
archives of the world the secret of the shadows of the academy

The Silvert Confederations Academy is an organization that has territories and headquarters in several kingdoms and empires in favor of the Valguier empire. It has several functions, including the training and defenses of the Confederations. The founder and her daughters and other elite class girls manage the headquarters, they recruit by adopting children into the families that give their children to be part of. All of these boys and girls are educated and trained for the Confederations and to serve the Valguier empire in other continents and kingdoms and for the economy of the same on those continents and for the hunt of rebellious demons something that the way of the operation of this organization that works by keeping the empire safe but the eastern churches see the Academy of the Silvert Confederations as heretical to Even though he is eliminating several dangerous demons but without a doubt the members do not know the secrets of the founder and of their own world, even their own world leaves them afraid to delve into the mystery of the owners of the maws and tirews, two mysteries in that world that mark the lives of all of them, accompany them to discover the truth of those hidden faces that manage the tires and the jaws while others will seek to destroy everything to prevent them from ending everything

yonaikerPrieto · Fantasy
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3 Chs

chapter 1 part 2 wistert the blue moon

Confederate meeting room

"Mom, it can't be true! A blue moon? Often the births of these lunar families are descendants of other lunar generations, but this child breaks the rules of life."

"In fact, this year we had the opportunity to have children from symbolic families, including this blue moon. It's impressive."

"With this blue moon we now have ten children from symbolic families."

"Maider, don't you think you're exaggerating? They're just like other children; they possess magic like everyone else."

The founder spoke: "Maider is not exaggerating. For example, the royal moon family is literally made of moons. They can take human form. Like demons and other entities, they have been the focus of symbols since the creatures were born." symbols. because of them."

"Exactly 100,000 years ago, the first blue moon created other types of moons and stars. She devised the system of Void Symbols: books and cards to help new moons practice their powers. When activated, the cards summoned people created by the moon itself. They played and fought with these cards."

But one day, an exhausted sapphire moon drew a Void Symbols card. The blue moon was furious; after all, these beings were her creation. Other symbols became angry at the death of one of their own, and Thus began the Seven Times War."

"Both the symbols and the moons, powerful factions, clashed. The war ended when God intervened and they signed the PIA Agreement: Peace, Independence and Friendship."

"The symbols recognized that not all moons were evil, but they desired freedom despite being created by the blue moon. Having children from the most magically powerful families in this world is a blessing."

"Wistert and the other symbols, along with the other children, are crucial to the Confederacy. Now, does everyone understand their meaning?"

"Mother, look at Wistert."

"What is happening?"

"Remember the portal train project? Look, he's completing it. What we fought for years, he's solving."

"Look how he moves the pieces and the circuits. Despite being a child, he has remarkable knowledge."

"I foresee a bright future for him as a Confederate."

Your story is captivating and the combination of magic, symbolism and lunar lore adds depth. Keep weaving this fascinating world!