitments and gatherings ,Ashley in forced to plot it according to their way, They hired a band which was quite famous and had prepared the environment for the new year party ,they decided to facilitate the awards before the band and then can have dinner ,the new year flashes and lightning programme st 12 will be organized the same way,it was surpassed and in excited idea which was liked by both the ladies ,then they started implementing on it by adding Joseph and 2 people from the New York Professional event planners .They were headed for everything to be superstitious as it was not going to be a small event at all , New York branch was bring extended as taken more place and insight the design of the companies stroke. They were running out of time as days were passing,most of the work was being on the last steps as they have already put in their concerned for everything being happened, Ashley grinned ,I never thought I could be the slow passion who going to be vibrating the slow motions ,Farah laughed ,its okay ,Don't try to be panic girl ,we are going extremely high .The weather was getting brutal it was cold ,They all were working in team to check the cards and certificates for the event. the packaging was bring done ,dresses for the employees were ready ,a staff was assigned to put the name tags for it ,the auditorium was being ready as it was the biggest event of the year for all the branches so according the space the have hired an auditorium hall which was a very long auditorium used for exposes and exhibitions , Most of the arrangements were completed .and now they were possibly moving towards the destination to look forward how mush more amusing and more facilities to go with ,They arranged a grand LCD wall for showing the celebrations and it was asked in all the branches so everyone could enjoy the organizations delightful new year. It was hard for Ashley's parents to join in as Her father was not able to do the travel but Michael ,Amanda were joining in and they were bringing rose along with them. Ashley was pleaded to see her family around ,Michael gave a hand to Fredrick for different places and works ,Amanda enjoyed the trip and was now enjoying with Farah and Ashley ,Ashley shared the things with Amanda and were now looking forward for the preparations last listed objects ,As a CEO For Fredrick Ashley rapped a beautiful suit which was grey and suits him a lot with the beautiful card for his table which was printed and signed from all branches and there was also a trophy for him too which was the part of there plans ,she was excited to have this year to blessed . After a heavy work load and lots of pressure the night was there ,many executive personalities were participating from other organizations too ,and all the branches representing themselves in different colours were representing the Warren's Enterprises with full grace , the lightning stage ,eizles and different preparations done by Ashley ,Farah had made it a grand party outlook for any professionalism criteria ,Everyone was looking decent and intellectual ,Fredrick and Ashley had a colour match with their Official outfits which was decided by both ,and were looking the beautiful Running Warren's head .Being on stage Fredrick started the Event the basic start of the company then being diverted into the biggest organization amongst all the organization and a biggest competitor to others ,because of the hard work of each employee and creativity of all members ,he started looking at Ashley who looking at him with love and interest, they were happy for such a great carnival,then Fredrick announced the New York branch as the official leading branch ,a lound noise rounded the hall and everyone was happy then he thanked everyone for the support and love and handed it over to the Branch managers head of all the branches to announce the shields promotions of there relevant branches, He came down and sat on the sofa with Ashley ,and they enjoyed the academic classes of their organization ,it took a long period of time until it reached to the Warren's own head and Ashley went over to reward every member of their branch ,it was pleasure to give reward to those who taught her and being a part of that she was so proud of them all ,as a team they were terrific .At last she announced to call Fredrick on stage ,with an astonish look he went on the stage where Farah ,Joseph and Ashley awarded him with the shield the trophyand the grand dress .He was so excited to have such honour and he thanked it. The time was almost going to be in so band arrived and they enjoyed the live concert having the walking feast ,drinks and they met many people who were praising the grand ceremony on professionally at it's best . After a while the celebrations were started for the new year. Fredrick ,Ashley looked at the sky which was filled with lightening and they were glad to have the moment together ,Michael and Amanda joined them in ,The pleasant and beautiful day just ran out of their hands leaving the memories behind .