
Exes No More

“Yo, all bets are off. If you want the girl, then go for her. I don’t care if she is my ex. Do whatever you want with whoever you want. I don’t care fam” Roddy’s cocky grin widen as he makes eye contact with his ex

“You’re a dick” her outburst is to be expected as he was implying that she is a toy to be passed around

Philomena and Roddy broke up recently due to his whorish behaviors. He cheated on her with a dozen women in three months of them dating. The wound that hurt the most was when she saw him in bed with her ex best friend Coco who is currently standing next to her.

“Noah is a man and if he wants to shoot his shot with anyone he should be allowed to. I have spare”

“Mena what do you thing of Noah?” Lele’s blond hair is flipped over her shoulder and her green eyes narrow on her friend

“It’s too early for this” Philomena leaves the groups to her first class

“See I told you. She doesn’t care ” She directs her response to the group

Philomena doodles at the back of the class with her head buried down in her book ignoring the lecturer. Thoughts of her family bleed to the surface but she is quick to push them back into her box of secrets.

The door suddenly flies open to reveal a restless and messy looking Noah. His bag hangs on one shoulder, hair is combed in all angles like he has been running his hand through it.

“Sorry I’m late” he settle down next to Philomena, pulling out his books “Did I miss anything?” she quickly closes her book when he looks over

“No, no she just started” she offers him a tight smile “I haven’t really been paying attention to the lesson” Noah nods nervously

“her voice always knocks me out” he reveals with a chuckle

Philomena blends into the flood of students walking out of the class into the halls. She moves from one class to the other without thinking.

Life has become a routine to her. She switches from one class to the other still doodling in her books and keeping to herself. She doesn’t know who to trust as of late

She spends lunch with Lele and the others. They go on and on about the final grand party of the school year. The girls go on and on about what they will wear, and the boys criticize everything the girls show them.

Philomena ends her day unpacking textbooks and checking her reflection on the mirror in her locker. Her brown full cheeks remind her of her mother

"Philomena..." Noah calls her back into focus

“Hey Noah, what's going on" she shuts her locker and turns to face him

“I know you take the same shortcut as I do to your place and I was wondering would it be okay with you if we walk together”

"sure" Philomena reluctantly says. What she really wanted to say was "I don’t want to be around you"

They walk in silence till they get to the point where they had to go their separate ways. He reluctantly kicks rocks on the floor

"Are you thinking of going to the dance?"

"Not sure yet, still thinking about things. Look, I have to go but i'll see you around" she waves

"Bring me the remote" Stella's freshly painted scarlet red nails swipe through pictures on Instagram

"You have hands, use them" Philomena calls from the kitchen where she is busy setting the table for the Taylor family to have dinner

"Why bother" Stella responds still not making a move to grab the remote "Mama!" she screams

Philomena drops the remote in her lap already knowing what will happen if Peace becomes involved.

"Lazy bitch" something hits her head. She turns to find Peace, Stella's mother with the house phone in her tight grasps

"You better not be calling my daughter that" she points the phone at her "my sweet baby is nothing like you and the rice is dry. You still can't do on thing right" she pokes her finger into the meal to prove her point

"I did it exactly how you like it and the table is already set. I'll be in my room if you need anything"

"Your mother called" Philomena turns to face her guardian "asking for money again. She must think money grows on trees to be calling everyday. You better send her something before you become homeless"

"I sent her all I have last week. I don't have anything left after that"

"how is that her problem" Stella says opening the fridge to grab a drink "she is already doing enough for you. Giving you a roof over your head, food in you belly, and clothes on your back. What more do you want her to do?"

"I just need a little help aunty. Please. You can take credit for it again"

"Do you have sticks in your ears? I have nothing to give better start packing" Peace hollers

"Who is leaving?" James kisses his wife cheeks looking right into Philomena's eyes

Stella explains the situation to her father but not without making Philomena out to be a greedy bitch. Later at night when everyone is in their rooms sleeping James quietly makes his way into Philomena's room

He shakes her out of her sleep. She jumps up out of bed

"Goo-what do you want uncle" she asks with the sleep suddenly nonexistent.

He watches her movement like a lion watching its prey scaring the living daylight out of her with each passing second

"Take it easy bubbles won't want to wake anyone else up" she nods "good" he pinches her cheek lovingly. Philomena almost gags "I will give you any amount you want, all you have to do if make me happy"

"N_no sir" she croaks out " he smirks as if to say 'you don't have a choice'